
美 [lɔs]英 [lɒs]
  • n.损失;丢失;亏损;丧失
  • 网络损耗;遗失;失落


great loss,heavy loss,severe loss,tragic loss,sad loss
suffer loss,experience loss,mourn loss,bear loss



1.[u][c][ususing]丧失;损失;丢失the state of no longer having sth or as much of sth; the process that leads to this

2.[c]亏损;亏蚀money that has been lost by a business or an organization

3.[c][u]去世;逝世the death of a person

4.[sing](某人离开或珍贵物品被取走造成的)损失;因离去而造成损失者the disadvantage that is caused when sb leaves or when a useful or valuable object is taken away; a person who causes a disadvantage by leaving

5.[c]失败;输;失利a failure to win a contest


C# 依赖注入 - Mooner的日志 - 网易博客 ... "攻击成功!怪物"+ monster.Name + "损失"+ loss + ...


人教版高中英语单词表(第三册上必修) - 豆丁网 ... Holland n. 荷兰(欧洲) loss n. 丧失;损耗 whichever pron. 无论哪个 ...


亏字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 相异;不适应〖 differfrom〗 损失,丧失loss〗 亏心 kuīxīn ...


匡字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 弯曲〖 bend〗 亏损loss〗 料定;料想〖 expect〗 ...


我想找L开头的英文单词和中文意思_百度知道 ... lose vt. 失去;迷失;输掉 loss n. 遗失;损失;失败 lot n. 许多,大量;签, …


失落LOSS)是生命进展过程中自然发展的现象,人生所经历的失落,小至掉了物品,大至失去所爱的人,有时候失落是莫名 …


■害怕失去 (loss) ■害怕遭人背叛 (betrayal)■害怕亲密 (intimacy) ■害怕被人拒绝 (rejection)■害怕表现自我 (self-expression) ■ …


高中英语单词表 ... lost a.not used,won,or claimed 失去的 loss n. 丧失,遗失;损失,损耗,亏损;失败 lorry n. (英)运货汽车; …

He stared at it in front of his locker after the Lakers' 103-84 loss to the Spurs on Sunday in Game 3 of the Western Conference finals. 在星期天西部决赛第三场中湖人103-84不低马刺后,奥多姆站在他的柜子前发愣。
He finds it hard to believe that the sort of money needed to compensate for the loss of deforestation revenue would be forthcoming. 他认为,很难相信所需用于补偿毁林收入损失的那种资金会流入印尼。
Don't fall for gimmicks when it comes to weight loss. Evaluate diets carefully to find one that could work for you for the long term. 千万不要被一些减肥的小技巧所吸引。正确地评估节食计划,从中找到一个自己可以长期持续坚持的。
Researchers may have found a clue to age-related memory loss among the coiled strands of DNA in the brain cells of elderly mice. 科学家们发现了引起年老老鼠记忆力衰退的一些新线索。
"Well, " said Mr. Gradgrind, breaking into a smile, after being for the moment at a loss, you are even more dispassionate than I expected. “好!”葛擂硬先生踌躇了一会儿,然后笑逐颜开地说,“你比我料想的还要冷静得多。”
When a sale results in a loss, and is accompanied by an understanding of why that loss occurred, it too may be considered a good sell. 一次交易赔了钱并让你明白为什么会赔钱,这也可以看作是一次好的卖出。
You were shocked when you had to deal with my egregious blood family after my passing when you were suffering the shock of my sudden loss. 你曾经震惊于在我过世之后的亲戚们的过分对待,那时候你一直痛苦于我的突然过身。
This disappointment was no doubt compounded by deep, but unspoken, guilt that perhaps the KMT had brought the loss on itself. 无疑的,除了失望的情绪外,还有那种无以言喻,怀疑国民党自己把自己打败了的挫折悔恨之情。
Among them was Richard, 43, who had traveled from sussex, England, to pay tribute to a leader whose loss he said is still mourned worldwide. 43岁的理查德就是其中的一个,他从英国的苏塞克斯前来悼念这位领导人,他说到现在世界仍在为肯尼迪的逝世而惋惜。
Former Sundance chairman, George Jones, has been trying to help bereaved relatives cope with their sudden loss. 桑当斯公司前总裁乔治。琼斯一直在努力帮助死者亲属从突降噩耗的悲哀中恢复。
The measure is now down 0. 4% for the early going of 2010, the first time it has ended with a year-to-date loss. 今年截至目前,该指数已下跌了0.4%,为首次跌至年初水平下方。
If West Ham stay up, the clubs will back a legal claim for loss of Premiership status on behalf of any club who drop into the bottom three. 如果西汉姆没有降级的话这几家球队会继续为了失去超级联赛资格诉讼。
"If I cannot play in the Olympics for my country this time, it will be the biggest loss in my career to right now, " he said. 尽管复出与否给他带来了很大的压力,但他仍表示“如果这次不能代表我的国家参加奥运会,那这将是我职业生涯中最大的遗憾。”
I love you and you leave, I'll experience a loss and be sad and lonely, but I'll still be able to survive. 我爱你,你离开了,我有失落感,我难过,我感到孤独,但我还能支撑下去。
I will learn more than I can do to pursue a bright future. Life is only once for everyone. Don't loss it in wasting your life. 我要更多的学习,追赶更美好的明天。因为,生命对每个人都只有一次。不要浪费生命。
What you eat and how much you exercise are important factors in a weight loss program. 你所吃的与你锻炼的量对你的减肥计划都是重要的因素。
It is a sad day and a great loss. I never played for a more enthusiastic man. He gave so much to the game. 这是一个悲哀的日子,巨大的损失。我从来没有为比他更积极热情的人踢过球。他为比赛付出了这么多。
Maggie's weight-loss program started more than a year ago, Lampi said, "She was slightly heavy for an elephant. " 一年多前,麦吉开始了减肥。兰皮说:“作为一头大象,它稍微有点超重。”
Mr Yue filed a lawsuit against the bank, claimed that, the bank shall compensate the pecuniary loss, and bear the court fee. 岳先生把银行告上法庭,要求银行赔偿损失并承担本案的诉讼费用。
How much we loss this time? 这一次,损失多少啊?
In case of loss or damage of any article, we'll be responsible only up to ten times the amount charged for laundering. 交洗的东西如有遗失或损坏时,我们负责赔偿洗衣费十倍以内的赔偿金。
The minute you walked towards me with your rosy cheek, I felt at a loss; my ashamed hands buried deeply in the pocket. 当你慢慢向我走来的那一刻,脸颊绯红,我茫然不知所措。我把那双害羞的手,深深地埋进了口袋。
Sad, and filled with a strong sense of loss, Mr Pamuk's "The Museum of Innocence" is his most accessible novel and his most profound. 《纯真博物馆》格调忧愁哀伤,也充满强烈的失落感,是帕氏最具感染力的小说和最具思想深度的作品。
What your body starts to do is to act as a fat storage, which is not going to help you with your weight loss goals. 此时身体作为脂肪存储库,将不会助你实现减肥的目标。
He did not deserve to be the spokesperson for this competition because he has set a very bad example to weight loss. 这家伙根本不该当什么比赛的代言人,这可是减肥的反面典型啊。
I remain at the mouth of the Yellow River for a moment while tears of joy and a sense of loss dry on my cheeks. 在黄河入海口我待了一会儿,任脸上的泪水逐渐干涸,既满心高兴又有一丝失落。
I feel very sorry for him to miss out on the rest of the World Cup - its a blow to him and a big loss for the team. 对于他将错过世界杯剩余的比赛,我感到非常遗憾,对他是一个打击,对球队则是一个重大的损失。
Weight loss before the real pain, with a paragraph. Slimming capsule month pay cut of 19 pounds, without dieting activities, do not know. 减肥以前真痛苦,用了一款。减肥交囊一个月减了19斤,不用节食活动,不知不。
Cost Price : shows the cost price of the product. If the salesperson sells at less than this amount, then the company incurs a loss. 成本价格:显示这个产品的成本价格。如果销售员销售的价格低于此数,那么公司将承受损失。
Pierson went to bed very excited about the prospect of the tooth fairy financially compensating him for his double loss. 小皮上床睡觉时高兴坏了,一个劲幻想牙仙会怎样弥补他双份的损失。