
美 [wɔk]英 [wɔːk]
  • v.走;步行;行走;散步
  • n.步行;行走;散步;人行道
  • 网络走路;竞走;走步

第三人称单数:walks 现在分词:walking 过去式:walked

long walk,short walk,brisk walk,quiet walk,solitary walk
walk dog,walk mile


v. n.

1.[i][t]走;行走;步行to move or go somewhere by putting one foot in front of the other on the ground, but without running

2.[i][t]徒步旅行;散步to spend time walking for pleasure

3.[t]~ sb + adv./prep.陪伴…走;护送…走to go somewhere with sb on foot, especially in order to make sure they get there safely

4.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.牵着(动物)走;遛;赶着…走to take an animal for a walk; to make an animal walk somewhere

5.[i](informal)不翼而飞;被盗走to disappear; to be taken away


run before you can walk

不会走就跑;没掌握基本功就做难事to do things that are difficult, without learning the basic skills first

walk the beat

在辖区直勤巡逻to walk around the area that they are responsible for

walk free

获无罪释放to be allowed to leave court, etc., without receiving any punishment

walk it

徒步前往to go somewhere on foot instead of in a vehicle

walk sb off their feet

使走得筋疲力尽to make sb walk so far or so fast that they are very tired

walk off the job

(离开岗位)罢工to stop working in order to go on strike

walk the plank

走跳板(旧时强迫受害人在置于船舷外的跳板上行走而致落水)(in the past) to walk along a board placed over the side of a ship and fall into the sea, as a punishment

walk the streets

(在城镇里)穿街走巷;在大街上闲逛to walk around the streets of a town or city

walk tall

昂首阔步;趾高气扬to feel proud and confident

walk the walk

言行一致to act in a way that shows people you are really good at what you do, and not just good at talking about it

七年级英语单词表 ... feel 感到;觉得 walk ;步行;散步 back 回原处;往回去 ...


七年级英语单词表 ... feel 感到;觉得 walk 走;步行;散步 back 回原处;往回去 ...


走字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 走漏〖 leakout;divulge〗 走路walk;goonfoot〗 走马〖 galloportrotalongonhorseback〗 ...


人教版七年级下册英语单词表 ... enjoy 享受……的乐趣 walk 散步 take a walk 散步 ...


行字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 行踪〖 whereabouts;vestiges;traces〗 行走walk;goonfoot〗 行走〖 Xingzou,officialpost〗 ...


英语运动类单词_爱问知识人 ... throwing the javelin 掷标枪 walk 竞走 gymnastics 体操 ...


健美操的基本步伐分为几大类?_百度知道 ... 踏步 march 走步 walk 一字步 easy walk ...


国标舞_互动百科 ... Closed Wing 闭式翼步 1.Walk 常步 2.Progressive Side Step 行进旁步 ...

You will probably see at least a few of these from US movies or television shows if you walk around LA. 如果你在洛杉矶闲逛的话很可能随便就可以看到一些电影电视明星。
And I will put my spirit in the midst of you: and I will cause you to walk in my commandments, and to keep my judgments, and do them. 我要将我的神赐于你们五内,使你们遵行我的规律,恪守我的诫命,且一一实行。
By the time he got to the gate, he was usually feeling a bit better, and he could walk home without the feeling. 每次来到这里,他就会感觉好些,而且在回家的路上也不会寂寞了。
Did I make it that easy to walk right in and out of my life? 我所做的只是让从容去面对让你走入我的生命再离开
Please stretch out your powerful hands to lend me a hand, just like when you were a baby learning to walk I held both your hands. 请伸出你年轻有力的手搀扶我。就像你小时候学习走路时,我扶你那样。
Sarkozy even pledged to walk out of the summit if it failed to produce serious regulatory commitments. 萨科奇甚至发誓如果没有达成重要的规制承诺就退出峰会。
If you get a newspaper delivered to your door, think about whether you could walk to the shops in the morning and pick it up instead. 一份报纸送到你家门口时,你要考虑是否早上能走到商店而不是只去将它拾起来。
Today Andy wobbles down the main street of Malong, searching to remember how to walk. A few paces behind, Ed walks ready to catch him. 今天,马普安在马龙的大街上摇摇晃晃地走着,努力想记起该怎么走路,李爱德在他身后几步跟着,准备随时扶住他。
So, you know, when I'm playing well on clay, it's a fine line that I kind of have to walk between those two. 所以你知道,当我在红土上打得很好,那么我需要掌握好这两方面。
"If you become a tightrope walker and walk across the air, " Said the bunny, " I will become a little boy And run into a house" “如果你变成走钢丝的人在空中行走,”小兔子说,“我就变成小男孩跑回家去。”
A German soldier holding a small tree arranged with lighted candles began to walk across the land toward the English lines. 一位德国士兵手持一棵小树,树上整齐地排列着点燃的蜡烛,他越过边界走向英国阵地。
It is wondrous to walk along the beach watching crabs scuttle in and out of the surf or to watch leaves flutter in the tropical winds. 当你漫步在海滩的时候,你可以观看螃蟹随着潮汐涨落急速逃跑,或者看着树叶在热带风中摇曳。
Unlike earlier when I could walk into the shop any time I pleased, I now had to call a receptionist and fix up an appointment. 不像以前我什么时候高兴到理发店来就进来的时候了,现在我不需事先给接待员打电话才能定下理发时间。
When you walk into the bookstore and see a table filled with books on dieting , you know it must be January. 当你走进书店,映入眼帘的是琳琅满目的减肥书,你就能肯定这一定是一月份。
The LORD will designate you for himself as a holy people just as he promised you, if you keep his commandments and walk in his ways. 如他承诺那样,如果你们尊守他的命令和行他的道,神主子将指定你们成为他的神圣的人民。
It is routinely probed by time-of-flight experiments and can be rationalized in terms of random walk within a rough energy landscape. 这是经常探讨的飞行时间的实验,可以在合理的规定范围内随机游动一个粗略能源景观。
Dear Mom and Dad: My first day was great. We went for a long walk, and I chased a rabbit and a ball. They think I'm cute, . . . 亲爱的爸爸妈妈,我第一天真是太棒了,我们散了好长时间步,我还追了一只兔子和一个球,他们都认为我很可爱……
"I think the bottom line is you never truly walk away from your upbringing, " he said. 我认为,归根结底,一个人永远无法真正摆脱自己的成长背景。
He broke off and began to walk up and down a desolate path of fruit rinds and discarded favors and crushed flowers. 他忽然停住不说了,沿着一条布满了果皮、丢弃的小礼物和踩烂的残花的小道走来走去。
Then one evening, after I had been out for a walk, I open the door and a woman springs out of the bedroom. 有一天晚上,我散步回来一推开门便有个女人从卧室里跳出来。
As I walk along the road, I MUSE on what I shall say. 我沿著大路一边走一边想著该说些什麽。
Yeah, he took his dog for a walk. Told him to stay close as usual. 但他去遛狗了我告诉过他别走太远的。
At some time the shooting died down and I decided to walk along the captured trenches. 等枪声渐渐稀疏的时候我决定沿着占领的战壕巡视一番。
I once saw a tall, dark shadow walk around the corner and into the kitchen, but there was no one there. 有一次,我看见一个高大的黑影转过墙角进了厨房,但那儿根本没人。
noise seems inappropriate at a time of sadness; inappropriate shoes for a walk on the beach; put inappropriate pressure on them. 噪音好像不适合于悲伤的时候;不适合于在海滩上走的鞋;给他们施以不适当的压力。
I walk around the office trying to feel authoritative but I really just feel empty. 我在办公室里转了转,试图找到威信,但我实在是感觉空荡荡的。
The main thing is I just eat less butter now, and take a 20 minute walk every afternoon, and I still keep losing nearly a pound a week. 现在我要做的就是摄入更少量的黄油,每天下午散步20分钟,即使是这样,每周我仍然能够减掉一镑多。
An AP cameraman saw a gunman take an unattended laptop and put some other objects into a bag and walk out of the hotel. 一名美联社摄影记者看到一个枪手拿走了一台没人照看的笔记本和其他东西以后离开了旅馆。
After being cooped up in the stuffy little office all day. Sharon decided to walk home rather than take the crowded bus. 在令人窒息的办公室闷了一天之后,沙伦决定步行回家,也省得挤公车。
Then slowly he began to walk, not forward or backward, but in the same place, in the center of the log. 他开始慢慢走动,但并没有向前或向后,而是在圆木中间走动。