
美 [mɪnt]英 [mɪnt]
  • n.薄荷;薄荷糖;铸币厂;大量的钱
  • adj.完美的;新造的
  • v.铸(币);铸造(硬币)
  • 网络薄荷色;造币厂;薄荷绿

第三人称单数:mints 现在分词:minting 过去式:minted



n. v.

1.[u]薄荷a plant with dark green leaves that have a fresh smell and taste and are added to food and drinks to give flavour, and used in cooking as a herb and to decorate food

2.[c]薄荷糖a sweet/candy flavoured with a type of mint called peppermint

3.[c]铸币厂a place where money is made

4.[sing](informal)大量的钱a large amount of money


in mint condition

崭新;完美;完好无缺new or as good as new; in perfect condition


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外贸B2C婚纱礼服常用的英文关键词(派代网) ... 松石绿 Turquoise 薄荷色 Mint 蓝色系 蓝色 Blue ...


求M开头的所有单词!!谁多采纳谁?_爱问知识人 ... millionaire n.百分富翁 mint n.薄荷(糖);造币厂 misery n.痛苦,悲惨 ...


雅思官方主页-公共主页 ... dark grey 深灰色, mint 薄荷绿, carbon black 炭黑, ...


... 姜 粉 Cinger Powder 薄 荷 叶 Mint 马 祖 林 Marjoram ...


文明4_百度百科 ... 散兵 Skirmisher 铸币厂 Mint 煅造场 Forge ...


寄托蓝宝书英文释义版 ... mesmerism n 催眠,着迷 mint vt 铸造; misbehave v 行为不端 ...

Newton proved himself equally intolerant of chicanery, when, in his waning years, he took a position as Master of the Mint. 牛顿本人同样也不能容忍欺诈行为,在他晚年的时候,他担任了皇家铸币厂的主管官员。
He first noticed it a second ago, when he put his hands in his pockets, looking for a mint, and instead found the sharp prongs of the fork. 爱德华刚刚才发现这把叉,他在口袋里找薄荷糖没找着,却摸到了叉的尖头。
"Chai, " he said to me with a cigarette clenched in his teeth, as he squatted in the hot sand to brew some mint tea. 他蹲在炽热的沙地上煮著些薄荷茶,“茶,”他嘴里咬著雪茄对我说。
I shall probably make mint jelly too, as there is so much mint in the garden, I hate to see it go to waste. 我可能也会做些薄荷冻,因为花园里有那么多薄荷,我可不想眼看着白白浪费掉。
Unfortunately the mint only operated for two years after its start-up in 1866, and was later rebuilt as a sugar factory. 可惜铸币厂在1866年投产后,生意只维持了两年,后来转型为一间糖厂。
He decided to give up research and in 1695 accepted an appointment as warden of the British Mint in London. 他决定放弃研究,并于一六九五年接受任命,担任伦敦的不列颠造币厂的监察。
I flattened the last half chicken breast with a rolling pin, spooned on onion sauce with finely chopped mint and folded it into a patty. 我将最后半块鸡胸肉用擀面棍辗平,用洋葱酱和切碎的薄荷做了腌料。
He took a tiny stove out of his backpack, set it on a rock teetering on the edge, and made sweet mint tea and bitter Bedouin coffee. 他从双肩包里拿出一个小炉子,坐在悬崖边上一块摇摇欲坠的石头上,开始烧煮薄荷甜茶和贝督因咖啡。
He said he was hopeful the "heirloom" , a mint condition copy of Action Comics No 1, would be returned to his family. 他说他希望这件“传家宝”--一本仍旧崭新的副本能物归原主。
Start by becoming more conscious of your spending, whether you jot it down in a notepad, on a spreadsheet, or on Web sites like Mint. com. 首先你要对自己的支出有更清醒的认识,不论是记在笔记本上,还是电子表格里,或者存在Mint.com网站上。
Mr Brown is still trying to slim down the state, including looking to sell the Royal Mint, which produces the country's legal tender. 布朗仍在努力为政府瘦身,包括打算出售制造本国法定货币的皇家铸币局(RoyalMint)。
such a risk spurred the u . s . mint last month to issue regulations limiting melting and exporting of the coins. 这刺激美国造币厂于上个月发布法规限制融化和出口硬币。
The pork had gotten a little tougher, but it still tasted wonderful, his wife's signature flavors of mint and garlic in every bite. 猪排已经变得有点硬了,但吃起来还是很可口的,每一口都可以吃出他妻子特有的薄荷味和大蒜味。
A local investor, who now makes a mint selling bottled water to mainland Chinese tourists, beat her to it. 一位当地投资者捷足先登了,他现在通过向中国大陆人卖瓶装水赚了很多钱。
Mint seems to relax the muscle that keeps the valve at the top of the stomach clamped down, increasing the odds of reflux. 尽管薄荷糖看起来能够放松肌肉,保持胃部顶端的阀门关闭,增加回流的几率。
Greek flavouring is often characterised by the use of mint and nutmeg. 希腊香料往往特点是使用薄荷和肉豆蔻。
Researchers have found a chemical from a tropical mint plant that works both as a sunless tanner and as a solar shield in fair-skinned mice. 研究人员从热带一种薄荷类植物中发现的化学物质对缺乏阳光照射的皮革以及实验室隔绝阳光的“白皮”鼠都有作用。
But it was also during the mint's second tour of duty that women began to find work at the New Orleans Mint. 不过,在铸币厂第二次开放铸币期间,工厂里开始有女工工作。
The company launches IDP product in the form of chewing flake, with selectable flavor of vanilla, mint and strawberry for customers. 公司以咀嚼片的形式推出IDP产品,共有香草、薄荷、和草莓三种口味供消费者选择。
Most importantly, to young Burmese like Khun Mint, the country ranks near the bottom 10% in terms of per capita GDP. 最重要的是,像坤薄荷,接近底部的10%的国家行列,人均国内生产总值的缅甸青年。
Conditions were horrible, he says, thanks in part to enforcers on the boat, who carried what Khun Mint refers to as the, "stingray. " 条件太可怕了,他说,部分执法人员上了船,进行薄荷昆指,“黄貂鱼。”
You know as well as I do that the Confederacy ran a printing press instead of a mint. 你跟我一样很清楚,联盟政府只有一台印刷机而没有制造货币的工厂。
Here's a portrait of Steve Jobs made out of parts of a Macbook Pro, issued by web design company Mint Digital. 这幅乔布斯的肖像是由苹果的笔记本电脑的各部分组成的,由网页设计公司薄荷数码制作完成。
When I looked up, saw her eyes moist, she took a hair dryer blow me hair soft, her fingers, arms shallow mint. 我仰头的时候,看到她眼角的潮湿,她拿着吹风机帮我吹头发,她的手指柔软,怀抱里有浅浅的薄荷香。
It is however a member of the wider mint herb family, and in common with its relatives it's said to be a good digestive aid. 但是它的成员广泛薄荷药草家庭并与其亲属共同的说是好的消化援助。
You can strain this drink, if you don't like the texture of the ginger and mint bits, but I prefer mine whole. 如果不喜欢姜和薄荷叶,可以把它们过滤掉,但我个人不这么喝。
mash the mint and sugar together . add the ( dark or light ) rum and lime juice and pour over the ice. 将薄荷及糖压碎,入深兰姆或白兰姆,及莱姆汁,入冰。加苏打至满,以海波杯服务。
stir with ice ingredients given. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a mint sprig. 加冰摇合原料,滤入冰过的鸡尾酒杯。饰以薄荷枝。
So far, Mint has had an impeccable record when it comes to security and privacy, though this interview will surely spook some users. 到目前为止,Mint在隐私和安全方面的记录非常良好,不过这个采访无疑会吓到一部分用户。
In the Middle East, sharing a cup of strong coffee or mint tea is usually associated with business transaction dealings. 在中东,分享一杯浓咖啡或薄荷茶通常代表某些商业交易正在进行。