
美 [ˌmæθəˈmætɪks]英 [.mæθə'mætɪks]
  • n.数学;运算;计算




1.[u]数学the science of numbers and shapes. Branches of mathematics include arithmetic , algebra , geometry and trigonometry .

2.[uspv]运算;计算the process of calculating using numbers

Believe it or not, they did not have a University degree in Aeronautical Engineering, Mathematics, Physics or any other subject. 信不信由你,他俩既没有航空工程或是数学专业的学士学位,也没有物理或其他任何科目的毕业证书。
Linda has got a degree in physics and a higher degree in mathematics, so she's not just a pretty face. 琳达有一个物理学位和一个更高的数学学位,因此她是一位大智若愚之人。
The name of his school is Apple Tree. His favourite subject is mathematics. But I'm not good at it. 他学校的名叫苹果树。他最喜欢的科目是数学。但我数学不太好。
"I fell in love with mathematics that summer, and I've had a lifetime love affair with it ever since, " he said. 他说:“就在那个夏天我彻底爱上了数学。从那时开始数学便成了我终生的挚爱。”
The first disaster was the advent of the Romans, whose entire role in the history of mathematics was that of an agent of destruction. 第一次灾殃是罗马人的来临,它们在数学史上的全部作用是一种破坏因素。
In mathematics, an abstract term used to describe the path of a continuously moving point. Such a path is usually generated by an equation. 数学术语,指按一定路径陆续移动的点的轨迹,通常以方程式表示。
If it is a matter of right answers, as it may be in mathematics or science, give him the answer book. 如果这和数学与科学一样只要知道答案正确与否,那就把答案本给他好了。
She enjoyed her years in school and was an excellent student of mathematics. She was also quite skillful as a painter. 她很喜欢上学的时光,数学一科尤其突出,而且她的绘画技艺也很娴熟。
He had been a smart boy, even talented in languages and mathematics, but his mother knew these were no way to make a living. 他小时候很聪明,甚至在语言学和数学方面有些天分,可是他的母亲知道这些东西不能拿来谋生。
In many African education systems, mathematics is compulsory right up to A-levels, so how can we speak of a gap during primary school? 在许多非洲教育体系中,数学一直到A-levels都是必修的,那么我们如何能说在小学就出现鸿沟?
Students who major in software programming, chemistry or applied mathematics are certainly going to ask whether they should take the exam. 软件设计,化学化工,或者应用数学的学生则一定是问是否值得去参加考试。
Your brain is always learning, whether you are studying mathematics or staring at the sky, because these connections are always forming. 无论你是在学数学,还是在凝视天空时,神经细胞连接都在形成,因此,你的大脑总是在学习
Without doing any mathematics analysis however, we will never know how much X and Y actually are. 但是,没做过数学分析的话,我们就不会知道这个X和Y确切应该是多少。
Integral calculus ' learning is one is abstract to turn mathematics foundation academics of a higher door of the degree. 积分学是一门抽象化程度较高的一门数学基础学科。
Or is the bee just a machine, unable to do its mathematics and dance its language in any other way? 或者是蜜蜂只是一台机器,无法完成其数学和舞蹈以任何其他方式的语言吗?
There was no guarantee that Mittag-Leffler would have been a recipient of a Nobel Prize in mathematics. 如果有这个奖项的话,毫无疑问,米塔格-莱弗勒将是诺贝尔数学奖得主。
He said he found mathematics especially hard, blaming the subject for dragging down his score. 他说他发现数学特别难,托了他的分。
They had three children, but Ada's family and social responsibilities did not keep her from continuing her study of advanced mathematics. 他们有三个孩子,但艾达的家庭和社会责任并没有阻止她继续研究高等数学。
All that, I believe by my own research experience, will make a genuine new century of mathematics. 以我自身的研究经验来看,所有这一切将迎来一个名副其实的数学新纪元。
Maybe the fact that he stayed up all night doing mathematics was the fact that he was such a bad shot that morning and got killed. 也许他彻夜研究数学是他那天早晨受到枪击且被杀的真正原因。
Maybe it's something special in his brain that allows him to make tools or to have mathematics. 因为(人类)大脑的与众不同他们才发明了工具和数学。
The eighteenth century was a time when mathematics was just beginning to be applied to the study of mechanics. 数学在十八世纪的时候刚刚开始用于力学研究。
This student's mathematics academic record is not good. And she sums up the result for her lacking mathematics brains. 该生数学学习成绩一直不好,并且她把成绩不好的原因归结为自己是女生没有数学头脑,因此有放弃学习数学的念头。
But not so fast. Even Plato was attacked in his own time for treating philosophy as if it were all mathematics. 但是也不尽然,即使是柏拉图,在其有生之年也因把哲学当做数学而受到攻击;
How much milk cup there? - only a little 12. My favorite subject is mathematics, because it is simple and interesting. 只有一点点12。我最喜欢的科目是数学,因为它简单又有趣。
His wife helped him a great deal. She studied all about bridges and about mathematics, and she went to the bridge daily. 他的妻子帮了他很大的忙,她学习了建桥和数学的知识。
In speaking of it nevertheless as a myth, I echo that philosophy of mathematics to which I alluded earlier under the name of formalism. 不过称它为神话,我是仿效上面我在形式主义的名义下提到的那种数理哲学的。
Mathematics is a product of Man. Its laws were invented to help make sense of the universe, and are descriptive, not prescriptive. 数学是人类的产物。人类发现它的规则,用于帮助自己了解宇宙,因而它是描述性的,而不是说明性的。
They teased him as a "red. " They were far ahead of him in subjects like mathematics. 同学们取笑他是“赤色分子”,同学们类如数学的各科成绩远比他要优异。
A typical argument in modern mathematics is often quite intricate, requiring many different steps, ingredients, and notation. 当代数学的论证过程往往错综复杂,需要用上很多不同的步骤、成分和符号。