
美 [lin]英 [liːn]
  • n.瘦肉
  • v.倾斜;倚靠;前俯(或后仰);靠在
  • adj.肉少的;瘦且健康的;脂肪少的;无脂肪的
  • 网络倾斜错觉;倾向;倾斜度

第三人称单数:leans 现在分词:leaning 过去式:leaned 比较级:leaner 最高级:leanest

lean meat


1.[i](+ adv./prep.)前俯(或后仰);倾斜to bend or move from a vertical position

2.[i]倚靠;靠在;靠置to rest on or against sth for support

3.[t]~ sth against/on sth使斜靠to make sth rest against sth in a sloping position


翻译资源百分百-航空军事学词汇台湾翻译(12) ... lean mixture 贫油混合气 leans 倾斜错觉 leapfrogging 跳位;跃进 ...


《Friends》词... ... onto prep. 在...之上 leans n. 倾斜, 倾斜度, 倚靠, 倾向 plugs vt. 堵, 塞, 插上, 插栓n.塞子, 插头, 插销 ...


《Friends》词... ... onto prep. 在...之上 leans n. 倾斜, 倾斜度, 倚靠, 倾向 plugs vt. 堵, 塞, 插上, 插栓n.塞子, 插头, 插销 ...


《Friends》词... ... onto prep. 在...之上 leans n. 倾斜, 倾斜度, 倚靠, 倾向 plugs vt. 堵, 塞, 插上, 插栓n.塞子, 插头, 插销 ...


纽曼行车记录仪—微影X6--纽曼旗舰店-... ... Wide view angle 140° 广角140度镜头 Leans 镜头 Focus 聚焦 ...

No surprise, the equilibrium school mainly leans Republican, and the interventionist school seems to be crawling with Democrats. 毫无疑问的是,这一平衡学派主要倾向于共和党,而干预学派则和民主党同流。
Above her, a frightened woman leans out a window with a candle to light the scene with a flicker of hope. 在她上方,另一个惊恐的妇女探出窗外,手举烛火,一丝希望之光照亮了整个画面。
I often dream of the scene that she leans on me and I squeeze her hand softly, whispering some sweet words. 我时常幻想着她靠在我的身上,我轻轻握着她的手,在她的耳边轻声低语说着情话的场景。
The vent valve comprises an air vent screw, a spring and a valve ball which leans against the channel under the acting force of the spring. 所述排气阀包括一排气螺钉、一弹簧、一钢球,阀球在弹簧作用力下抵靠通道上。
They are interrupted by Veronica, who leans against the bar with an affectionate smile for her old friend Michael. Veronica打断了他们的谈话,她带着深情的笑容靠在吧台上望着老朋友Michael。
A pose can be exaggerated, perhaps the characters leans just a bit farther than normal. 某一个POSE也可以夸张,比如让角色比正常情况下倾斜很多。
says Mr. Bullen, and he leans over the other girl, puts his arms over her shoulders and plays the passage for her. 布伦先生说道,他倾过身去,在那姑娘的肩上展开双臂,替她弹奏了那一小段。
The scenes with you, like snowflakes sprinkling down in my heart, leans between, also swirl carved apart. I do not know is pleased or sad. 与你的那一幕幕,象雪花撒落在我的心田,倾刻间,也纷纷扬扬开来。我不知是喜还是悲。
A quick bit of surgery later, he was cured, and both legs are exactly the same length now, and he no longer leans. 一个很快的小手术后,他康复了,现在他的两条腿完全一样长了,他也不再倾斜了。
In response to a threat from the front, the fly moves its middle legs forward, leans back and raises its back legs for a backward takeoff. 在对前方威胁的反应中,苍蝇向前移动中腿,后倾,并且抬起其后腿实现向后起飞。
Zhang Boxi leans solicitously toward the old woman weeping softly as she speaks. From time to time, he offers her a few encouraging words. 张伯希(音)把身子侧向这位柔声哭泣的老年妇女,不时插上几句鼓励的话语。
She closes her eyes and leans back on the mangoes' bark. 她闭上眼睛,倚靠在芒果树的枝干上。
He leans back against the wall, and a wave of sensation washes over him. He refuses to admit it might be pain. 他朝后靠向了墙,某种情感深深的淹没了他。他不想承认那是因为痛苦。
As he leans over a small desk crammed into a cabin on board a modified 757, he comes across as just another Washington big shot. 在一架改进过的757飞机上,当他趴在塞进机舱的一张小办公桌时,他看上去似乎是又一个华盛顿大腕。
Marc Boderie lays down his knife and fork and leans across the table for emphasis: "So we have to make sure that this never happens again. " 马克•博尔德里(MarcBoderie)放下手中的刀叉,前倾着身子强调道:“所以我们必须确保这种情况决不会再发生。”
Again my choice leans towards Pilates because this technique can help any woman get the body of her dream without injuries and health risks. 我的选择又一次倾向于普拉提,原因在于这种技法能让每个女人练成梦寐以求的身形,而且不存在受伤或健康风险。
He leans over to her and says, "You never told me that your father is a pharmacist! " 他俯下身体对女孩说,“你从来都没告诉我你父亲是个药剂师!”
Monica and Rachel 's Balcony , Rachel is taking down the Christmas lights . Monica sees her, so she leans out of the small side window . 莫妮卡和瑞秋住处阳台,瑞秋正在取下悬挂着的圣诞灯。莫妮卡看着她,她身体斜出了窗处。
He's taken aback. Rises and paces floor for a second or two. Stops, places both hands on table and leans forward. 他吃了一惊。站起身,来回踱了一会儿。停下来,双手放在桌子上,探过身去。
Such a presence, however, is fully disclosed only when the other similarly leans over the edge of nothingness or falls into it (dies). 可是,这样一个存在,只有当另外一个人同样地倾靠在空无的边缘,或是掉落到空无当中,它才会充分地被揭露。
Father leans on the wheel, thinking hard. Just at the moment, Son jumps out of the car. 爸爸靠在方向盘上冥思苦想,儿子却“呼”地一声跳下车。
She hands me the first slice. Then she leans down, her smile full and warm, though she has tears in her eyes. 随后,她就切了第一块给我,然后,靠在凳子上,眼里闪烁着幸福的泪花。
This inspires us, before if you want which keyword, the rank leans, regard retrorse link as the character with that Ge keyword. 这启发我们,如果你要哪个关键词排名靠前,就以那个关键词作为反向链接文字。
A ladder leans so the Greeks and Romans called it a climax. 希腊人和罗马人将梯子靠着的称为climax。
When a person leans with their torso away from you, this can mean that the person is going through a moment of stress. 当一个人把身体朝远离你的方向倾斜时,这也许意味着他感到了一丝压力。
He sits upright a rocking chair before French window up, the brain leans opposition tiny Yang of chair-back, eyes shut, was like dormant. 他正坐在落地窗前的一张摇椅上,头靠着椅背微微仰着,眼睛闭着,LeopardUGGBoots,像是睡着了。
With a threat from the side, the fly keeps its middle legs stationary, but leans its whole body in the opposite direction before it jumps. 对于来自侧方的危险,苍蝇中间两条腿保持不动,但在跃起逃跑前,它整个身体会向另一侧倾斜。
It leans on and is only made possible by the conflict-riddled history of ethical and political development. 这依赖于伦理和政治发展中充满着冲突的历史,并且仅此才能使之成为可能。
Look now, you are depending on Egypt, that splintered reed of a staff, which pierces a man's hand and wounds him if he leans on it! 看哪,你所倚靠的埃及是那压伤的苇杖人若靠这杖,就必刺透他的手。
"It's not a problem as long as you don't touch it. Asbestos lasts forever. " She leans on the wooden bar. "What'll it be? " “只要你不碰它就没事。石棉倒是坚固耐用。”她倚着木质吧台,“喝点什么?”