
美 [lɪd]英 [lɪd]
  • n.盖子
  • v.给装盖子
  • 网络眼睑;茶壶盖;限制

复数:lids 过去式:lidded

put lid,keep lid,open lid,lift lid,clamp lid
tight lid



1.(容器的)盖,盖子a cover over a container that can be removed or opened by turning it or lifting it


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... license n. 执照,许可证 lid n. 盖子 lifetime n. 一生,终生 ...


高三英语单词 列表_百度知道 ... jar n. 广口瓶;罐子;坛子 lid n. 盖子;眼睑 penicillin n. 青霉素 ...


3d max 中英文对照 - 小M的日志 - 网易博客 ... Length Segs 长度片段数 Lid 茶壶盖 Life 寿命 ...


lid,cover区别?_百度知道 ... v. 评论| lid 盖子; 眼睑; 限制 cover 盖子; 藉口; 封面 ...


电压力锅培训资料_海信小家电_新浪博客 ... 把手端部封盖 COVER BOARD 锅盖 LID 锅内盖轴密封圈 SUPPORTING AXES SE…

Anytime he sat, he would sit near the pot. So a man came along and said, "Why don't you buy a new lid for your pot? " 于是就有人跟他说:「你为什么不买个新的锅盖呢?」
As he opened the door of his room he received a surprise. Instead of the usual stove-lid or potato-masher for him to dodge, came only words. 他打开公寓门时得到了一个惊喜,迎接他的不是往常的要闪避的炉盖或土豆捣碎器,只有麦卡斯基夫人的话语。
a small receptacle with a handle and a hinged lid; used for collecting crumbs or ashes. 有手柄和盖子的小容器;用来收集灰尘或面包屑。
And a small patch of lawn that started out with a barren spot the size of a garbage can lid soon drew to encompass the entire side yard. 车库边的篮筐吸引了大群的人,盛况超过了奥运会。一开始,草坪上只秃了垃圾桶盖大小一块,很快扩大,不久整个偏院都成了不毛之地。
The former Old Trafford and England star lifted the lid on three years of pain as he struggled to overcome crippling knee tendon problems. 前曼联、英格兰球星自己打开了话匣子,谈及关于三年来他努力克服受伤的膝盖肌腱问题时所经历的痛苦。
The invention discloses an anti-theft device of a well lid, in particular to a lock and a key of an anti-theft well lid. 本发明公开了一种井盖防盗装置,特别公开了一种防盗井盖锁及钥匙。
Little droplets of white pus sneaked out of an opening beneath the bottom lid of her eye. 几滴白脓从她的下眼睑下面渗了出来。
Both of them would have been fired but they whined and pleaded so much that the supervisor kept the matter under a lid. 本来要开除她们俩,但她们一个劲儿地哭诉、恳求,弄得那个监管员只好把这事儿压了下来。
Liquid samples can be introduced into the stage with a quartz crucible through the side door without having to remove the lid . 液体样品可以放入石英坩埚中,从侧面倒入热台而不需要打开上盖。
It's as if I had used a big silver key and rolled back the roof like a lid on a sardine can. 好象是我用一把巨大的银钥匙打开沙丁鱼罐头那样把房顶掀开了似的。
In the seconds before the tubes warmed up , he said aloud , doing it just to hear a human voice , " Jesus . She 'll pop her lid . " 在电子管预热的几秒钟内,就是为了能听到人的声音,他大声地说,“天哪,她非炸了不可。”
The lid was modelled on a lotus leaf, with radiating folds that collected the rain and the dew and sluiced them into a pair of drains. 盖子仿荷叶状,表面有放射状褶皱,用来收集雨水和露水,然后将它们排入一对排水沟里。
the other is the first (or printed) on paper, and then apply it to the side of the box lid, known as the standard posters. 另一类是先画(或印)在纸上,再贴在盒盖的一侧,称为标贴画。
would you please put a lid on all that chatter , i ' m trying to work. 阻止,使停止,取缔可不可以请你不要讲话了,我在工作。
When I finally snapped the lid of a box shut, I sealed it with transparent tape and checked to be sure that it would not loosen. 当我在最后啪嗒一声关上箱子盖子的时候,我就用透明胶带把它封好,并进行检查,确信它不会松动。
If he does, you can give me a call and I'll come over and tell him to put a lid on it myself. 你别担心我啦。那个人要是再来找麻烦,我就直接找我的老板去和他谈喽!
I felt the car bump as the jack was removed, and I heard the slam of the trunk lid, and then they were standing at my car window. 我感觉到千斤顶移开时车颠了一下,又听到后车厢盖啪地关上,接着两人就站在了我的车窗前。
They took a photo of a woman's eyes and digitally altered it to change the eyebrow or lid shape or add wrinkles. 他们取了一张女人眼睛的相片,并对相片进行数字处理,改变眉形、眼脸形状或是增添纹路,于是得到这张脸部相片的16种不同版本。
I dropped the PC's lid on the floor hastily and sat down at my workstation. 我连忙把电脑外壳扔在地上,坐回我的工作站前面。
During the assembly of the filling mouth, check the state of base and green lid once again to see if they are in good condition. 在进行灌装口装配时,会再次检查底座及绿盖的状态是否良好。
But Chanos'worry is that the government will overdo it in trying to put a lid on the economy, especially the effort to curb construction. 但柴诺斯的担心在于政府在给经济加盖是会矫枉过正,特别是控制建设方面的努力。
He conducted a similar experiment to establish how much energy was saved by placing a lid on a saucepan when boiling water. 他还进行了一个类似实验,确定烧水时在锅上盖上盖子能节约多少能源。
It was a cylinder about the size of a top hat, slightly narrower at the waist and with a lid. 那是一个圆筒,大小和高顶礼帽差不多,在中部微微收细,有一个盖子。
Look I know my lid is starting to look a little lean, but I don't need a woman reminding me. . . even if it's in jest. 注意我知道那时我头发已经有点稀少了,但我却不需要一个女人提醒我…即便是在家里面。
Operation is simple: just push the button, you can achieve a vacuum seal, easy to hold down the lid handle, to open. 操作简便:只需轻轻一按,即可实现真空密封,轻松按住盖子手柄,即可打开。
He made a bloomer by starting the food mixer without its lid on, spraying egg all over the kitchen. 他出了个纰漏,开动食品搅拌机时没把盖子盖上,结果鸡蛋溅得整个厨房到处都是。
Some days I would put enough change for a few stamps into a mason jar lid and leave it in the mailbox. 有时候,我会在大口玻璃瓶的瓶盖里放上够买几张邮票的零钱,再把它放在信箱里面。
No fear of him turning over in his grave. The doors are well bolted, the lid is on tight. 他在花岗岩床上熟睡,不必再担心他在坟墓中翻身,门都已闩好,棺材盖已关严。
You take the lid, put your arm through the hole, take hold of my chin and pull it up high enough to put the lid on. 你采取盖子,把你的手臂,透过洞,把握我的下巴和拉起来不够高,把盖子上。
Now there, " he said, closing the lid with finality, " was a woman for you! 那是个,他说着,果断地盖上了盒盖,了不起的女人!