
美 [lip]英 [liːp]
  • v.跳;跳跃;跳越;猛冲;跳跃;跳越;迅速行动;(胸部等)跳动
  • n.跳跃;跃进;跳跃的高度[距离];交尾;跳跃;跳越;跳高;骤变
  • 网络飞跃;力普特;药疗法

第三人称单数:leaps 现在分词:leaping 过去式:leaped 过去式:leapt



v. n.

1.[i][t]跳;跳跃;跳越to jump high or a long way

2.[i]+ adv./prep.猛冲;突然做(某事)to move or do sth suddenly and quickly

3.[i]~ (in sth) (from…) (to…)骤增;剧增;猛涨to increase suddenly and by a large amount


look before you leap

三思而后行used to advise sb to think about the possible results or dangers of sth before doing it

动词过去式和过去分词的变化规则 -... ... (拼写)( spelt) ()( leapt) (闻)( smelt ) ...


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(L) ... leapingly 跳跃地 leapt 飞跃 Lear 李尔王 ...


鲜血与荣耀 | 爱酷英语|iCoolEN ... haft: 柄 leapt: 跳跃 backward: 向后的 ...


leapt是什么意思|leapt的中文意思|Show秀网... ... leapt : 飞跃 leapt力普特 leapt over : 跳过去 ...


...(MDEPT)   3.6.4 凝集素导向酶激活前药疗法LEAPT)   3.6.5 树形聚合物  3.7 结论与展望 参考文献  第4章 扩散控制的药物 …

While other people were turning over the matter, he leapt in with his proposal. 当别人还在再三考虑这件事时,他迅速提出自己的建议。
Several of the Death Eaters leapt back in their chairs. Draco fell out of his onto the floor. 几个食死徒又坐回到了椅子中,德拉科瘫在了地板上。
We leapt in like gazelles in front of him, though our morale was at an all-time low. 尽管当时被他这句话弄得我们士气极低,我俩还是像瞪羚般跳上了船。
This skier really meant it when he said he was going off-piste as he leapt off a mountain cliff face and landed safely 600 feet below. 当这位滑雪爱好者说他飞跃悬崖,并从600英尺的高空平安落地时,他是认真的,并不是在开玩笑。
But she soon leapt in with a bit of encouragement by Mrs Ashworth, from Lostwithiel, Cornwall. 但很快,猫咪在主人的鼓励下跳下了游泳池。
The second lady was Cai Qin. She did not give up singing with youth fading away. On the contrary, her career leapt to another culmination. 第二个女人叫蔡琴,她没有随着年龄的老去而放弃歌唱,相反,她的事业更臻佳境。
The humpback whale leapt out of the water and pulled the rigging and mast along with it as it slid down the boat. 肇事者是一头驼背鲸,它从水面跳出,然后扯下了桅杆上的绳子,把游艇拉翻了。
From that reservoir a mile and more below the surface, cold water leapt high into the air at the fantastic rate of 4, 800 gallons a minute. 冷水从地下一英里多深的储层里,以难以想象的每分钟4,800加仑的极大流量喷向高空。
But no sooner had he made that point then Dennis leapt up and shouted that, no, he had thought the gun was working properly. 不过,律师一说到这点,丹尼斯就会跳起来大声说,不是的,他以为那枪是正常的。
At the moment, the Great Sage leapt out of the furnace with his as-you-will cudgel, knocked all soldiers down and left. 目前,大圣跃居炉出与他作为友,将棍棒,把所有的士兵来了。
When doctors asked her to think of playing tennis, areas of her motor cortex leapt to life. 医生要求她想象自己在打网球时,她的皮层运动区活跃了起来。
When he toured Australia, leggy models leapt out of the surf to kiss him for a photo op. He was brave. 他去澳大利亚旅游的时候,美腿模特们为了照片曝光率甚至不惜跳进海浪中去亲他一下。
Murdoch leapt quickly to her feet from her chair just behind her husband, swung her arm in a great arch and punched the protester. 默多克太太飞快地从丈夫身后的座椅上起身,大幅摆动手臂,给了袭击者一巴掌。
He summoned all the strength still in him, leapt out of his own skin, and forced himself inside her. 他聚集起所有残留的力量,溢出自己的皮肤,强迫自己进入她。
Mr. Geithner's job status does not appear to be in serious jeopardy and several Democrats at a congressional hearing leapt to his defense. 但盖特纳的职位似乎并没有受到严重威胁,几名民主党人在国会的听证会上积极为他辩护。
It was as if they had leapt over the arduous calvary of conjugal life and gone straight to the heart of love. 那颇象一下越过了夫妻生活中必不可少的艰苦磨难,未经任河曲折,而直接奔向了爱巢。
The Emperor leapt to his feet, and taking a lance from a stand of arms, he threw it at me. 皇帝一跃而起,自武器架子上取了一支长矛朝我掷来。
He leapt to his feet, fearing some emergency, and then realized that his wife and children had not stirred in their beds. 他恐怕是发生了什么突发事件于是就下了床,但是随即发现妻子和孩子们还都在熟睡中。
It was the size of a collie dog with jet-black head and tail. He leapt away and made off into the fields. 它的大小跟牧羊犬差不多,从头到尾黑漆漆的,后来它跳起来,消失在荒野里。
So muttering to himself, he leapt once more on his horse and rode away, not stopping till he came to his own castle. 他这样喃喃自语地又跨上马走了,路上马不停蹄,一直回到他的城堡。
Martin shook his head, but he had failed to keep back the wolfish, hungry look that leapt into his eyes at the suggestion of dinner. 马丁摇摇头,但是他听见吃饭时眼里所流露出的饿狼般的馋相,却无法掩饰。
However, ax the slightest rustle of the reeds or the sudden chirp of a bird, he leapt to his feet, his forehead glistening with sweat. 苇叶微动,或一只小鸟忽然叫了一声,使他急忙立起来,头上见了汗。
The boy was so pleased that he leapt away homeward . He told his mother all about this luck. "Where are the coppers? " asked the mother. 阿金快活极了,一路上蹦蹦跳跳地朝家里跑去。他告诉了母亲他的好运气。“铜板呢?”母亲问道。
The light leapt up off the steel and it was like a long, flashing sword lunging at my forehead. 刀锋闪闪发光,仿佛一把寒光四射的长剑刺中了我的头。
A few years ago, a 75-pound stingray leapt out of the Atlantic Ocean at Vaca Key and slammed into a woman, killing her in the process. 前几年,在大西洋威卡礁,有一条75磅重的魟鱼越到船上,意外地致使一个妇女死亡。
And he saw fish that leapt out of the water and fish that lived on the bottom of the sea and fish that could walk on their fins. 而且他见到了能跃出水面的鱼,生活在海底的鱼,可以用鳍走路的鱼。
With tears in her eyes, Liu leapt from the stage and into the arms of her pleased, yet stoical, coach Ma Wenhui. 她噙着泪水,从台上跃下,扑进了她高兴而又坚忍的教练马文辉的怀里。
As the child lay sleeping in his cot, the wolf leapt in through the window; his eyes fixed firmly upon the boy. 就在孩子躺在摇篮里睡觉的时候,狼从窗户跳了进来,眼睛紧盯着熟睡的男孩。
Moodily , she began to flick through the rest of the newspaper. Then an item leapt out at her. 忧郁中,她急速地浏览报纸的其他部分,突然一行题目跳入她的眼帘。
As he leapt upon the saddle he turned round, and looked at the young Fisherman sadly. 当他跨上马鞍的时候,却又回眸,悲哀地看了看年轻的渔夫。