
美 [lʌv]英 [lʌv]
  • n.爱;爱情;热爱;恋爱
  • v.爱;喜欢;热爱;喜爱
  • 网络爱心;真爱

复数:loves 现在分词:loving 过去式:loved

true love,deep love,pure love,everlasting love,unrequited love
really love,dearly love,love tenderly,deeply love
find love,love woman,send love,inspire love


n. v.


1.[u]爱;热爱;慈爱a strong feeling of deep affection for sb/sth, especially a member of your family or a friend


2.[u]爱情;恋爱a strong feeling of affection for sb that you are sexually attracted to


3.[u][sing]喜好;喜爱the strong feeling of enjoyment that sth gives you

所爱的人╱物sb/sth you like

4.[c]心爱的人;钟爱之物;爱好a person, a thing or an activity that you like very much

友好的称呼friendly name

5.[c](informal)(昵称)亲爱的a word used as a friendly way of addressing sb

网球in tennis

6.[u]零分a score of zero (points or games)


(just) for love|(just) for the love of sth

出于爱好;不收报酬;无偿without receiving payment or any other reward

for the love of God

(表示愤怒和不耐烦)看在上帝的分上,哎呀,求求你used when you are expressing anger and the fact that you are impatient

give/send my love to sb

向某人致意(或问候)used to send good wishes to sb

love from|lots of love (from)

(用于给朋友或所爱的人的信结尾具名前)爱你的used at the end of a letter to a friend or to sb you love, followed by your name

love is blind

爱情是盲目的,爱让人蒙蔽双眼(指恋爱中的人看不到对方缺点)when you love sb, you cannot see their faults

make love (to sb)

有性行为;性交;做爱to have sex

not for love or/nor money

决不;无论怎样也不if you say you cannot do sthfor love nor money , you mean it is completely impossible to do it

theres little/no love lost between A and B

(…之间)彼此厌恶,互无好感they do not like each other

sistar吧_百度贴吧 ... 密克斯 MIX love2ne1 唯有你— SA 18:39 ...


爱情的九种类型辑/林小一爱情love),如此玄妙、抽象的情绪,实在太难捉摸了,於是有关爱情的研究,早期心理学界甚少 …


爱心Love):服一般兵役是尽忠,服替代役是尽爱,应带着爱心来服务人群,发挥潜力改善社会风气。服务(Service):替 …




小学英语单词表_百度文库 ... vegetable 蔬菜 love 喜爱 run 跑 ...


剑桥少儿英语一级词汇表_英语网 ... look at v 看(某物); love v 热爱;喜欢; lunch n 午饭 ...


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... night n. 夜;夜间 love v. 爱;喜欢 listen v. 听 ...

Think of my love so profound, so pure, and so devoted, and wish I were with you. I am going to bed praying God for you and yours. 想想我对您的爱如此深沉、纯洁、专一吧,祝愿我能与您相聚在一起吧
"I would love it if my iPhone was thinner and lighter, and the battery lasted a month or even a week instead of a day, " says Bielawski. “我希望我的iPhone更薄更轻,电池可以维持一周,甚至一个月,而不是一天,”Bielawski说道。
I was never moved by anyone, but I suddenly found myself deeply in love with you. And that feeling is inexplicable. 从来没有轻易对别人动心,突然发现自己深深地爱上了你,那种滋味真是难以用言语表达,是喜悦?
I cannot explain it scientifically, but if I explain it chemically, it is classified as a congenital love and an acquired love. 我无法科学地解释爱情,但从化学角度上解释,应该分为先天和后天性爱情。
We got acquainted in a time we should not, and being able to know you and fall in love with you is the luckiest thing in my life. 我们相识在不该相识的年代,能认识你,能爱上你,这是我一辈子最幸运的事了。
it's you who said he would love me for ever. But finally you abandoned me. 是你最初说爱我永不变。可最终你却抛弃了我。
He seemed to love that stick and would play with it for two or three hours everyday. 它似乎很喜欢那根枝条,每天都会玩弄它两三个小时。
Make it a habit to pay attention to two things at work: what you love about your job and what you dislike. 养成一个习惯,注意工作中的两件事:你喜欢什么,你不喜欢什么。
love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties. 爱情就像沙漏,心满了,脑子就空了。
I've sang all my life. My mother was a pianist, and she wanted me to be a singer, and I love what I do. 我一生都在唱歌。我母亲是个钢琴家,她希望我做一个歌手。我也很热爱我的职业。
Many also point the sky, a little more understanding, a little more love, his door will not be so vulnerable and helpless. 也许多一点的天空,多一点的理解,多一点的爱,他门就不会这么的脆弱与无助。
One cry from her of love and longing, one look that pleaded for his arms, and the matter would be settled forever. 她只要说一句表示情欲的话,使一个祈求拥抱的眼色,那就一切全完了。
True love is often a forgotten concept in American teenage culture nowadays. 在今天美国青少年的字典里已经没有“真爱”这个词了。
Rathke playing football and Germany have also come out in support of Love, Kuranyi, said the decision was " inexcusable . " 而德国足坛名宿拉特克也站出来支持勒夫,表示库兰伊这个决定是“不可原谅的”。
He said, "Love, " and I said, "Yeah, that's right. " 他说:“爱。”我又说:“是的,这就对了。”
Listen, I'm sorry. . . I let so much time go by without telling you that I really loved you, and the love still go on. 听着,我很遗憾,过了这么长时间我一直没告诉你我真的很爱你,而且现在仍然爱你。
Perhaps in this world, you'll never find true love with you, you pay for everything, you will not know you left her pain is so deep. . . 也许在这个世界上,你将永远不会找到真爱与你,你付出的一切,你不会知道你离开她的痛苦是如此深…
All our love lives follow predictable cycles. You know, like that buddy of yours who seems to always date the abusive man. 所有我们的情感生活都遵循可预测的轨迹,正如有人似乎永远都在和乖戾的人约会。
She said, sure, cos I love him but I feel that he cant pass it. She smiled badly to me after that. 她说,当然,因为我爱他,可是,感觉他通不过。说完冲我坏坏地笑了。
"I try every day to let him know how much I love him, " Holmes says of her husband. "It gets better and better. It has made my life. " 我每天都努力让他知道我有多爱他,Holmes说起了她丈夫,“现在感觉越来越好了,这是我生活的一部分”。
Knowing that their parents would never be able to understand or accept their love, they kept their relationship secret. 因为清楚双方父母不可能理解或接受她们的关系,她们一直对外保密。
You know when I said I knew litter about love? 你知道我以前说过,关于爱,我懂的很少
Michael is the kind of guy you love to hate. He is always in a good mood and always has something positive to say. 迈克尔是那种你真想恨一恨的傢伙,他总是乐呵呵的,总是说些积极上进的话。
you are the love of my life. I prefer to sacrifice everything for you. But you hand me to anther man on a plate. 你是我今生中最爱的人,为了你我宁愿牺牲一切。但你却为了所谓的利益把我供手让给别人。
Love does not just sit there, like a stone, it had to be made, like bread, remade all the time, made new. 爱不是一块蹲踞的石头,它必须像面包一样做出来,做了又做,不断翻新花样。
I know how much you love him. 我知道你有多么的爱他,
The real love is not easy to give it up, only partner is glad for you, happy for you. 真正的爱情,是不轻言放弃的。只要对方开心,幸福。
I love movies with a twist, so I was really looking forward to it, but I looked forward to it too much and I was kind of disappointed. . . 我喜欢有转折的电影,所以我真的很期待看这部电影,但是我实在是太期待了,(所以)我有点失望…
But you were free without any restriction before you got to know him. Marriage and love are far more than struggling for freeness. 但在还没认识他之前,你本来就有不受约束的自由,婚姻或爱情,并不只是用来争取自由的。
While me love Ni time does not know Ni use what kind of feel to experience like this feel! 当我爱妳的时候不知道妳是用什麽样感觉来体会这样子的感觉!