
美 [lis]英 [liːs]
  • n.租约;租借矿区;租借合同;租借地
  • v.出租(土地);租借(土地);使分经
  • 网络租赁;租契;租期

第三人称单数:leases 现在分词:leasing 过去式:leased

lease equipment,lease property,lease plane


n. v.

1.(房屋、设备或土地的)租约,租契a legal agreement that allows you to use a building, a piece of equipment or some land for a period of time, usually in return for rent


a (new) lease of life

延年益寿;生活质量更好the chance to live or last longer, or with a better quality of life


TOEIC词汇汇总 ... landlord 地主;房东 9. lease 租约;出租;租用 11. mattress 床垫 12. ...


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TOEIC词汇汇总 ... landlord 地主;房东 9. lease 租约;出租;租用 11. mattress 床垫 12. ...


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BEC中高级考试词汇手册 - 豆丁网 ... leaflet n. 广告印刷传单 lease n. 租借,租赁物 legal adj. 合法的 ...


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There has also been a row between the site's developer and its landowner over the terms of the lease. 这块地皮的开发商和地产所有人之间也因地产租赁合同条款产生了分歧。
Perhaps Greece could lease a few of its islands to help with its debt crisis in lieu of repayment of its foreign debt. 也许希腊可以将一些岛屿租借出去,这样有助于偿还外债。
Rising lease rates prefigured the last big move in gold back in the spring of 2007 just as the two Bear Stearns hedge funds were blowing up. 早在2007年春,不断上升的黄金租赁价格就曾预示过上次金价的飙升。当时正值贝尔斯登(BearStearns)旗下两只对冲基金破产。
If the object has never been marshaled before, the lease returned is in its initial state and the lease properties can be set. 如果对象以前从未被封送,则返回的租约将处于其初始状态且可以设置租约属性。
In the early 20th century there was intermittent debate about trying to convert the lease into a permanent cession. 20世纪初期,在试图把租借变为永久的割让上曾进行过断断续续地辩论。
about a month later , finding that he had not made any progress , shaughnessy reported definitely that slawson would not extend the lease. 大约一个月后,他发现自己毫无进展,而此时肖内西则明确的告诉他,斯劳森不愿延长租期。
He may permit an appeal to BE made on BEhalf of the tenant by a person authorized under the lease to occupy the land or part of it. 则可准许根据批约有权住用该产业或其部分之人士代表承租人提出上诉。
So think about educating ourselves at lease to put a little bit of value in the wisdom. 所以,应该考虑一下如何教育我们自己要给“智慧”赋予哪怕一点点的价值。
Except as set forth in the Company SEC Documents, the Company does not own any real estate and is not a party to any lease agreement. 除上述证监会文件披露的情形外,公司不存在任何不动产,亦未订立任何租赁协议。
Without Party B's prior written approval, Party A should not transfer the lease to any other third party. 未经乙方事先书面许可,甲方不得将租赁机转租给任何第三方。
Whatever you pry into anyone's heart, you'll find that there's at lease some hidden place in his mind. 随你窥探哪个人的内心,你都会发现,每个人的心中至少有一块属于自己的隐藏区。
With every part of land you lease out to a foreign power, you lose out on your sovereignty too. 每当你们出租一块地给外国人,你们也就失去了主权。
You could be evicted (say, if the landlord decides not to renew your lease, or to sell the home) and may need to seek another place to live. 你可能会被下逐客令(比如:你的房东决定不再把房子出租给你而决定自己住了,或者卖出这套房子),那么你就得另寻他处了。
They have effect upon the same terms, covenants and conditions as if it were a lease. 并按相同条件及规约产生效力,一如其为批约无异。
It would be in Australian interests to not lease it out to the Chinese. 这样澳大利亚人就不想再把地租给中国人了。
One of the easiest ways to arrange that pattern of possession is for Mali to lease the object to the British Museum for a few decades. 安排所有权形式的最简单方法之一,就是马里将文物租借给大英博物馆几十年。
In return, US Sugar will hand over the land, with the right to lease most of it back for seven years. 作为交换,美国糖业公司将会交出土地,但拥有对其中的大部分进行七年回租的权利。
A few hours later, a truly astonishing new angle on the story emerged. Guess how much South Korea had paid for its 99 year lease? 几小时后,这则消息出现更惊人的新角度,猜猜看韩国为租用土地99年要付出多少钱?
I feel as if this has given me a new lease on life-my second chance. 我感觉这是我的新生——我的第二次机会。
At the end of the year, you're free to find another place, or renew your lease with the landlord, as long as he still wants you as a tenant. 1年结束后,你可以自由选择其他地方居住,或者只要房东愿意的话,你也可以和他续约。
The lease beginning date shall refer to the date on which the lessee begins to have the right to use the leased asset. 租赁期开始日,是指承租人有权行使其使用租赁资产权利的开始日。
The foreign-invested enterprises that obtain the land use right by means of transfer or lease modes will no longer pay the site using fees. 十六、外商投资企业以出让、租赁等有偿方式取得土地使用权的,不再另行交纳场地使用费。
Exhibitors shall have no right to lease or transfer their booths to a third party, or make advertisement for non-exhibitors by any means. 参展单位无权将其展台租或转让给第三方、无权通过任何方式为非参展单位做广告宣传。
Meanwhile, language of art receives a new lease of life in the release and expression of creative force in nature of materials. 艺术语言也在材料自身的自然力和创造力的释放和表现中得到新生。
players have found a new lease of life under Kenny Dalglish and has likened the Scot's approach to the much-vaunted Dutch model. 迪尔克库伊特承认,利物浦的球员们在肯尼达格利什带领下找到了新生,同时他把苏格兰人的尝试,比作备受赞誉的荷兰模式。
We found a beautiful location, borrowed some money from a supportive friend and signed the lease last week. 我们找到了一个美丽的地点,从一个支持我们的朋友那里借了些钱,上个星期已经签订了租赁合同
Some people who claimed on the survey to be at lease a little dishonest may be very dishonest. 某些在调查中宣称他有点不诚实的人可能非常不诚实。
The lease of my house has only a year to run. 我的房子的租约期限只有1年了。
While these companies typically occupy some of the space they build, they often put much of it on the market to lease to others. 它们一般会入住这些自建大楼的部分面积,但很多面积常常被拿到市场租给其他公司。
But individual farmers have been allowed to lease or transfer their right to farm a piece of land since 1984. 不过,自1984年以来,农民个人获准出租或转让土地使用权。