walk in the park

  • 网络在公园散步;公园中漫步;在公园里散步

walk in the parkwalk in the park

walk in the park


public park与park的区别?_百度知道 ... ocean park 海洋公园 walk in the park 在公园散步 century park 世纪公园 ...


老虎鱼吉他发烧力作《红士旅行》 ... ... 03. Light Wave 光波 04. Walk In The Park 公园中漫步 05. The Veil 纱 ...


六年级上英语EEC每课重点短语... ... a funny person 一个有趣的人 walk in the park 在公园里散步 watch bugs 观察臭虫 ...


油橄榄图片 olives vertes - 图蛙... ... 多沙海滩图片 Sandy beach 1 走进公园图片 Walk in the park 5 机械装置图片 gizmo 2 ...


...)]、[轻轻的浪潮(Light Wave)]、[於公园中散步(Walk in the Park)]、[帆(Veli)]、[喜(Joy)]、[想著你(Thinking of You)]、[倒下(Fal…


...sman, 在弹奏这些琶音显得非常得心应手,像是在公园里散步一样(walk in the park)轻松.


英汉互译_百度知道 ... 4.太多的书 too many books 5.在公园里走 walk in the park 6.看一场篮球赛 watch a basketball match ...


One Hundred Ways&n... ... 15. Have faith in others. 信任别人 16. Walk in the park. 去公园散步 17. Forgive. 原谅 ...

It won't all be a walk in the park, but that's good, because if it was easy, you would never grow as fast as you could. 这可不像公园散步那么悠闲自在,不过那也没什么不好,如果这事儿能一蹴而就,你估计也不会那样费尽心思,自然也就不会有这么快的进步了。
At length, one day, about a week after Annixter's arrival in the city, she was prevailed upon to go for a walk in the park. 后来,安尼克斯特到后大约一个礼拜,有一天,她总算听了别人的话,到那公园里去散散步。
Or it would be nice to got out for lunch as a family and for a walk in the park afterward. 又或是一家人在外面的餐馆吃顿午饭,然后到公园散散步。
he took his dog for a walk in the park and happened to run into his old friend. 他昨天在公园里溜狗.他碰到了老朋友。
That fundamental price would not be a walk in the park, but it would be a lot less brutal than the current demands of the market. 找到这一基本价格不会是轻而易举的事情,但至少要比当前的市场需求更容易接受。
Compared with the fight on the political front at home, Mr Breton seems to regard negotiating with EU regulators as a walk in the park. 比起国内政治舞台的斗争,Breton似乎把与欧盟监管人员的谈判当成了在公园散步。
So when you're looking for that late-afternoon energy boost, try a walk in the park. Think of it as a "leaf" of absence. 所以以后下午想要提高活力的话,试着在公园里散步吧,就把它当做是休假。
And compared to, for instance, the nightmarish experience of trying to get early Mozilla releases built, it's a walk in the park. 举例来说,与大家在尝试早期的Mozilla发行版时的恶梦般的经历相比,这就像是在公园中散步一样轻松。
Start with breakfast, go for a walk in the park, go shopping, have afternoon tea in a cozy cafe and finish off with a romantic dinner. 开始吃早饭、然后去公园散步、购物、在舒服的咖啡店喝下午茶,以浪漫晚餐结束一天。
The next day he persuaded May to escape for a walk in the Park after luncheon. 第二天,他说服梅脱出身来,午饭后到公园去散步。
Being pretty good in Math, I armed myself with a measuring tape and many of those 3M hooks thinking it would be a walk in the park. 算好了,我拿着皮尺和很多3M挂钩,想着这可以当作公园里的散步。
Difficult should be a walk in the park for you. I'm open to a suggestion if you can think of a quicker way to get to Ambrose. 对你来说,没有完不成的任务。如果你能想到接近安布罗斯的更快捷的办法,我将洗耳恭听。
And yet what you will do to achieve your dreams will not be free or a walk-in-the-park. 不过你为梦想所做的努力是有代价的,也不是随便做做就行的。
German poet Goethe walk in the park, with a critic so only in a small one on the road through the encounter. 德国诗人歌德在公园里散步,与一位批评家在一条仅能让一人通过的小路上相遇。
You savor everything, be it a glass of water or walk in the park. 你珍惜一切,不管是一杯水还是在公园里的一次漫步。
Then I read it and realised this was no walk in the park, it amounted to a dissertation on my private life. 然后我看了问题,才发现那不是像公园散步那么简单,而是相等于要我为自己的私人生活写上一篇论文。
So download a few podcasts and head out for a walk in the park. 现在,下载几个播客,去公园散步吧。
Finding the suitable freelance article writer is no walk in the park if you wish to earn money through article writing. 寻找合适的自由职业者笔者没有在公园里散步,如果你想通过撰写文章,赚取金钱。
Once a day we take him for a walk in the park. 我们一天带它去公园散步一次。
A walk in the park it's not, but with these 10 tips, you can at least make it confidently through security and get to the gate on time. 做到这一点可不容易,但只要牢记以下10个技巧,你至少可以自信地通过安检,准时登机。
Mr. brown is a very old man. Every morning he goes for a walk in the park. and he comes home for lunch. 布朗先生是个老年人,他每天早晨去公园散步,然后回家吃午饭。
eze that I decided to go for a walk in the park. 结,我决定去一个公园里散步。
The old man used to walk in the park, with the help of a walking stick. 那位老人过去常常在公元里散步,用手杖帮助自己。
A: good rest, maybe take a little walk in the park around the lake. 好好休息一下,也许在公园里散散步,绕着湖。
A: A good rest, maybe take a little walk in the park around the lake. 好好休息一下,也许在公园里绕着湖散散步。
But we're not a . . . . Bit sleepy, we want to go for a walk in the park. 但我们一点也不相睡,我们想去公园里散散步。
Know your resume, know how to make it fit the job and interviews like this should be a walk in the park. 知道你的简历,知道如何以使其适合这份工作,像这样的面试应在公园里散步。
I often take the children to walk in the park on weekends. 我周末常常带孩子去公园散步
Why I had the sudden feeling to go for a walk in the park eludes me; but I did it nonetheless. 为什么我突然感觉去公园散步,在逃避我,但我做到了仍然。
D (David): I'm full. Why don't we get a little exercise -- go for a walk in the park? (戴维)我肚子饱饱的。我们何不去运动一下--到公园去散步怎么样?