west coast

  • un.西部太平洋沿岸
  • 网络西海岸;西岸;美国线西岸

west coastwest coast

west coast



...路延伸线都十分的近,从这里出发前往奥克兰市中心仅有15分钟的路程。西海岸West coast)迷人的沙滩、葡萄园以及咖啡 …


您可在西岸(West Coast)土著村的木板路上漫步,亦可徜徉在世界上最大的室内图腾柱藏品之间。博物馆不定期的举办精彩纷呈 …


... (PACIFIC SOUTHWEST) 美国线西南岸 (WEST COAST) 美国线西岸 (EAST COAST) 美国线东岸 ...


美国西岸West Coast),或称作Pacific Seaboard,指的是美国最西部,太平洋沿岸的州份,包括华盛顿州、奥勒冈州、加利 …


还成为来自美国西海岸West Coast)的Gangsta Rap歌手Ice-T——这位街头皮条客,匪帮成员,地下说唱歌手崛起的关键, …


海运_百度文库 ... E.C.=East Coast, 指太平洋东岸。 包括: 或 W.C.=West Coast指太平洋西岸。 (Los Angeles) 洛杉矶…


Dreams 梦 - Daveed 戴维德 - See2say 看道 ... Thoughts & 思绪与梦想:钢琴独奏 West Coast 西海岸小夜曲 By Request 请求 ...


包括开普敦大都市、西海岸地区(West Coast)、博兰德地区(Boland)、欧佛伯格地区(Overberg)、伊甸地区(Eden)和中卡鲁地 …

After his wife and kids evacuated to Japan's west coast, he moved into a room at the hospital, where he sleeps six nights a week. 在自己的妻子和孩子都撤离到日本西海岸后,他搬进了这家医院,每周在这里住六天。
One time, I was on a business trip across on the West Coast, he was home and they called me to ask me what they were going to eat. 有一次,我在出差,孩子们都在家,并打电话给我问晚上要吃什么。
So as Google has moved from trendy west coast start-up to major corporation, so it has started to behave like a major corporation. 而随着Google从西海岸的新兴公司成长为大企业,它也已开始表现得像一个企业。
The military clash took place in the disputed maritime border area in the Yellow Sea along the west coast of the Korean Peninsula. 这场军事冲突系发生在朝鲜半岛西岸黄海上的争议海界区。
It seems to be more prevalent on the West Coast, although it has been seen at Pike Nursery locations in the Atlanta market. 该品牌在美国西海岸最流行,但在亚特兰大市场的PikeNursery也能发现该公司的产品。
Some of that radioactivity could carry in the atmosphere to the west coast of the United States. 某些核辐射可能通过空气传播到美国西海岸。
But for a second straight night, a West Coast offense, not known as a running team, lost by trying to pound the ball on its last two plays. 但连续第二晚,西海岸式的进攻,作为跑动队来说从未听说过因在最后两局中尝试猛击球而输掉比赛。
"I think the West Coast in general would be a very difficult place to come in and put in a massive coal-export terminus, " Dr. Fridley said. “我认为,总得来看,西海岸对于大批量的煤炭出口是不适合的。”弗莱德博士说。
Hanging in his office in Berkeley is a 17th-century Dutch map on which California appears as an island off the west coast of America. 悬挂在他伯克利办公室里的是一幅17世纪荷兰人绘制的地图,上面的加利福尼亚是一座脱离美国西海岸的岛屿。
The document said the trustee, Daily &Knudson LLP, was founded in 1995 and is 'one of the most famous law firms on the West Coast. ' 资料中说,托管公司Daily&KnudsonLLP创建于1995年,是西海岸最知名的律师事务所之一。
Thirty-five years ago he took a boat north along the west coast of Greenland. 35年前他驾驶一艘游艇沿着格陵兰岛西海岸航行。
The effect doesn't seem to be reproduced on the West Coast of America - so it may be limited to moister climates. 人类活动对天气产生的这种影响在美国西海岸并不适用,也许这种效应仅限于比较潮湿的气候。
At a port of the west coast line in Europe, there was a fishing boat, inside which a man wearing ragged garments was lying, taking a nap. 欧洲西海岸的某港口泊着一条渔船,一个衣衫寒碜的人正在船里打盹儿。
Anna Monzon, 30, an Atlanta resident who works for a West Coast skateboard company, was the first in the door one recent day. 30岁的安娜·孟松居住在亚特兰大并在“西海岸”滑板公司工作,近期第一个踏进这家店。
I will be on the west coast the next two weeks. San Fran in a tournament then Orange County. So let's hook up in the OC. 未来两周我会在西岸。先到三藩市比赛,再去奥兰治县,我们在那里小叙吧。
Census Bureau punch cards were used to round up Japanese Americans living on the West Coast at the beginning of World War II. 美国人口普查局的打孔卡被使用来日本生活在美国西海岸之初,第二次世界大战。
To that end, one of my friends on the West Coast has begun serving as personal banker to his son. 我有一位家住西海岸的朋友已经开始给自己儿子提供个人银行服务了。
he declared that Songs from the West Coast would be his final studio album, and that he would now concentrate on just live performances. 年他宣布,从诗经西海岸将是他最后的录音室专辑,而且他现在将精力集中在公正的现场表演。
West Coast port city took place in Portland, it was often forced to become seafarers hijacked thing. 如同其它美国西海岸港口城市在波特兰也经常发生有人被劫被迫充当海员的事。
Madeira is the main island of a Portuguese archipelago of the same name, in the Atlantic off the north-west coast of Africa. 马德拉岛是葡萄牙马德拉群岛的主要岛屿,它位于大西洋,在远离非洲西北海岸的海上。
Isla Batam, known as the "Pearl of the Indonesia" is located just off the South West coast of Singapore. 巴淡岛,被称为印尼的“明珠”,坐落在新加坡西南部的海岸。
No place in the U. S. is asking that with greater urgency than the West Coast and, in particular, California. 在美国没有比美国西海岸的地方,尤其是加利福尼亚询问这样迫切的问题。
The South American continent is actually fertile. But a cold ocean current has given rise to a strip of desert along the west coast. 南美大陆实际上是一片富饶的土地,但是一股寒冷的洋流在西海岸沿岸形成了一片狭长的荒漠。
More than 20% of the nation's sea lions can be found on tiny islands like this one, off south Australia's west coast. 我们发现,在像这样远离南澳大利亚西海岸的小岛上,聚集了该国20%的海狮。
He knew that the west coast of India had been the site of an ancient impact of unknown age and size. 他过去知道印度西海岸在古时候曾发生过一次不知年代和规模的陨石撞击。
Around the globe we're beginning to expand KFC breakfast, and at Taco Bell we're launching breakfast in 800 restaurants on the West Coast. 我们正在全球范围内增加肯德基的早餐种类。我们将在美国西海岸的800家塔可钟店推出早餐。
The exercise is in response to the unprovoked attack on and sinking of the South Korean frigate Cheonan off the west coast of the peninsula. 该次军事演习是对于北朝鲜无端挑衅与在半岛西海岸击沉韩国护卫舰“天安号”的回应。
The hat began to lose favor even earlier on the west coast of the United States, which is known for its more casual clothing. 这顶帽子开始走味更早在西海岸的美国,这是著名的休闲服装。
The U. S. aircraft carrier George Washington is currently on exercises off the west coast of South Korea, the defense ministry said. 据悉,目前美国乔治·华盛顿号航空母舰正在韩国国防部的西海岸训练。
Within a month, we'll have the whole west coast tied up in a nice ribbon. 不出一个月,整个西海岸就将被我们控制在手。