would rather

  • na.宁愿
  • 网络宁可;宁可…也不;宁肯

would ratherwould rather

would rather


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... weightlifting n 举重 would rather 宁愿;宁可 take part 参加 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... weightlifting n 举重 would rather 宁愿;宁可 take part 参加 ...


初中三年英语单词表_百度知道 ... quality adj. 特性;才能 would rather 宁可……也不;宁愿 pink n.&adj. 粉红色(的) ...


宁的组词_百度知道 ... [rather die than submit] 宁愿去死,也不屈从 [would rather;better] 宁肯 [peaceful] 社会秩序安定 ...


高中高三英语上册复习教学知识点归纳总结,期... ... ◎ had better “最好做什么” ◎ would rather宁愿做什么” not until…+ 倒装 ...


简明语法手册-头牌英语学习网站 ... 21.5 must 表示推测 21.10 would rather 表示宁愿 21.9 had better 表示最好 ...


新概念第三册精解 ... scene 场面 would rather;would sooner 要和动词原形搭配 had better do 最好地 ...


不定代词_百度百科 ... Wish may + 主语 would rather + v. wouldn't + 主语 Both of them are teachers. 他们两人都是教师。 ...

I would rather be a breeze, send you to wherever you want to go, even if it's far far away. 我愿意做一阵清风,把你送到你想去的地方,即使那离我很远很远。
We would rather be seen to act in accordance with your protocol, but time speeds on and we are fully ready to go ahead with our plans. 我们宁愿被看见与你们的协议签订的那样行动,但是时间在加速,我们完全准备好了实行我们的计划。
'Don't you think you would rather die on a moonlight night, when the sky was quite clear, and the wind blowing, as it did last night? ' 那么您是不是认为最好是在一个有月光笼罩着的夜间死去,而当时天空又十分清澈,风像昨天那样吹着?
With both the bank levy and the proposed dismemberment of the banks, Mr Cameron would rather be part of an international consensus. 就银行税和拆分银行的提议而言,卡梅伦宁愿它们是国际共识的一部分。
I cannot think of any place I would rather be as Election Day draws close than running an underdog campaign in the state of New Hampshire! 在选举日即将来临的时刻,我除了来到新罕普什尔之外,不可能会想到任何其它地方去开展处于劣势的竞选!
He said he would rather not stay at home. 他说他不愿意呆在家里。
Even if I had the money I would rather burn everything I owned, and I wouldn't even give them the ashes. 就算是我有钱,我也宁可把我所有的一切都烧了,连灰都不会给他们。
If I had done meal, not the rice Sheng Hao, to coax him to eat, he would rather go hungry abdomen a few days, will never speak to you. 我若是做好了饭菜,不把饭盛好,哄他来吃的话,他宁可饿几天肚子,也绝对不会搭理你。
When the summer heat waves strike, I bet you would rather stay at home all day under the air-conditioning than go out in the heat. 当夏日热浪来袭,打赌你宁愿整天呆在空调屋里,也不愿迈出门一步。
Once bitten, twice shy. He said he would rather keep bach than to live in disgust. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。他说宁愿单身也不愿生活在痛苦之中。
Wallace is a perseverance of man, to the interests of the motherland, he is not offered, the enemy would rather die than compromise. 华莱士是个坚毅不屈的男子,为了祖国的利益,他不受利诱,宁死也不向敌人妥协。
Despite his request that he would rather by shot, the court did not favor him. 虽然他宁愿被枪毙,但法庭并没有满足他的要求。
Such a scenario is possible. But we are not there yet, and I would rather never have to cross that bridge. 这种情况是可能的。但是,我们还没有,我宁愿从来没有超越这个桥梁。
Fat chance, said the material girl: "I would rather cry in a BMW than smile on the back of my boyfriend's bicycle. " 不太可能,这位物质女孩说:“我宁愿坐在宝马车里面哭,也不愿意坐在我男朋友自行车后座笑。”
As a revolutionary, he would rather die with his head high than live with his knees bent. 作为革命者,他宁愿昂首而死,而不愿屈膝求生。
An affection, would rather take out to tidy up than cover up deeply, throw to still stay, give it a parlance, hand over to treat for own 1. 一段感情,与其深埋,不如拿出来清理,丢还是留,给它一个说法,给自己一个交待。
He said he would rather not tell his age. 他说他不想告诉我他的年龄。
He knew that he could litigate with a view to winning the case but he would rather settle it in private. 他知道通过打官司他可以赢这个案例,不过还是他宁愿私下解决。
If I had a choice of the time of death, I would rather die in a raining day. 如果我可以选择死亡的时间,我一定选在雨天
He would rather have a woman love him for his charm than for the roof he puts over her head. 小张还希望女人爱他是因为他的魅力而不是房子。
They said they would rather be outlaws a year in Sherwood Forest than President of the United States forever. 他们说宁可在谢伍德森林里当一年绿林好汉,也不愿意当一辈子的美国总统。
He would rather mum had not told him the truth. 他宁愿妈妈不告诉他真相。
If only you could be happy, I would rather break up with you and remain your friend. 只要你幸福,我宁愿退到好朋友的位置。
Bishnu Kumar Karki, a technical officer at the KUKL, said he would rather drink bottled mineral water but not the supplied water. 比什努库马尔尔基,一个在KUKL技术官员表示,他宁愿喝瓶装矿泉水,但不供水。
e. g. If it were up to me to make a choice between both in the event of betrayal of one's country, I would rather choose death over life. 如果要我在出卖国家的情况下在二者之间做出选择,我宁愿选择死而不选择生。
He said he would rather be poor than get money in such a way. 他说他宁愿受穷也不愿以这种方法获取钱财。
My little Bolshevik, if you're going to leave and become a possession of someone else', I would rather I got you. . . 我的小布尔什维克,如果你也要走,如果你会变成别人的,我还不如把你。
Within a few weeks of her promotion, Leslie decided that she would rather quit her job than be treated this poorly. 在升职几周后,Leslie决定她宁可辞掉工作也不愿意被这样对待。
Don't you think it a hard job to carry the trees? If it were I, I would rather plant Wutong trees with my boyfriend. 我想扛这么大一棵树肯定不好办。所以如果是我的话,我倒宁可和我的男朋友一起栽梧桐树。
He said he would rather have lost both his legs than have seen dishonour brought upon the English nation. 他就与其见到英国民族蒙受耻辱,宁可自己失去双腿。