
美 [ˈmɑdɪˌfaɪ]英 [ˈmɒdɪfaɪ]
  • v.修饰;调整;缓和;稍作修改

第三人称单数:modifies 现在分词:modifying 过去式:modified

modify behavior,modify policy,modify process,modify design,modify view
slightly modify



1.~ sth调整;稍作修改;使更适合to change sth slightly, especially in order to make it more suitable for a particular purpose

2.~ sth缓和;使温和to make sth less extreme

3.~ sth修饰a word, such as an adjective or adverb, thatmodifies another word or group of words describes it or restricts its meaning in some way

It is original in structure, easy to modify, and can be widely used in teaching. 实验台结构新颖,调整方便,适用范围广泛。
To control how much information is recorded to each log file, you must modify configuration settings in several places. 若要控制记录到每个日志文件的信息数量,您必须修改多个位置中的配置设置。
So for the business user, BPM tools sometimes make it too complicated to define or to modify a business process. 因此对于业务用户而言,BPM工具有时让定义或修改业务流程变得过于复杂。
You might have noticed that there is no option to modify an existing template, but fortunately that scenario is supported. 您可能已经注意到,您不能更改一个已存在的模板,但是幸运的是该场景是支持的。
Craig to fight on the roof of a moving train, the railway ministry said he persuaded the producers to modify the scene. 最初的剧本要求克雷格在一辆行驶中的列车车顶上搏斗,但据印度铁道部长称,他说服制片方对这一场景进行了修改。
If I want to understand a piece of code enough to modify it, I'll usually start with the headers, or I'll search for the public methods. 如果我想在理解一段代码后修改它,我通常是从代码头部开始,或者先查找公共方法。
Because the icons are vectorial, it is usually easy to modify their scale without sacrificing quality. 因为这种图标是矢量的,通常可以在不影响质量的情况下改变其大小。
he said he wished he could make the instructions simpler , so users could modify the phones themselves. 他说他希望能简化解锁过程,这样更多的人可以捣鼓自己的手机。
Since Ant allows multiple targets to be defined in one file, you can modify the file content and combine two or more files into one. 由于Ant允许在一个文件中定义多个目标,您可以修改文件内容并将两个或多个文件合并到一个中。
You do not have to create or to modify any registry keys to enable any hotfixes that this package contains. 您没有到创建或修改任何注册表项以启用对此程序包包含任何修复。
After several months of consideration, President Obama has decided to modify a system that many of his supporters want to see scrapped. 经过数月考虑,奥巴马总统决定修正他的众多支持者希望废弃的体系。
You do not have to create or to modify any registry keys to activate any hot fixes that are contained in this package . 您没有到创建或修改任何注册表项来激活此程序包中包含任何修复程序。
Again, not a fool proof plan but if one of these resonates with you, take steps to correct or modify the situation. 再次申明,这些不是万能的计划,不过如果其中某个适合你的话,那就采取些措施去改进目前的状况吧。
Thrown if an application attempts to access or modify a field, or to call a method that it does not have access to. 一个应用试图访问或修改某个域,或者调用不能访问的方法时抛出。
In modern society, the power of money be obvious to people, but this power must not large enough to modify our basic understanding of life. 在现代社会里,金钱的力量有目共睹,但是这种力量肯定没有大到足以修改我们对生活的基本理解。
One of the services that this provider exports is a Web-based facility with which users can modify their service profiles. 该提供商输出的服务之一就是提供一种基于Web的工具,用户可以借助该工具修改他们的服务配置文件。
As you modify yourself of the extremes, then others around you and your life circumstance will alter coming to the sincere middle road. 当你调整好自己的极端时,那么你周围的其他人将会改变,从而进入到真正的中道之中。
This event is often used to modify the contents of a row when the row is bound to data. 此事件通常用于在行绑定到数据时修改行的内容。
This enables you to redirect the request to an alternative page, modify the request, or perform any other request manipulation. 这使您可以将请求重定向到其他页、修改请求或者执行任何其他请求操作。
As you may imagine, a common business need is to modify specific column values as you iterate through the rows in a ResultSet. 正如您想象的那样,常见的业务需求是在循环访问ResultSet中的行时修改特定的列值。
Give us government assistance and I can modify the entire country in a year. 如果有政府的帮助,我可以在一年内处理整个国家的抵押贷款修订业务。
If one does not know how to modify DNA as a biological set of knowledge, one can only ascend so far. 如果一个人并不知道作为一系列生物知识如何来调整DNA,他将只能提升到这么远。
If your organization has specific or specialized security needs, you might have to modify existing or create new security groups. 如果您的组织有特定的或专用的安全需求,您可能需要修改现有的组或创建新的安全组。
If I modify my pointcuts to make them more accessible to mock targets, I also make them more accessible to non-test parts of the system. 如果修改切点以使它们更能被mock目标访问,也就使它们更可被系统中的非测试部分访问。
You cannot modify a column to make it a computed column using the MODIFY clause . 不能使用MODIFY子句将一个列修改为计算列。
Click the name of the snippet you want, and the code is inserted into the editor, ready for you to modify as needed. 单击所需代码段的名称,代码便会插入到编辑器中,供您根据需要进行修改。
Clicking on words marked with the DOC icon will allow you to open and modify the Word document. 点击标有DOC图标的词,您就可以打开和修改Word文档。
Life is full of regret that chapter, because she did not chance to let you modify the wrong sentences! 生命是充满遗憾的篇章,因为她没有机会让你修改病句!
The Load Test Editor allows you to modify an existing scenario, or to add new scenarios to the load test. 通过使用负载测试编辑器,不仅可以修改现有方案,还可以将方案添加到负载测试中。
I would modify it to read something like this: Rule number one: The customer is always right. 我想把它改一下:第一条:顾客永远是对的。