
美 [rek]英 [rek]
  • v.破坏;毁掉;毁坏;毁灭
  • n.沉船;严重损毁的船;(事故中)遭严重毁坏的汽车(或飞机等)
  • 网络失事;残骸;摧毁

复数:wrecks 现在分词:wrecking 过去式:wrecked

wreck government,wreck career,wreck car


n. v.

2.(事故中)遭严重毁坏的汽车(或飞机等)a car, plane, etc. that has been very badly damaged in an accident

3.[ususing](informal)(身体或精神上)受到严重损伤的人a person who is in a bad physical or mental condition

4.(informal)状况非常糟糕的车辆(或建筑物等)a vehicle, building, etc. that is in very bad condition


六级高频词汇 - 豆丁网 ... view v. 视为,看做 93-6-53 wreck v. (船只)失事 93-6-44 abnormal α . 不正常的 95-1-42 98-1-58 ...


新概念英语第二册第66课课文_百度知道 ... damage v. 毁坏 wreck n. 残骸 rediscover v. 重新发现 ...


英语单词的奥秘 - luozhong10的日志 - 网易博客 ... inject( 注入,注射); wreck( 毁灭,遇险,撞车,破坏); hawk( 鹰)…


译言网 | Hymn To Life ... armored 装甲的 wreck 毁坏 毁掉 沉船 Longing 渴望 ...


译言网 | Hymn To Life ... armored 装甲的 wreck 毁坏 毁掉 沉船 Longing 渴望 ...


写作考试常用词汇--动词篇-CET写作 ... wither 退化;萎缩 wreck 摧毁 appral to/attract 吸引 ...


船舶专业英语 - 冰力十足的日志 - 网易博客 ... VLCC - Very-large Crude Carrier 巨型油轮 wreck 失事船 coastal 海岸的 ...


英语单词的奥秘 - luozhong10的日志 - 网易博客 ... inject( 注入,注射); wreck毁灭,遇险,撞车,破坏); hawk( 鹰)…

With the airplane and the scene ready, it was time to put the two together, and for that I had to wreck the airplane. 飞机和场景准备好了,是时候把它们放在一起了,并且为了这个目的我破坏了飞机。
The right of the poor to wreck the global commons as the rich do does not seem to me to be a sensible thing to fight for. 穷人要享有和富人同等的破坏全球公共品的权利,在我看来争取这东西很不明智。
Your father's girlfriend, Sandra, survived the initial crash, but died on the journey down after you persuaded her to leave the plane wreck. 你父亲的女朋友,桑德拉,在一开始的坠机中活了下来,却在下山途中死去,而且是你说服她这样做的。
Vote - the Instrument and symbol of a freeman 's power to make a fool of himself and a wreck of his country . 选举权——是自由民行使愚弄自己兼破坏祖国只权力的手段与象征。
the only car visible was the dust-covered wreck of a Ford which crouched in a dim corner. 只看见一辆汽车,一部盖满灰尘、破旧不堪的福特车,蹲在阴暗的角落里。
"I call it a slow-motion train wreck, " James Sprayregen, a restructuring partner at law firm Kirkland & Ellis, said in New York. “我称之为一个慢动作火车事故,”詹姆斯Sprayregen,在凯易律师事务所合伙人埃利斯重组,在纽约表示。
"None of those other boats could have got ashore to give word of the wreck, " said the oiler, in a low voice. “其他的船没有一艘能够抵达海岸,把拖船遇难的消息通知他们,”加油工低声地说道。
If you allowed yourself to feel every sling and insult and bit of unpleasantness you'd be a nervous wreck. 如果你让自己感觉到每一次攻击、侮辱和一丁点儿不高兴,你的精神就会崩溃。
In a railroad wreck or something of that sort? 管管铁路事故或什么的?
I address you directly Antony. Please listen, as if you were sober and intelligent, and not a drink-sodden, sex- addled wreck. 恕我直言,安东尼,请听好了,以你的冷静与智慧,似乎不是一个嗜酒成性,纵欲无度的痴呆。
"(Laughter) He said, " He was in a car wreck, and I pulled him out, gave him CPR, and I saved his wife's life as well. (笑声)他当时在一辆车的残骸里,我将他拉了出来,给他做心肺复苏术,我还救了他妻子的命。
Maybe he justdon't wanna wreck this party and he knows that we will do just fine. We just have to see him in our minds. 有些人离开了,今晚将不会再重返,但我们仍会在自己的心中遇见他。
We have obtained data regarding the enemy's offshore oil field facility from the wreck of a fuel tanker sunk at the time of attack. 从上次攻击(补给港奇袭)中击沉的一艘油轮残骸中,我们得到了关于敌人海上油田的数据。
White stone, which had fallen to the bottom of the sea from a wreck. 它是跟着一条沉船一起来到海底的。
Perhaps as few as six attackers were able to penetrate the base, wreck two aircraft and kill at least ten personnel; two of them escaped. 大概有6名袭击者深入基地,捣毁了两架飞机并杀害至少10名工作人员。6名袭击者中有2名逃脱。
With the wreck of her frail boby, Beth's soul grew strong, and though she said little, those about her felt that she was ready. 带着虚弱的身体,贝思反而愈发坚强了,尽管她很少说话,但身边的人感到她已经做好了远行的准备。
It had been over eight hours since I had eaten last; and with the wreck I had been if I didn't eat I'd be of no use to Keith later. 因为距我上次吃饭,已经超过8个小时了,如果我不吃东西的话,我这虚弱的身体,根本无法在之后的时间去帮助基斯。
Lincoln, losing consciousness, looks up to see the Samaritan dragging him away from the wreck. 失去知觉的Lincoln,向上望去,看到这个男人正将他从出事现场拖出来。
A distant boat lies on its side in the sand like an old wreck that's been left to rot in the sun. There's someone out there. 一只远方的小船躺在沙滩边,向一只留在太阳下渐渐腐烂的残骸。有一个人在船的外面。
But I was already an emotional wreck, and the thought of thrashing out the details through dueling lawyers filled me with dread. 但是,当时我身心疲惫,想到还要通过律师纠缠那些具体的细节,我不禁心生恐惧。
The wandering look and changed utterance told what wreck had taken place in her once vigorous frame. 她那游移的眼神和变了的语调说明了原来健壮的身体受到了怎样的摧残。
Staggering out and running, blinded with dust, he looked back to see a figure sitting by the wreck with blood dripping from his hands. 当时他双眼被灰尘所迷,挣扎着从车里逃出,回头时模糊看到炸毁的车旁坐着一个人,血从那人头上滴滴流下。
It was the representation of a handsome boy, carved out of pure white stone, which had fallen to the bottom of the sea from a wreck. 这石像代表一个美丽的男子,它是用一块洁白的石头雕出来的,跟一条遭难的船一同沉到海底。
At least that's the talk this week as the judges up the torture quotient, taking train-wreck TV viewing to a whole new level. 至少这讲座本周起酷刑商数作为法官,同时列车电视收看到毁掉整个新水平。
The company he took over was a wreck: ancient recipes, a barely functioning call center, nine long-suffering franchisees. 他刚接手时公司一团糟:过时的配方,一个几乎不能用的呼叫中心,九个饱受折磨的特许经销商。
To those without the benefit of formal study of it, hanyu pinyin seemed like an alphabetic train wreck. 对没有正经学习过的人来说,汉语拼音看上去就像颠倒错乱的字母排列。
He said he had been reduced to a "human wreck" by torture he had undergone in a Cairo jail. 四年后他被无罪释放。他说他在开罗的一家监狱里被酷刑折磨成了一具行尸走肉。
But having a strong steerage with my paddle, I went at a great rate, directly for the wreck, and in LESS than two hours I came up to it. 我以桨代舵,使劲掌握航向,朝那失事的大船飞驶过去。不到两小时,我就到了破船跟前。
Wyoming woman who gave Bill a pair of stirrups she bought as a Christmas present for her grandson before he was killed in car wreck. 阿怀俄明州的女子是谁给条例草案对马镫,她买下作为圣诞礼物为她的孙子,他被打死在汽车残骸。
Some in France are scandalised that the American judicial system could wreck the professional life of a man convicted of no crime. 一些法国人感到蒙羞,因为美国司法系统竟然毁掉了一个无罪之人的职业生涯。