
美 [liv]英 [liːv]
  • v.离开(某人或某处);离开居住地点(或群体、工作单位等);遗弃;丢弃
  • n.假期;休假;准许;许可
  • 网络留下;离去;出发

过去式:left leaving 过去式:left 第三人称单数:leaves 现在分词:leaving

leave message,leave school,leave job,train leave,leave impression
probably leave,quietly leave


v. n.


1.[i][t]离开(某人或某处)to go away from a person or a place


2.[i][t]离开居住地点(或群体、工作单位等)to stop living at a place, belonging to a group, working for an employer, etc.


3.[t]~ sb (for sb)遗弃;丢弃to leave your wife, husband or partner permanently

以后要做的事sth to do later

4.[t]不立刻做;不马上处理to not do sth or deal with sth immediately

处于某种状态;在某地方sb/sth in condition/place

5.[t]使保留,让…处于(某种状态、某地等)to make or allow sb/sth to remain in a particular condition, place, etc.

6.[t]使发生;造成,使留下为(某种结果)to make sth happen or remain as a result

7.[t]留下备用(或销售等)to remain to be used, sold, etc.

8.[t]忘了带;丢下to go away from a place without taking sth/sb with you


9.[t]~ sth剩余;余下to have a particular amount remaining

死后after death

10.[t]~ sb遗下(家人)to have family remaining after your death

11.[t](去世时)遗赠,遗留to give sth to sb when you die

留给某人的责任responsibility to sb

12.[t]把…留交;交托;委托to allow sb to take care of sth


13.[t]递送;递交;投递to deliver sth and then go away


大多数含 leave 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 leave sb in the lurch 在词条 lurch 下。Most idioms containingleave are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for exampleleave sb in the lurch is atlurch .

leave go (of sth)

松手;撒手;放开to stop holding on to sth

leave it at that

别再说了;到此为止;就这样算了to say or do nothing more about sth

leave it out

(让人停止做某事)行啦,就这样吧used to tell sb to stop doing sth


人教版八年级上册英语单词_百度文库 ... lake n. 湖,湖泊 leave v. 离开,出发 countryside n. 农村,乡村 ...


许国璋英语(第一册)单词表 - 豆丁网 ... carefully adv. 仔细地 leave vt. & vi. 留下;离开 talk vi. & n. 谈话 ...


初中英语单词大全(不容错过)_中考英语_读书人 ... 737 when adv 什么时候,何时 738 leave v 离去,出发 739 begin v 开始,着 …


人教版八年级上册英语单词_百度文库 ... lake n. 湖,湖泊 leave v. 离开,出发 countryside n. 农村,乡村 ...


消防专业词汇英语翻译(H-O) ... leave of absence 获准的假期 leave 休假 ledger 横木 ...


英语常用动词_百度文库 ... laugh vi. 笑, 讥笑 n.笑, 笑声 leave n. 许可, 同意, listen vi. 听, 听从 v.听, 收听 ...

...ifferent) 8.我不知道比思 杉浦则夫走就~(leave) 9.多谢你~(thank you)10.你看李连杰老婆利智马戏团~(circus)

As if desperate to leave no scent and to ghost off into the light before another human notices that they're actually free. 就像在其他人类注意到它们实际上已经自由之前急切地不想留下任何气味和消失在阳光下。
What you decide is up to you, as there is no "destiny" there - you can fix things, bond closer or, if you feel there's no hope, leave. 如何决定在于你,没有“命运”一说-----你可以弥补一切,使彼此更亲密;或者你觉得没有希望,那么离开吧。
As was the rush hour, hundreds of passengers were forced to leave the subway station, waiting on the arrival side of the street. 由于当时是下班高峰期,数以百计乘客被迫离开地铁站,到站旁的街道上等候。
I told you to leave me. - You were drowning. 我告诉你别管我的
The lady warned the children to leave the dog alone. 那位女士告诫孩子们别惹那条狗。
But then, why had he permitted that man to leave him alive? He had the right to be killed in that barricade. 他为什么同意这个人让自己活下去?他在那街垒里有权被人杀死。
Iguess it would be really nice to leave it behind and be back in the bullpen. 我猜最后把它留在后面,然后回到热身区
Well, this works in the same way - an enzyme breaks down the top layers of skin to leave you with a youthful glow. 鸟粪中有一种酶能将漆料分解。同样,这种酶也能将表层皮肤分解,让你的容颜重新焕发光彩。
We want you to leave us your 100% trust and confidence and be shipping to us on any of the above terms. 我们希望你离开我们你方100%的信任和信心,我们在任何装运上述条款及细则。
More than a year earlier, Cedras had signed an agreement to give up power, but when the time came to leave, he simply refused to go. 一年多以前,塞德拉斯曾签署了一个协议,同意放弃权力,但每当放弃权力的时候来临,他却又拒绝放权。
After he was greeted by a standing ovation, Mr. Jobs alluded to his leave but did not say whether he was planning to return to the company. 在得到大家的起立鼓掌后,乔布斯谈起了他的离开,但并没有说他是否打算回公司。
The company has also preferred to leave the matter to the courts, promising to abide by their decisions. 公司也希望将这个棘手问题交与法院处理,并承诺遵守判决。
16 not to leave him with too much material heritage, give him a healthy body, give him a mental health, a happy life. 不给他留有太多的物质遗产,给他一个健康的身体,给他一个健康的心理,一个快乐的人生。
Likewise, they brand any attempt to leave Islam, whatever the circumstances, as a form of apostasy, punishable by death. 同样,这些官员诬蔑任何试图离开伊斯兰教的行为,不管是什么一种情况,都当作是一种背教而要用死刑来进行惩处。
He said that John's mother, who had another car, would be in bed at the time he had to leave the house. 他说约翰的母亲有另一辆汽车,在他必须离开房子时候她会是在睡觉。
DEVIN: Than I shall leave my cabin for you in the Wildwoods. I hope the hermit life suits you. 我将为你离开在Wildwoods的小屋。我希望隐士的生活适合你。
In the interview, Obama said he will leave it up to Bernanke to pronounce whether or not the recession was officially over. 奥巴马在受访时表示,要留给伯南克来宣告经济衰退是否已正式结束。
It seems your tray stand has been very useful to you, but we are getting ready to leave now , and my wife needs her walker back. 看上去盘子立起来对你很有用,但是我们马上就要准备走了,我太太需要把逐步车那回去了。
ll leave you to attend to the matter. 我把这事交给你处理。
The wind with you be neither friendly nor aloof, leave the pity is not hit, falling of our memories. 风随着你若即若离,留下触不到的可惜,陨落下了我们的回忆。
They'll be ready to leave in about an hour. 再有大约一小时他们就准备好了。
Whereas I tend to take a faster train for the meeting, they tend to leave a day early. 他们想早走一天去开会,我却倾向于坐个快点的火车。
You'll have to take it out with you on leave. 您走时还要将它带走(带出海关)。
Ronaldinho has just a year left on his current contract and could leave for free next summer. 罗纳尔迪尼奥现在仍有一年合同在身,明年他将成为自由球员。
but, that day, you told me you were tired, you'd like to leave me alone to go nowhere. 但是那一天你跟我说你累了不愿意管我我要怎样就怎样
Not easy to see: you should leave an indelible mark on observation is non-obvious, marks or to hoi to reduce the quality of the media. 不易瞥见:印记差查察才不该是不澄辉的,印记也不亥贬矮媒体的质量。
Does not affect the learning of other students not allowed to leave the seat without teacher consent, allowed to leave any room. 不影响其他同学的学习,不随意离开座位,未经老师同意,不准任意离开机房。
If someday you tell me you are going to leave me, I won't press you to stay with me. 如果将来的某一天,你说你要离开我,我不会留你。
'Pooh! You can't be silly enough to wish to leave such a splendid place? 去!你总不至于傻得想离开这个好地方吧。
Make sure that you take al your possessions ashore with you and leave nothing on the ship. 下船时,务必带上你所有的物品,不要遗忘在船上。