apply to

  • v.应用于
  • 网络适用;适用于;应用到

apply toapply to

apply to


成-vae ... 45. apologize to sb. for sth. 为…向…道歉­ 48. apply to 与…有关;适用­ 66. behind one’s back 背着某人(说坏话)­ ...


英语—医学 ... abundance of[ 充裕的] · apply to[ 适用于] · arise from[ 起因于] · ...


新东方考研高频词汇_百度文库 ... appliance 电器 apply to 适用于,存在于;应用于 approach 探讨;处理,对待 ...


求高一英语必修4短语词组大总结_百度知道 ... settle down 安顿下来 apply to 应用到…… be prepared to 已经做好准备去做…… ...


新浪教育_新浪网 ... owe ... to...( 欠……;对……负有……) apply to ...( 应用,运用;向……申请) react to...( 对……做出反应) ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... apply one's mind to 专心于… apply to 向…申请或要求 approach to 接近;约等于 ...

The question of what obligations should apply to the bank's controlling shareholders remains a stumbling block. 银行的控股股东应该承担什么义务这一问题,仍然是一块绊脚石。
Harte said the point of the study may be that the connection doesn't just apply to men with severe erectile dysfunction issues. 哈特说,这项研究的结果不仅对那些具有严重勃起障碍的男性患者具有指导意义。
But it would apply to all subordinated securities and would be at least equivalent in value to the common equity. 但它将适用于所有次级证券,并至少与普通股等值。
The law of the place where the court hearing the case is located shall apply to the limitation of liability for maritime claims. 第二百七十五条海事赔偿责任限制,适用受理案件的法院所在地法律。
Our students do not have to take TOEFL or any other language test to apply to Canadian universities. The Dogwood Certificate is enough. 我们的学生在申请加拿大大学时不需要参加像托福之类的语言测试。有毕业证书就可以了。
Remember there is a limit to how much baggage. You may carry on a plane, and the same rule should apply to life. 记住,搭乘飞机所携带行李的重量是有限制的,运用到生活中,道理也一样。
The "Do Not Rock The Boat" phrase doesn't apply to children as they are always ready to rock the boat and try to get things done. “别捣乱”的说法对孩子们并不适用,因为他们时刻准备着捣乱,想方设法达到自己的目的。
On the Kanban Development list, the original poster's position was that the notion of 'standard work' did not apply to software development. 在“看板开发”邮件组的讨论中,发帖人的立场是:‘标准作业’的概念在软件开发中不适用。
So far, "non-violation complaints " is still a focus of concern on whether to apply to the TRIPS agreement or not. 到目前为止,“不违法之诉”究竟是否适用于TRIPS协定中仍有争议,仍是各成员方所关注的一个焦点。
The Treasury Department said the sanctions against Gadhafi, three of his sons and a daughter also apply to the Libyan government. 财政部表示此项针对卡扎菲和他的三个儿子,一个女儿的制裁,同样适用于利比亚政府。
Consequently we have to interpret the principles laid down in the Word of God as they apply to us. 因此,我们必须解释圣经所定下的原则,了解它们该怎样应用在自己身上。
The previous restrictions apply to any subqueries in the FROM clause of the view, just as they apply to the view itself. 上述限制适用于视图的FROM子句中的任何子查询,就像其应用于视图本身一样。
"The industry is worried that this pattern might also apply to other segments like the nuclear industry and trains, " said Mr Wuttke. 伍德克表示:“业界担心,这种模式或许还将运用于核电和火车等其它领域。”
You can filter the process guidance by role to see details about which parts of the process apply to your role. 您可以按角色对过程指南进行筛选,以了解有关过程的哪些部分适用于您的角色的详细信息。
Gun-rights absolutists are up in arms, so to speak, about her view that the second amendment does not apply to the states. 持枪权绝对论者对她认为宪法第二款修正案(该修正案规定公民有持枪权)不适用于各州的观点可以说是怒发冲冠。
Britain had maintained that human rights laws did not apply to its troops based outside Europe. 英国坚持称,人权法并不适用欧洲以外的军队。
The more I thought about it, the more it resonated with me, and I began to think about how it might apply to Twitter. 我越是体味这句话,它越在我脑海里萦绕回响,然后我开始思考这句话如何在twitter上体现。
Well, as you'll see, it all depends on just how much thought you apply to it. 实际上,正如你将要看到的,这事儿完全取决于你想的有多深。
Langer later discovered that this finding did not apply to all situations, but wrote that in most cases it actually did. 兰格后来发现这一结论并不适用于所有情况。但她也指出,在大多数情况下,这种方法还是很有效果的。
The corporation shall apply to original registration institute for changing registration in case of any changes in the registration items. 企业如需变更注册项目,须向发证机关提出申请。
Clonidine has been used as a central antihypertensive drug long since, but it is beginning to apply to clinical anesthesia and analgesia . 可乐定作为中枢性降压药早为人们所认识,但在临床麻醉镇痛的应用上则起步不久。
Geron was able to ask for permission, and the FDA was able to grant it, because the ban does not apply to privately financed research. Geron能申请这项申请,并且FDA能批准它,是因为这项禁令没有禁止私人基金资助研究。
Mr Phillips adds that this minimalist approach should apply to the writing as well. 菲利普斯表示,在撰写简历时,也应该采用这种简约风格。
Papaya and milk in a blender, apply to the face, two minutes later washed off. Persist for a week, there will be good results! 木瓜和牛奶,用搅拌机打碎,敷在脸上,二十分钟左右洗掉。坚持一个星期,会有不错的效果!
The formatting options that you have worked with up to this point apply to all elements in the page. 到现在所使用的格式设置选项都应用于页中的所有元素。
The same metaphor, it seems to me, might apply to the G. O. P. pursuit of the White House next year. 在我看来,同样的比喻可以用在共和党人明年对白宫的追逐。
Not all of these will apply to any given idea you might have, but three or four should apply to pretty much any concept you can think up. 并不是所有想法都适合你,但是总有三件或者四件事情比你能够想到的主意好的多。
If you use multiple fact tables, you might have to identify whether measures do not apply to one or more dimensions. 如果使用多个事实数据表,可能需要标识度量值是否不适用于一个或多个维度。
The obligations in this section do not apply to any claims or Losses relating to any actual or alleged intellectual property infringement. 本节中的责任,并不适用于任何索赔或损失有关的任何实际或指称进犯知识产权。
Where Additional Terms apply to a Service, these will be accessible for you to read either within, or through your use of, that Service. 额外条款适用于服务时,您可在该服务范围内或使用该服务过程中读到该等条款。