ask me

  • 网络问我;你可以放心问我;问我吧

ask meask me

ask me


英语(新目标)教材重点句型 - 豆丁网 ... Miss Wang 王小姐 20. ask me 问我 21. not like any subject 不喜欢任何学科 22. ...


97年重点为「全民洗手运动」,推广「专业请从洗手开始」及「你可以放心问我」(Ask Me)之概念。「专业请从洗手开始」 …


在P&G的内部网络,有一个「问我吧」(Ask Me)的机制,可连结全球二十一个创新社群、一万多名信息科技人员。当有人 …


... ask about 打听;询问;询问关于某事;询问有关 ask me 请问我;问我;私客密;你可以放心问我 Julie Ask 阿斯科;阿斯 …


刘江律师网 ... >>律师介绍 About Me >>法律咨询 Ask Me >>成功案例 Success Stories ...


另外有些美术馆则显示 有专为家庭观众作的导赏和「请来问我」 (ask me) 的解说员服务(在展览室中值 班被动接受观众问 …


Harel C -... ... 所以想要看的话 So if you wanna see more 请自己问我吧 ask me 不过我会尽量 but I will try to put on more ...

He didn't even ask me related questions, and so as he was about to end the interview I suggested he take a look at my portfolio. 他甚至没有问我一些相关问题,当他准备结束面试时,我建议他看一下我的文件夹。
All right, 'I said. 'Let it go at that. But you came to lunch to ask me a question and I've tried to give you an honest answer. 我说。我们就到此为止。可你上这儿来吃午饭为的是问我一个问题,而我已经尽可能给你诚实的答复了。
You'll ask me out to dinner-- someplace elegant But intimate, and we are going to have a fabulous time. You got all that? absolutely. 然后约我出去吃饭,地方要很优雅,但很亲密,我们要共度一段美好的时光。听懂了没呀,-收到。
If you want it, then you've got it. . . but don't ask me to bust any sort of move. . . 如果你想要,就拿去吧……但别要求我终止任何形式的动作……
I blink at him, surprised that he would ask me such a stupid question. 我在他眨眼,使他将会问我一个如此愚蠢的问题吃惊。
'No, ' I said, half smiling. 'You are the proper person to ask me. ' “没有,”我说,微微笑笑。“你是邀请我的合适人选。”
Most embarrassing moment: Luckily I've not had any here. If you ask me in a few months I might have a different answer, hopefully not. 最尴尬的时刻:很幸运我在这里没有这种时候。如果你几个月之后问我也许会有不一样的回答,但希望没有。
But I do not want your problems, I do not want you to intervene, so you do not have to ask me. 不过,我不要你困扰,我也不要你介入,所以,你不必再问我了。
They closely checked my documents and began to ask me if I was actually Chinese. 他们仔细查看了我的文件,然后开始问我,我是否是中国公民。
It was touching for him to ask me to be there. 他请我去我很感动。
If you had built up a wall of friendships you wouldn't have to ask me to help. 如果你已经建起了友谊的屏障,你将不必请求我帮助。
To ask me, an ordinary man with an ordinary education, to plunge into something which seems like an incredible nothingness. . . Can I do it? 让我,让一个受过普通教育的普通人,纵身跳入某种看起来不可思议的空无之中…我能做到吗?
If God ask me to go back to those time I called him bear, I have my right to choose that I do not know him. 如果让我重回叫他名字的那段时间,我有权选择不认识他。
Tuesday morning, he called me to ask me to hurry up to Palo Alto. 周二早晨,他给我打电话让我快点去帕洛奥托。
I gave it to a mother's pet, a little child. It was ignorant, but trusted me, asking me to choose for it. You did not ask me to choose. 我把它给了一位母亲的宠儿了:一个小孩子。他什么也不懂,但他相信我,让我来帮他挑选。而你并没有这么做。
You're the second person to ask me that. Is it so hard to believe that I might have grown up a little bit in the last few years? 你是第二个这么问我的人了。我在过去的这几年里也稍微成熟了一些,难道这就那么难以置信吗?
And it even started to bother me when someone would call for her and she would ask me to tell them that she wasn't there. 甚至当某人打电话找她的时候还要麻烦我帮她撒谎说她不在家。
I'm Trying To Get You To Ask Me Out For After-Work Drinks. 我是在等着你邀请我出去喝几杯收工酒
To ask me what is everyone afraid of me to frighten their children by adults, though are down, but the well-known large. 要问我是啥,人见人害怕,大人用我吓孩子,虽是遗臭万年,但是名气大。
"This individual would tell me a lot about the United States and would ask me to join him to go work at a clothes factory, " she said. “这名男子告诉我很多关于美国的事情,他要我和他一起到美国去,可以在一个制衣厂工作”,克劳迪亚回忆道。
It has been a great privilege to serve as your Secretary-General. That you should ask me to serve once again makes it all the greater. 担任秘书长的工作一直是我莫大的荣幸,今天再次获得大家的任命使我更加感到光荣。
He silently pleaded with me, almost as if to ask me why I was so intent on keeping him in the ignorance of childhood. 他在无声地恳求我,像是在问我为什么我那么坚持要把他留在无知的童年。
He came to ask me for advice a few days ago. 几天前来向我征求建议。
heR room was in such a litter that she was ashamed to ask me in. 她的房间十分杂乱,她不好意思请我进去。
Like, you know a bunch of my friends after they find out about what I do, they always come ask me for financial advice. 喜欢,你知道一帮朋友后,他们发现我做什么,他们总是来问我财务咨询。
Do not ask me to attack, it would be certain death, and you know it. 不要让我进攻,你很明白这是自杀。
Everyone knows I'm trying to exercise regularly, so sometimes people ask me how my fitness diet is going. 谁都知道我已经要定期演练,所以有时有人问我,我怎么会健身饮食。
Or. . . if my emotion is more than yours, or less, given the same circumstances, try not to ask me to feel more or less. I feel what I feel. 抑或,在相同的情形下,如果我的感情与你的相比,无论是多还是少,请不要叫我再去感受。我感受到的就是我最真实的感受。
On a related note, on Tuesday, Li Yan, a young musician I know, called me up to ask me for some advice. 周二,李岩,我的一个朋友,一个年轻的音乐家给我打电话,想让我给他些意见。
When he got to the corner store he telephoned back to ask me on a date. 他到街上打回来一个电话,请我约会。