
美 [legd]英 [legd]
  • n.腿;裤腿;(尤指供食用的)动物的腿;(桌椅等的)腿
  • v.〈口〉走;跑;卖力;用腿抵住运河隧洞壁推船通过
  • 网络腿的;有腿的;腿式



n. v.

身体部位part of body

1.[c]腿one of the long parts that connect the feet to the rest of the body


2.[c][u](尤指供食用的)动物的腿,腿肉the leg of an animal, especially the top part, cooked and eaten

裤子of trousers/pants

3.[c]裤腿the part of a pair of trousers/pants that covers the leg

桌椅of table/chair

4.[c](桌椅等的)腿one of the long thin parts on the bottom of a table, chair, etc. that support it


5.有…腿的having the number or type of legs mentioned


break a leg!

(表示良好祝愿)祝你好运!used to wish sb good luck

get your leg over

性交to have sex

have legs

(新闻报道等)会长期受到关注if you say that a news story, etc.has legs , you mean that people will continue to be interested in it for a long time

not have a leg to stand on

无法证实;无法解释(理由);站不住脚to be in a position where you are unable to prove sth or explain why sth is reasonable


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(L) ... legerity 敏捷 legged 腿的 legginess 长腿 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... random n. 随意, 任意 legged adj. 有腿的 rewind vt. 重绕n.重绕 ...


...器人的运动方案多种多样,有轮式(Wheeled)、腿式Legged)、履带式(Tracked) 和蜿蜒式(Serpentine).其中轮式 …


吉布提图片下载 吉布提打包下载 ... Gnathostomata 金色 legged 水体 catches 旗帜 ...


translation English Japanese French... ... booking−office 预订处 bow−legged 弓足 bow−window 弓形窗 ...

They swam up to the long-legged bird and said: " Sir Crane, can you tell us how we may save ourselves from this terrible plight? " 他们游到长腿鹤跟前,说道:“鹤先生,你能告诉我们怎样才能逃脱这场可怕的灾难吗?”
We were able to manage the two-legged tie well, Manchester had never been dominating on the pitch. 我们能很好地应付两回合的淘汰赛,曼联在场上从未占过上风。
She invited him in and he slouched in the wooden chair beside the low dresser and talked to her while she sat cross-legged on the bed. 她邀请他到她的房间,他懒洋洋地坐在矮梳妆台旁的木椅里,和盘腿坐在床上的她聊天。
One dad dances as if he's been deboned, a rubber-legged scarecrow of a dad. 一位父亲跳舞就像他被脱了骨一样,简直就是一个长着橡胶腿的稻草人父亲。
Each girl sat on her three-legged stool as she milked, her right cheek resting on the cow's body, watching Tess arrive. 挤奶时,每个女工都坐在一张三条腿的矮凳上,她们把右脸颊靠在牛的身子上,看到苔丝进来了。
Hermione moaned with relief, wove out from under the Cloak, and sat down on a wobble-legged chair. 赫敏放心地舒了口气,从隐形衣下面钻了出来,坐在一张摇摇晃晃的椅子上。
The 60-year-old man and his wife, Sandra, kept the loyal four-legged helper and adopted a second dog to help lead both man and dog together. 这名60岁的男子与其妻珊卓拉保留这头忠实的四腿助手,并领养第2头狗来协助引领这一人一犬。
But don't just take our word for it, ask any of the hundreds of thousands of fans that have already been hooked by the four-legged critter. 但不要只是参加我们的语言来描述它,问问任何的成千上万的球迷,已经上瘾了四只脚的生物的。
He was sitting cross-legged, his back was straight and yet he seemed to be so relaxed. 这时他背脊挺直盘腿坐着,可是又似乎很轻松。
The animal would have been a primitive sauropod -- a long-necked, four-legged grazer similar to the better known brachiosaurus. 这只恐龙很可能是原始的蜥脚类亚目动物--长颈、四条腿的食草动物,类似于我们较为熟悉的腕足类恐龙。
Some thought he has obsessed to the point of danger, and urged him to quit, even calling him a three-legged horse who should be stopped. 有的人觉得他已经专注到危险的地步,并敦促他放弃,甚至称他为缺了一条腿的马,应该停下来了。
Pandas eat when the body is often straight to sit down cross-legged, forepaw grasp the fresh bamboo to send to the mouth. 熊猫吃东西的时候,常常直着身子盘腿坐下,前爪抓住鲜嫩的竹子往嘴里送。
He came up the hill at a gallop on his thick- barrelled , long-legged hunter, appearing in the distance like a boy on a too large. Horse. 他骑在一匹飞奔着的粗腰长腿猎马身上出现在山顶上,从远处看,就像一个孩子骑在一匹巨大的马上。
The recovery package that we're passing is only gonna be one leg in a - at least a three-legged stool. 我们要通过的复苏方案只是一个至少三条腿的凳子上的一条腿。
I'd spend hours rooting through the dusty old shed at the bottom of our garden, hunting the cobwebs for lurking eight-legged predators. 我经常花好几个小时,在我们家花园尽头脏兮兮的破旧小棚屋里寻找蜘蛛网,看那里是不是潜伏着专门捕食昆虫的八脚大虫。
And I was inordinately impressed with her resolution to the last look: nix the full-length skirt and create a wide-legged pant. 我被她的最终解决方案倾倒:去掉长衫,而弄出一条宽腿裤来配。
Wooden legged Bumper Harris was employed to travel up and down the tube's first escalator to prove that it was safe. 人们让木制假人乘地铁的第一个扶梯上上下下,以证明扶梯是安全的。
Isnt being a dog part of being human? What if thats the best part of you, the dog part? What if your really just a two-legged dog? 狗性也是人性的一部分吧?说不定它是你最好的部分,说不定你就是两条腿的狗。
He explained that he would sit cross-legged, with his eyes closed and recite Bud-dho Bud-dho, then the crystal ball came floating over. 他盘腿而坐、闭上眼睛并诵念佛-陀、佛-陀…,然后水晶球就会漂过来。
It turned out to be a dream getaway and all I had to do was look after two new four-legged friends. 那真是我梦中的度假胜地,我的工作不过是照顾两只四脚朋友而已。
We are sitting barefoot, cross-legged on a rug on his porch, looking across the valley at the ruins of his old house. 我们光著脚盘腿坐在他家阳台的地毯上,望著位于河谷另一头他的老家。
long-legged aquatic insect having the front legs fitted for seizing and holding prey and the abdomen extended by a long breathing tube. 长腿的水栖昆虫,前腿适于抓握猎物,腹部延伸出一个长的呼吸管。
Did four-legged dinosaurs gallop like a horse, run like an ostrich or hop like a kangaroo? 四条腿的恐龙会怎样运动?像马一样疾驰,像鸵鸟一样奔跑,还是像袋鼠一样跳跃?
In Paris a one-legged Chinese Paralympic female fencer, in a wheelchair, protected the torch with her body against aggressive protesters. 在巴黎,一位腿部残疾的击剑运动员坐在轮椅里用身体保护火炬,使其不受抗议者的冲击。
Any number of reasons can account for an outbreak of two-legged facsimiles in the office. 有许多原因都可能导致办公室突然出现众多两条腿的复制品。
Due to its good adaptability to complex terrain and high flexibility, multi-legged walking robots have become a research hotspot. 由于对复杂地形的良好适应能力以及较高的灵活性,多足步行机器人已成为机器人研究的一个热点。
I climbed out of the tent and sat cross-legged on the gravel, my face turned toward the warmth, my eyes closed, bathed in pink light. 我爬出帐蓬,盘腿坐在石砾上,面向旭日的温暖,闭眼沐浴在粉红色的晨曦之中。
The Louvre's scribe, known as the "Seated Scribe" , is indeed sitting cross-legged , his right leg crossed in front of his left. 卢浮宫的抄写,被称为“坐雕”,确实是盘腿坐在垫子,他的右腿跨过前面的他的左边。
Several days after Zhu's birth Wang decided to train the two-legged female piglet to walk by lifting it up by its tail. 几天后,王先生决定训练这只母小猪,抬起尾巴用两条腿走路。
A six-legged creature with the ability to hook up to USB devices through any and all of its highly adjustable limbs. 这只六脚生物通过任一可灵活调节的腿便能连接USB设备。