
美 ['lʌ]英 ['lʌ]
  • abbr.(=Louisa)(=Louise)
  • n.【女名】女子名
  • 网络镥(lutetium);卢;鲁




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Lu Qing read my eye, I see no objection to it: a matter of fact, we began. 陆青看了我一眼,见我没有异议,说:那也好,我们就开始。
The result was that the history attention to reality on the rise and "Hong you lu" was a product of that background. 反映到史学上,即是经世史学的兴起,《鸿猷录》就是这一背景下的产物。
Television reports said the 54-year-old president was able to walk into the hospital, while Ms Lu, 59, had to be helped into the building. 电视新闻报告表示五十四岁的总统陈水扃可以自行走进医院,而五十九岁的吕秀莲则要人搀扶。
Lu Guanqiu, founder and chairman of Wanxiang, said the talks with Ford were part of a plan to expand the company's global presence. 万向创始人兼董事长鲁冠球表示,与福特的谈判是扩大该公司全球业务分布范围的一部分。
Methods En Lu advantage of a good, less bleeding, the surgeon easy to operate. 方法优点为暴露好,术中出血少,术者操作方便。
He promised me that when he went to the bookstore he would get me a copy of the Selected Stories of Lu Xun. 他答应我去书店的时候替我买一本《鲁迅小说选》
However, apparently, Binting dont like the place at all, she thought this street just a second BEIJING LU. 但是很明显她不喜欢这里,她觉得这里就像北京路一样。呵呵。
'To break out in the silence or to die! 'Said Lu Xun. 不再沉默中爆发,就在沉默中灭亡。鲁迅如是说。
Lu: I appreciate that you can be fair-weather friends were rich, I do not like the kind of snobbish people. 芦:我欣赏那种可以共患难也可以共富贵的朋友,我不喜欢那种势利的人。
"Ai Weiwei is all fine now, " Lu said. "His health is good, and his mood is okay. It's really been a unique experience for him. " 路青说,艾未未现在很好,健康状况和心情都不错,这次入狱对他说一次独特的经历。
Inside the dream land Lu Zhi'ang actually me continuously to think oneself is raises such child like the land! 梦里面的陆之昂其实我一直认为自己是个像陆之昂那样的孩子呢!
With half of her holiday gone, Lu suffered a series of common post-festival syndromes: stress, fatigue and a sense of frustration. 随着假期已经过去一半的光景,陆文飞开始出现一系列常见的节后综合症症状:压力、疲乏以及挫败感。
Lu Zhishen is from the north, had never heard of the money Koko thought it was a war drum, then got up and prepare for war. 鲁智深是北方人,从没听说过钱江潮,以为是战鼓声,便起身准备迎战。
Lu Yun, one of the "two Lus" , is often ignored by researchers because of his brother's effects on literature. 作为“二陆”之一的陆云,受其兄文学成就的影响,往往被研究者们忽视。
The advantage of such a "gravitational tractor" , as Dr Lu has dubbed it, is that it is more likely to leave the asteroid intact. 鲁博士将其称之为“重力牵引器”,其优势在于极有可能将小行星完好无损地撵走。
Lu from disposable medical text, or it may be thought of this point. 所以鲁迅先生弃医从文,也可能是想到了这一点。
"A jolly good hoax, Lu, " he said as he came out again; "you have really taken us in, I must admit. We half believed you. " “你真会说谎啊,璐。”他一边走出来,一边说,“我得承认,我们真的被你骗了,我们几乎听信你说的话。”
Judge Lu took out his knife and quickly cut off the sleeping woman's head just as easily as people use a knife to cut watermelon. 陆法官拔出了刀立刻把这个熟睡中的女人的头切了下来﹐就好像人们用刀切西瓜一样。
In the United States, Lu Peng is always interesting to hear the sentence, "seize the girls, boys will come. " 在美国,路鹏总是听到一句有意思的话,“抓住这个女孩子,男孩子都会来。”
Mr. Lin could make no sense out of this at all. His worry increased and he dropped Lu to accost Wang, the next person who came along. 林先生不得要领,心里更急,丢开陆和尚,就去问第二个走近来的人,桥头的王三毛。
Lu banner of the end of the straight left hand, right hand pointing to painting banners, as if to say it. 鲁直左手拿着手卷的左端,右手指着手卷,好像在说些什么。
His mother, Lu Weifang, has been delighted to see the many positive changes in her son. 看到儿子身上发生了如此大的转变,母亲陆薇芳一直非常高兴。
Lu asked him to sit down and gave him a cup of tea, which made him feel as warm as the tea in heart. 卢老师叫刘备坐下,给刘备倒了一杯茶,弄得刘备心里也像这杯茶一样热乎乎的。
Unfortunately at the later stages , there was a misunderstanding between the both of them, which subsequently led to Lu's disappearance. 不幸的是在最后阶段,有一种误解两者之间,随后导致陆的失踪案。
Mr. Lu's background differs substantially from that of his predecessor. 陆兆禧的背景与前任CEO卫哲迥异。
As a child, Lu Xun was in the charge of a nurse called Mama Chang. She was an honest country woman. 在家里领着幼年鲁迅的是保姆长妈妈,她是一个淳朴的农村妇女。
I am not too clear as for Shan Lu, if needs you to be possible to ask others in detail, wishes your good luck. 至于山吕我不太清楚,如果需要你可以在详细问问别人,祝你好运。
If Lu Xun were alive, how happy he would be to see the great achievements of New China! 如果鲁迅还活着,看到新中国的伟大成就他会多么高兴啊!
"Who wants to read a student's daily routine of classroom, canteen, and dorm? " said Lu. "This era is all about standing out. " 陆雨淼表示:“估计没人想了解学生教室、食堂、宿舍这样的日常生活?这是一个夺人眼球的时代。”
Still, taking over from a long serving company founder is never easy, and Mr. Lu has challenges ahead of him. 不过,从一个长期任职的公司创始人手中接过帅印并不容易,等待陆兆禧的还有很多挑战。