let s go

  • 网络走吧;我们走吧;展翅高飞

let s golet s go

let s go


  1994年6月发行的专辑《走吧》(Let s Go)让“腐臭”正式被定义为“朋克乐队”。该专辑勾起了人们对那些伦敦老朋克的怀念,尤 …


SimpleCD | 《重返德军总部:深入敌后》... ... v31 - follow me - 跟着我! v32 - let s go - 我们走吧 v33 - move - 动啊! ...


这张名为《展翅高飞Let s Go)》的专辑全球销售高达960万张,无俚头式的穿着迅速获得大批乐迷


动画主题曲之可儿历险记主题曲LET S GO)  儿歌名称:可儿历险记主题曲(LET S GO)   歌词:   词:刘恩汛 何开朗   曲:刘超 …

Your mother is also looking for you. Now let me take you to your mother. Let's go. 你妈妈也正在找你,姐姐现在就带你去找妈妈。
Let's go and take a look at it. Seeing is believing you know. 让我们仔细地看看它,百闻不如一见,你知道的。
Joyce soon came out on clicking heels and said, "Let's go. " 乔伊斯很快踩着嗒嗒作响的鞋跟走了出来:“我们走。”
She's all up in my head now, got me thinking that it might be a good idea to take her with me, 'cause she's ready to leave (well, let's go). 现在她清晰地浮现在我脑海里,我在想让她跟我走这主意不错,因为她正准备离开(好吧,我们走吧)。
"That's all right, Tux, " she said. "We'll only slide where the ice is thick. Then we won't have to worry. Come on, let's go. " 她回答:「我们去冰层很厚的地方溜冰就好了,那样就不用耽心了,来,出发吧。」
Jane: I said I would show you my dad's pigeons, so let's go down the garden. That's where the pigeon loft is. 珍:我说过带你看家父养的鸽子,来,我们去花园另一边,鸽棚就在那里。
"You tell me. " Willetts stood up and reached for his hat. " Let's go in the office. Lieutenant Boyd wants to see you after a while. " “你说呢,”威利茨站起来伸手抓了帽子,“咱们去办公室吧,中尉博伊德等下要见你。”
"People are trying to come down the stairs, " her mother says. "Do you have to go potty? Let's go find the potty. " “大家从台阶上下来了,”妈妈说,“你要上厕所吗?我们找找厕所在哪里吧。”
Ella, it's been such a long week. I'm ready to go out and party. Hey, let's go out for a night on the town. Ella,这是很长的一个周。我准备出去外面参加派对。嘿,让外面晚上去镇上玩吧。
He jumped in with his equipment and yelled, "Let's go! Let's go! " The pilot swung the plane into the wind and soon they were in the air. 他带着他的装备跳上去大声说,“开吧!开吧!”驾驶员把飞机转向风头很快就飞在空中。
She won't. She cannot see how much we improved. Our bad luck. Let's go. 改变不了的我们都做了这么好了。。真倒霉走吧。
The world vintage wine is all around us. Let's go to a cocktail party and know some wide knowledge friends all over the world. 世界佳酿就在我们身边,让我们以酒会友,广识天下朋友。
Dorothea: Okay, I am very glad to be here and I am ready to transcribe this message. Let's go (and maybe then I can go back to sleep-LOL). 对,我很高兴我在这儿,我已准备好转录讯息。我们开始吧(也许之后我可以回去继续睡觉-大笑)。
But when I saw the door of the Humvee with some shrapnel and bullet marks in it I told him let's go, we'll be late. 但当我看到悍马车门上弹片和枪弹的累累痕迹时,我对他说,走吧,我们就要迟到了。
Let's go back to matters of love, because there is so much more to say about how things may play out for you. 让我们回到事项的爱,因为有太多要说的事情怎么可能起了。
Again, they asked me what was wrong, as I rounded the side of the building and I said again "Let's GO! I'm LEAVING! " 他们又问我发生了什么事情,我转过教堂的拐角,又说了一遍:“我们走吧!我要走了!”
let's go on. We've got to see one more place before heading back to the hotel. 我们继续游览,在返回旅馆之前我们得再游览一个地方。
Let's go. He is trying to rip you off. He tries to sell a junk for an arm and a leg! 咱们走吧。他宰你呢!一个破东西他卖得邪贵!
Attending: Yes, director. Thank you for your calling on this patient. Let's go on the next patient. 主治医师:是的,主任,谢谢你看这个病人,让我们看下一个病人。
It didn't occur to me that she was trying to hold me steady. 'Let's go down, ' I said quietly. 'There may be something we can do. 我当时没有想到,她想要紧紧抱住我。“我们下去吧,”我轻声说道,“也许我们有办法。”
It's too dull to stay at home all day long. Let's go out for a walk in the square. 整天呆在家里太闷了。咱们出去到广场上走走吧。
Felicia: Do you think I'm going to let you walk away with all the attention? No chance, come on girls. Let's go shopping. 你认为我会让你自己去吸引全部的注意么?不可能的,姑娘们,我们走,一起去购物。
What a coincidence! The boat races is going to be held at the Kunming Lake later, let's go and watch. 今天来得太巧了.过一会儿在昆明湖上要举行划船比赛.我们好好看看。
They're bills, but they don't have to be paid yet. Don't worry. Let's go! There's a new pair of shoes with my name on it. 这些是账单,现在还不需要偿还呢。不用担心。我们走吧!我还有一双新鞋没付款呢。
Let's go back to what I said a moment ago. 让我们回到我刚才讲的事情(地方)。
Thank goodness. Summer vacation arrives finally B: Let's go swimming. : How about go dancing after swimming and made a night of it? 谢天谢地,暑假终于来了。:咱们去游泳吧。:游完泳后再去跳舞,玩它一夜,怎么样?
No more questions? No, well, so much for that. Let's go the next speaker. 还有什么问题吗?要是没有的话,这个问题我天就谈这么多。我们来听下一位报告人发言。
Let's go on the Internet and check out all those learn English forums to see if someone would do it for us. 让我们在互联网上,并检查了所有的英语学习论坛,看看是否有人会做到这一点对我们来说。
Let's go back to what I said just now. 让我们回到我早先说的话题上来。
You know, it's such a beautiful day outside and it's your birthday, let's go to lunch, just you and me. 你知道嘛,外頭天氣很不錯,而且又是你的生日,我們外出用餐,就只有我跟你。