let you go

  • 网络让你走;放你走;就让你走

let you golet you go

let you go


英语动词短语 - 豆丁网 ... let's say 比如说(用作插入语) let you go 让你走 let's face it 面对现实吧 ...


thinking of you... ... How I could let myself 我怎么会让自己 Let you go 放你走 Now the lesson's learned 我从教训中学会了 ...


我为歌狂试听下... ... 05.谁的眼泪在飞 Whose tears are flying 5’12” 06.就让你走 Let you go 5’18” 07.蓝眼泪 Blue tear 4’49” ...


这段话什么意思? - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... in night 黑夜里 let you go 让你离开 love so 只因为我如此爱你 ...


iTunes - Podcasts - 潘吉Jenny告诉你 ·... ... called in sick 打电话请病假 7. let you go 解雇你 pop music 流行音乐 ...


我叫MT Hey girl 翻译_百度知道 ... And I 而且我 Let you go 让你离开了 Cause I love you so 因为我很爱你 ...


... How I could let myself 我是怎麽会允许我自已 Let you go 让你离我而去 Now the lesson's learned 现在 我已经学到教训 ...


陈洁仪《想你》的歌词_百度知道 ... 我想我应该要放手 let you go ...

"He's agreed to let you go, " he said, promising me that I would be married within a year. “他答应离开你。”大师说,他保证我会在一年内结婚。
It hurt me more. . . but I gonna have to let you go. All the thing that you did, I will never be able to forgive you. . . I'm so sorry. 这伤害我太深了…但是我不得不让你走。你所做的一切,我永远都无法原谅你。我很抱歉。
She opened the door, and said, "I will let you go this time; but pray do not forget to say what I told you, when you return this evening. " 她打开了门,然后说,“我这次会让你离开;但是求求你千万不要忘了我告诉你的,当你晚上回来的时候。”
My my, just how much I've missed you Yes, I've been brokenhearted Blue since the day we parted Why, why did I ever let you go? 妈妈咪亚,我表现出来了吗?天啊!我是多麽想你没错,我已心碎从我们分开那天开始我为何要放你走?
I remember more than once to tell you, if you find you more than I do, I'll let you go. But you should not be so selfish of me lying. 我记得我曾不止一次的告诉你,如果你找到了比我更适合你的,我会放你走。
But I cried the moment I made up my mind to let you go and my tears witnessed my sincere love for you . 决定放弃你的那一刻我哭了,我的眼泪证明了我是真的爱你!
How can I forget what he said at our wedding night: Lena I finally get you safe in my pocket. And I won't let you go again. 我怎么可以忘记他在新婚当晚所说的那些话:“蕾娜,我终于娶到你了。我再也不会让你走了。”
I gotta let you go because we're out of time, but I have enjoyed this conversation enough to say: can we get you back? 我必须结束我们的对话因为时间不够了,但我很喜欢这次对话,并想说:“你能再上我们的节目吗?”
Edward: It's the only way he'd let you go. Just don't worry about him now. He's safe. The tracker's following us. 爱德华:只有这样他才会让你离开。现在别担心他了。他很安全。追踪者正跟着我们。
There will let you go from the point of view more about this place. 还有会让你从更多的角度去了解这个地方。
But I want you to understand. It was not my decision to let you go. 但我希望你能了解,当初不是我要开除你的。
Helen: Well, I'll let you go now. there are a lot of other people waiting to talk to you , and I'll see you tomorrow. 海伦:你找照顾人去吧,有许多人在等着和你谈话。我明天再来看你。
I just want you to stay, I really want to tell you I'm sorry I could never let you go. 我只想让你留下来,我真的很想对你说抱歉,我坚决不会让你走的。
To let you go free, I wish I was like an angel, cry can release. 让你自由的走,我希望我像天使一样,哭过就能释放。
we are not meant to be, i shall let you go and seek for your own happiness. 我们不是注定在一起的,我将放开你,让你寻找属于你自己的幸福。
Father is in a good mood at the moment. Strike while the iron is hot and ask him to let you go to the circus. 这时父亲的情绪很好,乘此机会求他让你去看马戏。
This boy loves without a reason, I'm prepared to let you go. 男人的爱不需要任何理由,虽然我已经准备让你离开。
Hello, if you want to be near, let me know and I'll never let you go. 你好,如果你想被听到,请让我知道,而我绝不会让你走。
A. Let me put it this way: We're going to have to let you go. 让我这么说吧:我们将只好让你走了。
You know, if you were mine, I'd never let you go. 如果你是我的女友,我可不会让你离开。
Forgive me I really can't forget you so soon, but I will learn to let you go just because my exceeding love for you. 我真的没有天份安静的没这么快,我会学着放弃你是因为我太爱你。
When updating your resume, it can be difficult to put your emotions aside and write a strong description for the employer that let you go. 在更新你的履历的时候,要想把你的感情抛开而对解聘你的雇主作正面描述是很困难的。
Mayim: I think it was Jim who said, if they let you go out on your own it means you're really one of us. 我觉得就像Jim说的那样,如果他们让你自己出师了他们就真的把你看成一份子了。
Dante: Let you go? But it'd be a waste if you ended up as just a pretty stain. 但丁:让你走?如果你以这种难堪的结尾收场那将是一种浪费。
I know you are tired, my dear, and I must let you go. But I love you so much it hurts to do so. 我知道你累了吧,我亲爱的,我一定要让你去。但是,我爱你那么多伤害这样做。
I'm sure something will turn up, but we're going to have to let you go. 我相信事情一定会有所进展的,但是公司将必须解雇你。
So i have decided not to let you go for the rest of my life and use all my warmth to heat your heart up. 所以我决定不放你走,让你呆在我的身边用我所有的温暖来帮你保暖。
Dante: Let you go But itd be a waste if you ended up as just a pretty stain. 但丁:让伱走?假如伱以这种难堪旳结尾收场那将是一种浪费。
Also do not know is that it is easy to do let you go, should still hold your hand, never let you go. 也不知道是该故做轻松让你走,还是该紧紧的抓住你的手,不再让你走。
Maybe one day I'll be able to tear away a part of me and let you go. 希望有一天,我可以撕裂某一部分的自己,然后让你离去。