
美 [lin]英 [liːn]
  • n.瘦肉
  • v.倾斜;倚靠;前俯(或后仰);靠在
  • adj.肉少的;瘦且健康的;脂肪少的;无脂肪的
  • 网络精益;精益生产;精实

第三人称单数:leans 现在分词:leaning 过去式:leaned 比较级:leaner 最高级:leanest

lean meat


1.[i](+ adv./prep.)前俯(或后仰);倾斜to bend or move from a vertical position

2.[i]倚靠;靠在;靠置to rest on or against sth for support

3.[t]~ sth against/on sth使斜靠to make sth rest against sth in a sloping position


淡淡的英文单词怎么写?-外语-天涯问答 ... languid a. 倦怠的,无精打采的 lean vi. 倾斜,屈身 loaf v. 混日子,鬼混 ...


精益LEAN)(精鑫)技术有限公司是一家源于香港并具有多年测试经验的外商独资公司,专业提供玩具、纺织等测试仪器。我 …


精益生产Lean)特别强调均衡生产,这是主要原因之一。现实中生产未必如此均衡,到达静态的触发点时才产生物料补充信 …

大学英语精读单词表(第三册) - 豆丁网 ... futile a. 无用的 lean vi. , 倚 establish vt. 确立, 证实 ...

大学英语精读单词表(第三册) - 豆丁网 ... futile a. 无用的 lean vi. 靠, establish vt. 确立, 证实 ...


精实(lean),有弹性(flexible) ,纪律性(disciplined)有能力及被授权的员工。


高一英语词汇表 ... frown vi. 皱眉;不许可;不同意 lean vi. 倚靠;倾斜 suitcase n. 手提箱;小提箱 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... leak 会漏的 lean 倾斜;瘦的 leap 跳;跃 ...

Such a lean into opposition would also place the Sun too far to the North, which had been noted of late on various message boards. 这样向相反方向的倾斜同样会使太阳离北方太过遥远,这最近在各种留言板上都被注意到了。
Even mundane issues can present hazards, such as how much to lean on administrative support. 甚至是平常的问题也会产生风险,例如在管理支持方面你学到了多少。
In true romantic-comedy fashion, the heel of my shoe got stuck in the pavement, and I had to lean down to pull it out just as he walked in. 我们的重逢颇有浪漫喜剧的风格:我的鞋跟陷进了路边,当我弯腰去拔的时候,他正巧路过。
You always appear with perfect timing. Presenting me with happiness, confidence, And a strong shoulder to lean on. 你,总会在最恰当的时候出现给我惊喜给我信心或者,一个肩膀。
He does see an opportunity, however, for governments to "lean into the wind a little more" to reduce the volatility of bubbles and crashes. 对于“更多的转向顺风”以减少动荡的泡沫和崩溃的各国政府来说,他确实看到了机会。
HW: You seem to lean toward adaptations from short stories. Why do you think you connect with those? 你似乎倾向于利用短篇小说,为什么你认为你与它们有着联系?
flesh of any of several lean-fleshed fish caught off the United States Atlantic coast. 从美国大西洋海岸捕获的几种瘦肉型鱼的肉。
At Oxford I have been a good deal used to have a man lean on me for the length of a street, and you are only a fly in the comparison. 我在牛津上学的时候,经常让一个小伙子靠在身上行走,一走就是一条街那么远。比较起来,你就像只飞蝇那么轻。
When they sat down together, the man would lean forward, thrusting out his chest, while the woman would start twirling her hair. 当他们比肩而坐时,男士可能会向前倾,挺直胸膛,而女士则开始捻弄她们的头发。
I shall count three, and on the word 'three', I want you to lean forward suddenly as hard as you can. That should get the bus started again. 我数一、二、三,当我数到三时,你们要尽力地突然俯身向前,那样就会使车子再开动起来。
You lean over to look at the lettuce. The next thing you know, water is spraying on your head. What's happening? 你屈身去挑选莴苣。你马上就会知道有水正喷洒在你的头上。这是为什么呢?
Many Kanban proponents will say to me, "no, Kanban is a whole philosophy" to which I ask, "why not talk about Lean as a whole then" ? 很多看板的支持者们会说:“不,看板是一套完整的体系。”而我会回复说:“为什么不说精益是完整的体系呢?”
Then the lean Nith remarked that no one had seen the old man or his wife since the night the cats were away. 之后瘦削的尼斯注意到自从猫儿消失那晚开始没人见过老农民和他的妻子了。
Betwixt the hut and the fence, on the back side, was a lean-to that joined the hut at the eaves, and was made out of plank. 在后边的一侧,在小屋和栅栏的中间,有一个披间,它接着小屋的屋檐,是木板做成的。
Fred Landis has a Valentine's Day ritual. Sometime, somewhere, he'll lean over to his wife, Gwen, and say, "I love you. " 佛瑞德·兰迪斯在情人节这天有一个不变的仪式,就是在某时某地,他会靠近自己的妻子温格,对她说“我爱你”。
They put up a lean-to against the rock. The snow "s pretty well covered it now, but I could still make it out. " 他们背靠着大石头,虽然雪几乎把营地整个盖住,但我还是分辨得出来。
We have to buttress up the old church as it is beginning to lean. 我们必须加固这座古老的教堂,因为它开始倾斜了。
If I bring her a red rose, I shall hold her in my arms, and she will lean her head upon my shoulder, and her hand will be clasped in mine. 假如我送她一朵红玫瑰,我就能搂着她的腰,她也会把头靠在我的肩上,她的手将捏在我的手心里。
Vijg noted that since the drug did not extend the maximum life span of fat mice, it would be surprising if it did so with lean mice. 但是维杰格博士指出,由于该药物不能够延长肥胖小鼠的最长寿命,如果它能够延长瘦弱小鼠的寿命,那也将是不可思议的。
He was moderately tall and lean, and was silent. He did not look at Connie at all, only at the chair. 他是中等的身材,有点消瘦,很缄默,他一点也不看康妮,只望着那车子。
WALL STREET is often criticised for heaping gold on bankers in fat years, but failing to penalise them in lean ones. [font=SimSun]人们经常批评华尔街在收益多的年头,往银行家口袋里堆金子,但在收益少的时候,却没有去惩罚他们。
I beseech you to let me be like a new-born baby looking to You without anything else to lean on. 求你使我做一个才生的婴孩那样无依无靠的仰望你!
Obese individuals who are otherwise healthy may fare just as well as, or perhaps in the case of stroke, better than their lean counterparts. 在中风这个问题上,那些肥胖而健康的人与那些体型瘦小的比较对象相比,发病情况可能差不多,甚至可能更少。
Then, do oversee me with a gentler gaze. hold me firmer lean on me softer and warmer. . . 那么,请以更温柔的目光俯视我。已以更固执的手握紧我。以及个温暖的气息贴近我。
He had begun his lifelong experiments with compulsive diets, eating only fruits and vegetables, so he was as lean and tight as a whippet. 他开始并坚持了一辈子强制性的饮食实验:只吃水果和蔬菜,所以他的样子又瘦弱又结实,像只敏捷的惠比特犬。
All that Edmond had been able to do was to drag himself about a dozen paces forward to lean against a moss-grown rock. 爱德蒙所能做的也只是把自己向前拖了十几步,靠在一块长满苔藓的岩石上。
His head was bent, his hair covering his face and his voice was so low that Lily had to lean forward to hear what he was saying. 他低着头,头发把脸都挡住了,声音越来越小以至于莉莉要使劲往前靠才能听得清。
When I look back, I see those lean years as a test to see if I could learn how to give even when it seemed to hurt to do so. 回首往事,那些艰难的日子就像是一场考试,来测试我是否已经学会:即使在布施做起来很痛苦的时候,也不能够放弃。
Don't sit at a table. Find a stool or lean by the bar. Your body language should be able to portray that you're open for a conversation. 不要坐在桌子边上。找一凳子坐下或者靠在吧台上。你的肢体语言应该要能够表眀你期待一次谈话。
An inch taller than I, he had a lean, muscular frame, clear blue eyes, blond hair and a strikingly handsome face. 他比我高一英寸,身材修长,肌肉结实,蓝蓝的眼睛,金黄的头发,还长着一张异常英俊的面孔。