
美 [pul]英 [puːl]
  • n.水塘;一滩(液体);一小片(液体或光);共用的资源(或资金)
  • v.集中资源(或材料等)
  • 网络水池;游泳池;池塘

复数:pools 现在分词:pooling 过去式:pooled

use pool,create pool,pool money,manage pool,expand pool
large pool,indoor pool,small pool,outdoor pool,huge pool


n. v.

水of water

1.[c]水坑,水塘,池塘(尤指自然形成的)a small area of still water, especially one that has formed naturally

液体;光of liquid/light

2.[c]~ (of sth)一滩(液体);一小片(液体或光)a small amount of liquid or light lying on a surface

众人;事物group of things/people

3.[c]~ (of sth)共用的资源(或资金)a supply of things or money that is shared by a group of people and can be used when needed

4.[c]~ (of sth)(统称)备用人员a group of people available for work when needed


5.[u]普尔;落袋台球;弹子球a game for two people played with 16 balls on a table, often in pubs and bars. Players use cues (= long sticks) to try to hit the balls into pockets at the edge of the table.


人教版七年级下册英语单词表 ... mall 购物商场 pool 水池 camera 照相机 ...


JIRO_百度百科 ... 3. Fishing( 垂钓) 4. Pool游泳池) 6. Bowling( 保龄球) ...


七年级英语单词表 ... mall 购物商场;商业街 pool 水池;水塘 camera 照像机 ...


1000个最简单常用的英语单词_百度文库 ... 吃 eat 池塘;水坑 pool 迟的 late ...



我对於池子 (pool) 的直觉是池子里面要有一满池的东西, 而对於池子一次只能有一个人用我则要想好久后才能接受.


新目标七年级下英语单词表_百度知道 ... 176 mall n. 商业街,购物商场 177 pool n. 池,水塘,撞球 178 camera n. 照相机 ...

we spent that afternoon walking around a flea market. We had a few coffees, watched a movie, and went for a swim in the pool at the hotel. 那天下午我们去逛了逛跳蚤市场。喝咖啡,看电影,然后回酒店泳池游了泳。
There will be no running and no horsing around near the pool, or we may have to ask you to leave. 游泳池附近禁止奔跑和骑马,所以我们不得不让你离开。
And she didn't even give it a second thought. Straight into that pool, with or without a crocodile, after her prey. 而她根本想都没想。直接跳入一个有或没有鳄鱼的水池中追逐猎物。
This bee was unfortunate enough to land in my pool, but he made some amazing patterns buzzing around in the water. 这只蜜蜂很不幸地降落在了我的游泳池里。
Andy awoke the next morning in a pool of his own dribble, but ready to walk another day. 第二天早上,马普安在自己的一汪口水中醒来,但是已经有了精神准备再走一天。
If you think playing survival 'endless' mode only drops pool-style plants for your Zen Garden, think again! It drops everything-style. 如果你认为经历“无尽的”生存模式只会出现水生植物,那么再想想吧!这可是会出现所有类型的植物哦!
They met when Jones's mother was a cleaner at a Brisbane pool and used to take her young daughter to work with her. 琼斯的母亲是布里斯本(Brisbane)一家游泳池的清洁人员,她经常带小琼斯去自己工作的地方。琼斯和教练就此相识。
But there was no fish. It had escaped between the rocks into a larger pool. 但还是没有鱼,它已经从石缝溜到另一个大池塘里去了。
Sometimes, when you re driving on the highway, there may seem to be a pool of water somewhere in front of you. 有时候你们开车在高速公路,看起来好像有水在前面,不过那不是水,而是光的折射。
Another is at the edge of a pool of walking, one not careful, kick, fell down, but are on the edge of a man to help me get out. 另外一次是在水塘边行走,一不小心,一脚踩空,就落了下去,幸亏边上有一个大人帮我拉起。
A youth who pined away in love for his own image in a pool of water and was transformed into the flower that bears his name. 那喀索斯一个青年由于对水池中自己形象的眷恋而死去,变成一种以他的名字命名的花朵。
Having said that, however, we were still able to see some benefits by increasing the buffer pool. 尽管如此,增加缓冲池还是有一些好处的。
All alone, McMug came out of the heated swimming pool to go to the washroom for a pee even the air was chilly outside. 麦唛冒着寒风从温暖的泳池爬出,到洗手间小便。
He couldn't believe that they'd been arguing about a swimsuit all day, since the moment Morgan walked in an announced his pool party. 他完全不能相信他们从Morgan进来告知他的泳池派对后,竟然用了一整天在争论关于一件泳衣的事!
The city's labour pool tends to be highly-skilled, and the impact of the recession was mostly felt by the lower-skilled. 该市人才多为高技术精英,而受衰退冲击最严重的乃低技术人员。
The stream left behind it a crescent deep pool at each of its turning points. 溪水每到拐弯处都会留下一枚新月型的水潭。
Design work of a renowned American-based firm, the swimming pool uses natural seawater purified by an advanced purifying system. 海水浴区由美国著名设计公司设计,采用纯天然海水,并为此配备了专业的海水净化系统。
Paul sat down on the edge of the swimming pool to dangle his feet in the water. 保罗坐在游泳池边沿上,把双脚放在水中摆动。
In front of the deep-freeze they found a small pool of water, and a wet cat, busily licking itself. 他们在冰柜前发现了一小滩水,一只湿透的猫正忙忙碌碌舐着自己。
And given that most online daters look for partners who live no more than 25-30 miles away, the real pool of potential mates is often tiny. 而且因为大多数的网上约会者找的是居住在附近25到30英里内的伴侣,实际的潜在配偶通常数量很少。
If your right side is just as strong and fluent as your left side, you'll swim in a more direct line down the pool or in open water. 如果你的右侧呼吸和左侧变得一样的纯熟流畅,那么,无论你在公开水域还是泳池中,你的游进路线都将会变得更直。
I got up from the porch and went around the house. I got my fishing pole and lit out for the pool below the dam. 我从走廊里站起来,在房子里绕了一圈,拿了根鱼杆,轻轻地出门,朝大坝下面的池塘走去。
There are vacancy positions in the company, we will advertise or to the human resources pool to recruit directly on the newspaper . 每当公司中有空缺职位,我们就会在报纸上登广告或者直接到人才市场去招聘。
Every morning the pool attendant would place a rolled towel and a blossom which had been freshly picked that morning on the poolside chairs. 每天早上游泳池的工作人员会放置一卷毛巾,一束早上刚摘采的鲜花放在池边椅子上。
Life would turn to a stagnant pool, were it not ruffled by the jarring interests, the unruly passions of men. 如果不是冲突利益和不受控制的激情刺激,人们的生活将变成一潭死水。
And then, of course, I'd pitch forward, over the bank into the pool and, if I wasn't dead when I hit the water, I'd drown sure. 接着,我当然会向前一头栽下去,从堤岸坠入池中。就算我落水时还没死,也一定会被淹死。
and peeped curiously into a pool , left by the retiring tide as a mirror for pearl to see her face in. 她不时停下身来,把退潮留下的水洼当作镜子,好奇地朝里面照着她自己的面孔。
A thread pool specifies the maximum possible number of threads allowed to run concurrently in a Web container. 线程池指定Web容器中允许并发运行的线程的最大数量。
Around this large central pool were smaller rooms, that might have dressing rooms, and smaller pools that might have been private baths . 在这个巨大的中央水池周围的是较小的房间,也许是更衣室,较小的水池也许是用作私人沐浴。
He answered and said, "A Man called Jesus made clay and anointed my eyes and said to me, 'Go to the pool of[ d] Siloam and wash. " 他回答说:有一个人,名叫耶稣,他和泥抹我的眼睛,对我说:你往西罗亚池子去洗。