
美 [let]英 [let]
  • v.让;使得;出借;使流出
  • short.让我们
  • n.〈英口〉出租;租出的房屋;阻碍;(网球等)球触网
  • 网络Larger External Transformation Substance;妄想同居生活

现在分词:letting 第三人称单数:lets

let slip,let house,let room,let blood,nature let


1.让我们let us


破擦音_百度百科 ... beds /bedz/ 床(复) let's /lets/ 让我们 what's /wɔts/ 什么 ...

Larger External Transformation Substance

...殊物质如纤维连接素(Fibronectin),又称LETS(Larger External Transformation Substance),细胞表面蛋白(Cell


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If I am not once injured by you, I cannot like this understand The deepest pain lets like awaking For me is final is bad. 如果我不曾被你伤害,我就不会如此的明白。最深的痛让爱醒过来。对我来说是最后的坏。
The General tab, as shown in Figure 4, lets you specify the name, description, type, and priority for your activity. 如图4所示,General选项卡让您指定活动的名称,描述,类型和属性。
Yes, a software modem lets you dial connections just as you would with a standard hardware modem. 是的,软件调制解调器使您可以像使用标准硬件调制解调器一样进行拨号连接。
Find Updates to Add-ons lets you know if updates to any of the currently installed add-ons are available. FindUpdatestoAdd-ons允许您了解当前已安装的外接程序是否有更新可用。
Would you say that there is no such thing as negative feedback in that it at least lets you know what we're doing wrong? 你认同没有任何其它事情,比否定的回馈,更让你知道我们做错的事情吗?
One word lets slip and four horses will fail to catch it. A statement that once let loose cannot be caught by four galloping horses. 这两种说法,中文味道嫌重,英美人未必理解。不过他们倒有类似的说法
A man with a strong state of mind never lets his feeling affect his mood, but the latter bring out the former. 一个有坚强心智的人从不让他的感受影响他的心情,而是让他的心情滋生他的感受。
How much do you know about this country? Lets take a look at it together! 关于这个国家你知道多少?让我们一起来了解一下吧!
The second ui: define tag lets you specify the body of the page, which in the template page has no default content. 第二个ui:define标记让您指定页面主体,在模板页面中没有默认内容。
Invisible Hand: Does a quick price check and lets you know if the product you are looking at is available at a lower price elsewhere. InvisibleHand(无影之手):当你查看某种商品的时候帮助你快速提供同类价格比较,告诉你别的网站是否有更低报价。
"He is a demanding boss and when he is unhappy with your performance he lets you know, " said a former colleague. “他是一个要求极高的老板,当他不满意你的表现时,他会让你知道,”一名前同事表示。
Bottle-feeding lets me know how much nutrition the baby has had. 瓶喂使我知道宝宝到底吸收了多少营养。
The CPU menu choice lets you tell the program how often the program will run and how much memory the program can use. CPU选项菜单中可以设置程序运行的时间周期以及允许程序使用的内存的数量。
A twist on traditional meat loaf, this meat loaf lets you get out of the kitchen to enjoy the summer sun. 传统肉糜卷的变种,这种肉糜卷让你走出厨房享受夏季的阳光。
At this point he lets loose with all the firepower at his command, subduing and then destroying his enemies with demonic fury . 在这一刻,他释放在他的掌握下所有力量,在恶魔的愤怒下制服然后再摧毁他的敌人。
So I write down the time of own Bo text each time, I will let the person translate into for me English lets me study so much. 所以我每写下自己的博文的时候,我会让人帮我翻译成英文好让我学习。
Then, just as the meeting is looking like a washout, Goldman analyst Marc Fox lets something slip that starts Heebner's brain whirling. 那时,正在进行中的会议就像是一场洗礼,高盛分析师MarcFox一些不经意的话让Heebner的头脑开始转动起来。
Harry lets go of him abruptly. He rubs his forehead, but the gesture is only out of habit now. 哈利立刻放开了他。他揉了揉自己的额头,这是他的老习惯了。
Cascade Mode: lets the user route one layer through the DSP of any other layer within a program - up to 32 consecutive layers deep! 级联模式:让用户路线一层通过数字信号处理的任何其他层内计划-高达32层连续深!
It lets information flow freely and ubiquitously -- like water through a town's plumbing -- by metering it out in usable chunks. 这样可以通过计量信息的使用让信息自由流动,无处不在——就好象城市水管中的水一样。
Really, you do not know until the time comes. Sometimes you have to work in this world, so God lets you know very little. 真的要等时间到了你们才会了解,有时因为你们还得在这个世界工作,所以上帝不会让你们知道太多。
Especially the fan refuels from beginning to end for us, lets me be very unforgettable. 尤其是球迷自始至终地为我们加油,让我很难忘。
The Joker: Lets wind the clocks back a year , these cops and lawyers wouldnt dare cross any of you. I mean, what happened? 小丑:我们就从一年前开端说起,那些警察和律师还不敢拿你怎么样呢,我是说,产生了什么事?
Protest at her shows. Bring the wrath of hell on her. We are children of satan according to her, so lets being the hell fire on this bigot! 反对她的演出。把愤怒发泄在她身上吧。对她来说我们是撒旦的孩子,那就让地狱之火在这个老顽固身上熊熊燃烧吧!
Many other factors are at play, including just how much China lets its own currency appreciate against the dollar. 其它许多因素也在发挥作用,包括中国在多大程度上让人民币兑美元升值。
The boss is a real Simon Legree. He never lets the clerks rest even a minute during work hours. 那个老板实在太苛刻了。他从来不让职员在工作时间休息。
Harold is a real wimp. He lets everybody take advantage of him. 哈罗德真没用,每个人都可以占他便宜。
UPS SMS Tracking is a convenient service that lets you track your packages efficiently with just a few simple commands to your mobile phone. UPSSMS包裹追踪是一项方便的服务,您只要在移动电话上输入几个简单命令即可有效地追踪包裹。
A generation is growing up plugged into an internet-polity that lets it trade ideas and goods in a way that has no precedent. 一代人正在密切参与互联网政治的情况下成长,这使得他们能够以前所未有的方式,交换思想与商品。
You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket. However, this does not always happen. Traffic police are sometimes very polite. 如果他没给你罚款单就放你走,蒜泥走运,然而,情况并不都是这样,交通警察优势也很客气。