level 2

  • 网络第二层;二等奖;二级安检

level 2level 2

level 2


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The economic effects of those events, and of the Western Australian cyclones over the summer, have been seen at the national level. 这些事件对经济的影响,以及夏季(澳洲1,2月是夏季)以来西澳的飓风,被视为是国家级的。
2 it is all in the light of the emergency research and operation level difference is bigger, low-level repeating more research. 二是各灾种的应急研究和操作水平差别较大,低水平重复研究较多;
I'd like to see it take the average player at least 2 months, but you know, you should never reach max level imo. 我想一个中等的玩家至少需要两个月,但要知道,在我看来你绝不会达到最高级别。
This level is achieved by grouping 2 or more hard disks into a single unit with the total size equaling that of the smallest of disks used. 这个级别是通过把2块或更多的硬盘组成一个逻辑卷,容量大小等于所使用磁盘的最小的那块。
Finally, a delta backup captures anything that has changes since the last backup of any kind (sometimes called a level 2 backup). 最后,差异备份捕捉自上一次任何类型的备份以来的一切变化(有时也称2级备份)。
'I'd been learning Korean for about two years, and my speaking level is now high, but I was really struggling with particular sounds. 我已经学了2年韩语了,我现在的口语水平也到一定水平了,但是以前某些音我要很努力去发也发不好。
Participants who got at least two hours per week of aerobic exercise had a modest rise in their HDL cholesterol level. 受试参加者在每周至少进行2小时的有氧运动后,他们的高密度胆固醇有了适度的升高。
Traders said the 61. 8 percent retracement of the February to April rally was the next support level at 122. 75 yen. 交易商称,2-4月涨势的61.8%回撤位122.75日圆为下一个支撑位。
It should popup a filter window and have at least 2 "radius" sliders and a few "transparency" level. 它应该弹出一个窗口,过滤至少有2“半径”滑块和少数“透明度”的水平。
The savings rate fell to 5. 9% from 6. 2% in June, which had been the highest level in a year. 储蓄率则从本年最高值——6月份的6.2%,跌至了7月的5.
At least 3 years of HR management experience in foreign investment company, 2 years experience as manager level. 至少3年以上外资生产性企业人力资源管理工作经验,2年以上为经理级别;
The most obvious way for the Fed to help is to lower the federal funds rate target, which sets the cost of borrowing, from its level of 2%. 美联储救市最明显的方式是降低联邦基金的利率(该利率决定了借款成本),从2%的水平上。
At the most basic level, I am all in favour of We #2 if it means getting other people to do your work for you and failing to pay them. 在最基本的层面上,如果第二种“我们”意味着让别人给你干活而不用付钱,那么我完全赞同。
Sea level is rising faster along the U. S. East Coast than it has for at least 2, 000 years, according to new research. 最新研究显示,美国东岸海平面的上升速度已超过了其至少2000年来的上升速度。
This represents a large proportion of the total sea level rise of 2mm-3mm a year that the world is experiencing. 全球海平面每年总共上升2毫米至3毫米,这0.6毫米在其中占据了相当大的比例。
On Thursday, the Bank of England dropped interest rates a full point down to the two percent level. 星期四,英格兰银行下调利率一个百分点至2%。
That would translate into a 1. 4% year-over-year gain for core CPI, the lowest since 2004 and a level not sustained since the 1960s. 这意味着2月份核心CPI将较上年同期上升1.4%,创下2004年以来最低升幅,也是自上世纪六十年代以来未曾持续保持的水平。
The CASS study calls for a "prompt" change of policy to get the fertility rate up to around the "replacement level" of 2. 1. 社科院研究号召一个“刺激”性政策改变来使生育率提升到2.
The pattern's energy level is the result of dividing the sum of these products by negative two. 图案的能量级别是用负2去除这些乘积的和所得的结果。
the other is a mesh point size and spatial distribution of changes in the frequency shall be referred to as level 2 dots. 另一栽是网不面巨细和不时间漫衍频率均在改变,称为二级调频网不面。
At least 5 years relevant experiences in restaurant or hotel industry, with a minimum of 2 years at department managerial level. 5年以上的酒店和餐饮工作经验,其中至少有2年以上的部门管理经验;
Miners were further helped by a rise in the price of copper to its highest level in two weeks. 铜价上涨至2周来最高位,使采矿企业进一步获利。
Enterprises to the provincial high-tech enterprises, and a provincial-level R & D Center: 260 million with an annual production value. 企业为省级高新技术企业,并拥有省级研发中心:年产值为2.
With the release of Spring 2. 0 just over a year ago, these themes advanced to a new level. 一年前发布的Spring2.0就把这些主题推到了一个新的高度。
I'm thrown into the fourth campaign level of Crysis 2 and a demolished New York is in front of me. 我扔在孤岛危机2第四运动水平和拆卸纽约在我前面。
Over the last 3000 years, global sea-level rose 0. 1 to 0. 2 millimetres a year - about a tenth the rate of rise in the last 100 years. 在过去的3000年里,全球海平面每年上升了0.1至0.2毫米,这是过去100年海平面上升速度的十分之一。
Chinese exports in February were almost one and half times their level a year ago. 中国2月份出口几乎是去年同期的1倍半。
The dates have been automatically grouped into six two-month ranges, which then form the next level of the hierarchy. 日期被自动编组为6个范围,2个月一个范围,然后这些范围形成了分层结构的下一级别。
StarCraft II is set to build upon the ground set by its predecessor and raise the play -- as well as the demand -- to another level. 星际争霸2将会延续前作的构架,并且——正如玩家们要求的那样——将对抗性提升到一个新的高度。
The S& P financials sector fell 2. 1 per cent and is now at its lowest level in two years. 标准普尔金融分类指数下跌2.1%,目前处于两年来的最低点位。