
美 [plɑt]英 [plɒt]
  • n.阴谋;密谋;故事情节;布局
  • v.密谋;暗中策划;(在地图上)画出;绘制(图表)
  • 网络绘图;图形

复数:plots 过去式:plotted 现在分词:plotting

expose plot,make plot,engineer plot,uncover plot
secret plot,sinister plot,burial plot


n. v.

1.[c][u]故事情节;布局the series of events that form the story of a novel, play, film/movie, etc.

3.[c](专用的)小块土地a small piece of land that is used or intended for a special purpose


lose the plot

迷惘;不知所措to lose your ability to understand or deal with what is happening

the plot thickens

情况变得复杂起来used to say that a situation is becoming more complicated and difficult to understand


,并有一些预想的创造情节plots)导致现实中该时间点经过后有部分出入和直接矛盾。在这个故事里,大多数地球的神话都 …


03单击【绘制】(Plots)按钮,打开“探索:图”(Explore:Plots)对话框,如图3-11所示。 04单击【选项】(Options)按钮…

MT5指标编写实例课程-... ... #property indicator_plots 4 4条线 #property indicator_color1 Red 这条线的颜色 ...

...图 2‐1) ,我们先在一个样区里面选择若干实 验(plots) ,将不同的处理水平随机挑选实验地.这种设计是合理的,但有时并不是 最 …


特点Features ... Plots 绘图 S-,Y-,Z-parameter matrix S、Y、Z 参数矩阵 ...


一元线性回归分析例题 - 豆丁网 ... “Save”( 保存)按钮,在打开的主对话框中,在 “Plots”( 图形) 按钮,在打开的主对话框中,选 …


英语单词_百度知道 ... plugs n. 塞子,消防拴,电插头 plots n. 图,阴谋,情节 plows n. 犁,耕地,耕作 ...

He had his will drawn up; he bought two adjoining plots in a cemetery, one for himself and one for Marjorie; he gave away family heirlooms. 他拟定了一纸遗嘱;他在墓地购买了两块毗邻的土地,一块给他自己,一块给马约莉;他送出了家族的传家宝。
I believe this was one of the plots of the film, but if not, eh, it's still nice to think about. 我相信这是电影的卖点之一,如果不是,呃,这样想想也不坏。
I, I just wanna be able to do good things, you know? Find the leads that have good plots and everything. . . 我只想演些好角色,你知道?寻找有好的计划的线索以及一切…
How the party responds to this reverse will be one of the interesting sub-plots in Irish politics over the coming months and years. 该党对此次转变作何反应将会是在接下来的岁月里爱尔兰政坛上的有趣插曲。
So far, they said, they had not detected any specific plots or an increase in threats. 他们称,到目前为止,还没有发现任何特殊迹象,也没有显示恐怖活动的增加。
Patchouli is often grown on small plots in remote areas where harvesting is usually done by hand using just scissors or knives. 广藿香通常是长在偏远地区的小块土地上,人们通常只是用剪刀或小刀去收割。
But one category is often overlooked: sources of energy, even though the plots and turning points of major movies have hinged on just that. 但是,有一种能够推动剧情发展甚至扭转剧情的学科门类常常被人们所忽视,那就是能源问题。
It seems to have more data points embedded in its scatter plots than our galaxy has stars. 这看起来有更多的数据要点嵌入它分散图里,就像我们的银河系里有星星那样。
I love this book. It has wonderful plots and the words are easy to understand, too. 我喜欢这本书,它有漂亮的情节而且文字也通俗易懂。
In the game, the image and plots about him basically follow people's consistent understanding of him. 在游戏当中,关羽的形象和情节基本秉承了人们一贯对他的理解。
The deficiency of plots made thoughts unable to be consumed, which is the important reason why The Promise is in an awkward position. 在消费文化语境中,电影故事性的缺位使思想丧失了可消费性,这是《无极》遭遇尴尬的重要原因。
But uprooting is often a haphazard affair, usually affecting those who cannot bribe the eradication teams to pass over their plots. 但根绝罂粟常常成了随意之事,通常会影响那些无法通过贿赂根除罂粟团队而忽略其属地之人。
Buck's father was one of the first five missionaries to buy building plots from Little and put up stone shacks with tarpaulin roofs. 赛珍珠的父亲是最早从李德立手中购买建筑用地的5位传教士之一,并在石头小屋上安装了防雨顶棚。
A dozen plots against New York have been thwarted or have failed since the attacks, including one to blow up the Brooklyn Bridge. 自从911袭击以来,十几次针对纽约的阴谋已被挫败,或已经失败,包括一起企图炸毁布鲁克林大桥的阴谋。
Be that as it might, some iron core of self-preservation and caution kept him from confessing his plots to her. 尽管是这样,自卫和谨慎是他钢铁铸就的本能,不允许他对她坦白自己的秘密计划。
In countless fantasy or science fiction plots, invisibility is the state of an object which cannot be seen by the eyes. 在一些科幻、魔幻小说中所讲到的不被他人所用肉眼看到的一种存在状态。
As the two studios scrambled to produce a film on the same subject, the plots of the two films collided with each other. 由于两家电影厂争拍同一题材影片,这两部电影的情节撞车了。
Secrets, plots , secret diversions, the stress of each play minute , all this now is accessible on the screen of cell phone! 密,情节,秘密的转移,每游戏分锺的压迫力,打行动电话的荧屏这现在全部是可接近的!
Its textured account of the early struggle against spies and subversives gives way to a skimpy account of terrorist plots. 早期反间谍反颠覆的斗争描述生动,写到恐怖分子密谋的部分却用笔俭省。
In summary, Shakespeare seems to ridicule his society by turning some anti-society scenarios or law-violating plots into laughter. 简而言之,莎士比亚似乎将反社会的剧情或抵触法律的情节转变为笑点,藉此嘲讽社会,娱乐观众。
He never fights in the drama. He plots, tries, but fails, to get the politics right and is full of self-doubt. 他在剧中没有打斗戏份,只是策划和尝试,他费尽心机却还是没有搞清楚政治的本质,并且对自身充满了怀疑。
For simple x-y plots, gnuplot is often the first choice. 对于简单的x-y平面图,gnuplot经常是第一选择。
Around it were thousands of other plots, each with a ger in the middle, jammed together on the slopes overlooking Ulaanbaatar. 房子周围是成百上千的圈地,每一块地中央都搭上了蒙古包,密密麻麻地分布在这座俯瞰乌兰巴托的小山丘上。
He said: 'New infrastructure, office, retail and living space are required in the city but no empty plots are available. 他说:“墨西哥城需要新的基础设施、办公楼、商店以及住宅楼,但是地面上已经没有可用的空间。”
I was at home watching it when a few minute after the opening titles, I noticed that some plots have been clumsily repeated. 我在家看电视的时候发现电影开头演职名单放完没多久,有的情节就出现笨拙的重复。
For phases three and four, we are trying to retain more plots to maintain the price that is suitable for that level. 对于第三阶段和第四阶段,我们正在设法留住更多的阴谋,保持价格适合的水平。
Two alleged terror plots targeting 2 US cities, Federal Agents say the suspects in both plots were ready to pull the trigger. 两大恐怖阴谋,目标是两个美国城市。联邦特工称,两个阴谋的两名嫌疑人均已准备按下触发开关。
I would not worry too much about this person and the petty political plots. 我不会在这些小人和小阴谋上多费口舌。
Planning nature of the plots hotel, residential, commercial land, as Tianhe future centres. 地块规划性质为酒店、居住、商业用地,定位为天河未来居住中心。
We would expect to see detailed sketches, major equations and plots which demonstrate that you are on the right track. 我们希望看到详细草图、主要方程式和图标来表明你的进展正常。