
美 [pɪɡ]英 [pɪɡ]
  • n.【动】猪;小猪;野猪;〈侮辱〉笨蛋
  • v.〈非正式〉大吃特吃;猛吃
  • 网络猪猪;警察;Picture in Graphics

复数:pigs 现在分词:pigging 过去式:pigged

kill pig,raise pig
wild pig,potbellied pig


n. v.

1.猪an animal with pink, black or brown skin, short legs, a broad nose and a short tail which curls round itself. Pigs are kept on farms for their meat (called pork ) or live in the wild.

2.(informal)令人不快(或讨厌)的人;贪婪(或肮脏)的人an unpleasant or offensive person; a person who is dirty or greedy


make a pigs ear (out) of sth

把事情办砸;弄得一团糟to do sth badly; to make a mess of sth

(buy) a pig in a poke

(买)未看过的东西;(买)不知优劣的东西if youbuy a pig in a poke , you buy sth without seeing it or knowing if it is good enough

a pig of a sth

挠头的事;烦人的事;苦差a difficult or unpleasant thing or task

pigs might fly

(表示不相信某事会发生)太阳从西出used to show that you do not believe sth will ever happen

日常生活中的英语单词_爱问知识人 ... dog 狗 pig duck 鸭 ...


英语专业四级词汇表(全)_百度文库 ... pierce vt. 剌穿 pig n. 猪,小猪,野猪 pigeon n. 鸽子 ...


首页-探戈宝贝-- 淘宝网 ... 狗狗 Dog 猪猪 Pig 猫猫 Cat ...


闪客快打7佣兵帝国_百度百科 ... Boy 坏男孩 Pig 野猪 King 女王 ...


影视中常见的黑人口语 ... Mo=Moet= 酒的名字; pig= 警察; props=1-respect;2- 靠山; ...

Picture in Graphics

支持DiSEqC1.0;Picture in GraphicsPIG)支持;高可靠性,不易死机;SCPC和MCPC,C-band和Ku-band兼容;可选择 …



Even the smell of the pig's meat , an animal that the pork industry feeds nothing but decaying vegetable matter, tastes better. 即使是用腐烂的蔬菜喂养的猪肉的味道也比食肉动物的好。
I couldn't catch what he said. He spoke in a pig's whisper. 我听不清楚他说的什么,他说话的声音很轻。
But at the last moment, the pig pulled out of an event it was due to attend, after its creator decided to steer clear of politics. 但是在最后一刻,小猪妹在一场原定参加的活动上缺席,原因是“粉红小猪妹”的品牌持有商决定不趟政治浑水。
Always good to see God's design, these other neighbors had to admit Pig arrangements are the main - though remain in the speculation. 每每看到上帝苦心的设计,这些其它的邻居只得承认猪是主的安排——虽然停留在猜测。
Just as the Jade Emperor was about to call it a day, an oink and squeal was heard from a little pig. 玉帝正准备收工,他听到了一头小猪长而尖锐的呼噜声。
We wish you that this New Year, the Year of Pig, is good with you and allows you to comply all the secret dreams that everybody has. 我们祝愿你这一年,这一个属猪的年,你们顺顺利利,实现大家心里的秘密的梦想。
There was Kroa who belched like a pig and always let off a loud fart when he sat down to table. 那位克罗打起嗝来像头猪,一坐下来吃饭总要先放一个大屁。
Since that she has congenital heart disease after the family sold the only pig and cattle, for her to seek medical treatment. 自从知道她有先天性心脏病以后,家里变卖仅有的猪和牛,为她寻求医治。
A teacup, a grenade, a pair of glasses, a frozen pig's tail and a peanut butter jar have all been removed from the male rectum by doctors. 一只茶杯,一个手榴弹,一副眼镜,一条冷冻猪尾巴还有一罐花生酱都曾被医生从男性直肠内取出过。
Pig's "spelling" in the early 1980s, the wind just learning English began to rise. 自己对一下吧中文:猪的“拼写”在80年代早期,风就学习英语开始上升。
It was a sensational pig show and we applauded wildly, but it inspired a bit of envy in this city dweller. 这是一场轰动的猪儿秀,我们的掌声经久不息。
She turned and spoke with simplicity to her grandson: "You see, " she said, "I'm farting like a little pig. " 她转过脸,真诚地对她的外孙说:“你看,”她说,“我在放屁,就像一只小猪。”
He is such a pig. All day he drinks beer and spills food on the floor and he never washes his clothes, brusher his teeth, or takes a shower. 他是个猪猡.他整天喝酒,吃的东西掉的满地都是.从来不洗衣服,不刷牙,也不洗澡。
Irritated, mom beat me with the spoon for pig feeding and spread the pig feed all over me. I did not cry, just filled with hatred. 妈妈气得用喂猪的勺子打我,弄了我一身的猪食,我没有哭,心里只有恨。
Perhaps yes, love will let me have always been very sensible head changed silly, as I did, he often asked me to "pig. " 或许是的,爱情让我这个一向非常理智的脑袋变傻了,就像我的他那样经常叫我“猪头”。
The world is big, no one did not know pigs, no one is willing to be seen to link God with the Pig. 天下之大,无人不识猪,无人愿意将猪跟上帝扯上联系。
A giant farm dog and a tiny piglet in Germany cuddle up as if they were family after the baby pig was abandoned by its own mother. 德国的一只大型农场狗最近承担起猪妈妈的职责,收养了一只被母亲遗弃的迷你小猪崽。
And a woman whose husband turns out to be a pig will find it easier to leave him if she has an independent income. 而拥有独立收入的女性,当发现她的丈夫原来笨得像头猪时,会更容易与他分手。
A man was sued by a woman for defamation of character. She charged that he had called her a pig. The man was found guilty and fined. 一个女人起诉一个男人诽谤。她指控这个男人骂她是头猪。男人被叛有罪并受到处罚,英语学习。
What's God got to do with such a messy job as a pig-killing. 上帝跟宰猪这种龌龊事有什么关系。
"Oh, you are, of course, master pig. " said the cow. "Of course, " the pig said, "there is no doubt about it. " “噢噢噢,当然是你呀,猪大爷。”那牛说。“那当然,”猪说,“那是毫无疑问的”
This can be a bit difficult, where I'll get you to put a pig to try it? 这可有点难办,我哪里去给你找一头猪来放进去试试呢?
One day, The man drove the car to throw the pig out, and after a while he gave his wife a call : "Does the pig at home? " 某日,男子驾车去远方弃猪,很晚给他妻子打电话:“猪回来了么?”
A baby pig to resist the enemy's game, that is, put the eradication of its enemies on both sides, have put the sky bird hit the ground. 一款猪宝贝抗敌的游戏,就是把其两边的敌人消灭,还有把天上的小鸟打到地上。
The third group was allowed to pig out on the unhealthy foods for up to 23 hours a day. 第三组则每天有23小时都任由其狼吞虎咽那些不健康的食物。
They each continue on their way, and as the man rounds the next corner he crashes into a huge pig that was trying to cross the road. 他们都继续前行。但当男子想转下一个弯时,突然撞上了一头正要穿越马路的大猪。
But people looked at it and realized that's not weird enough, so they decided to put little dolls like pig jockeys, to spice things up. 显然是人们觉得看起来不够怪异,所以他们决定在猪背上放些娃娃,使之看起来象骑士,以达到丰富内容的目的。
'If you're going to turn into a pig, my dear, ' said Alice, seriously, 'I'll have nothing more to do with you. “如果你变成了一只猪,”爱丽丝严肃地说,“听着,我可再不理你了!”
He asked us how much pig iron we could produce per day and calculated with us how much we could put out in a year. 他问我们每天能生产多少生铁,又跟我们一道计算一年内能生产多少。
Pig Yue: "Food and drink Piao wager, nothing will not do" , God great anger Yue: "Also want to be a nation a staff with you! ! ! " 猪曰:“吃喝嫖赌,无所不为”,上帝更大怒曰:“凭你也想当国家干部!!!”