
美 [ˈlaɪtli]英 ['laɪtli]
  • adv.轻轻地;轻率地;轻柔地;轻微地
  • 网络轻松地;掉以轻心;轻易地



1.轻柔地;轻微地;轻轻地gently; with very little force or effort

2.少许;不多to a small degree; not much

3.漫不经心地;满不在乎地in a way that sounds as though you are not particularly worried or interested

4.不慎重地;草率地;轻率地without being seriously considered


字典中 轻 字的解释 ... (13) 轻佻[ giddy] (16) 轻轻地[ lightly;gently] (1) 轻视;不重视[ belittle;make light of] ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... nibbly 带钩的杆 lightly adv. 轻轻地, 轻松地 grow vi. 生长, 成长, 渐渐变得, 增长, 增高 ...


轻的英语_百度知道 ... readily believe 轻信 take sth. lightly 掉以轻心 Scholars tend to scorn each other. 文人相轻。 ...


新概念第四册单词总汇[旺旺英语论坛] ... strictly 全然 lightly 轻易地 sufficiently 充分地 ...


L1_百度文库 ... (high adj. 高的) 11. (lightly adv. 轻率地) 4. (last vi. 继续, 持续) ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... lighthouse 灯塔 lightly 轻轻的 lightning 闪电 ...

He lifted it as lightly as he could because his hands rebelled at the pain. 他尽量轻地把它举起来,因为他那双手痛得不听使唤了。
Then a look of pleasure brushed lightly over her face, as though an all-day itch were finally being scratched. 哦,接下去快感轻轻刷过她的脸颊,仿佛一整天的痒痒终于被挠尽。
The eyebrows do not lie flat but, instead, arch up and out in a curve that lightly veils the eyes. 眉毛不能平躺着,但眉毛是以拱形向外延伸,呈优美的曲线,并遮盖住眼睛。
But he did want his mother. He wanted her so much that he stepped lightly out into the moonlight and started on the jump for home. 小熊的思念是如此强烈,使他不由得走出帐篷走到月色里,开始向家的方向出发。
He rested his hand lightly on her ass for a moment, then put his fingers into the waistband of her panties and started pulling them off. 他的手轻轻地在她的屁股上停留了一会儿,然后手指伸进她内裤的裤腰,开始往下拽。
He takes a smoke break before there's anything to break from, then sits lightly on a couch as if he might move or flee at any moment. 他以打破前吸烟有什么突破,然后坐在沙发上轻轻的他是否有可能移动或随时逃跑。
The Rabbit treating the whole matter very lightly , said he would first take a little nap , and that she should soon overtake the tortoise . 兔子认为比赛太轻松了,他说他先打个盹,然后很快的可以追上乌龟。
Your flitting love lightly brushed with its wings my sun flower and never asked if it was ready to surrender its honey. 你若即若离的爱以翅梢轻拂我的向日葵,从未询问它是否即将奉献它的花蜜。
A relatively closed nose, with red cherries, light earth, butter, lightly perfumed apricot syrup and a bit of spice. 相对内敛的香气,带红樱桃味和淡淡的泥土清香,具有淡淡的甜杏香气和香料味。
Touch: Body language experts say that touching a man lightly on his arm during conversation is a strong indicator of your interest in him. 接触:肢体语言专家称,在谈话期间轻微地碰一下男人的手臂,女人很容易就能把自己的想法告知男人。
'We were not taking this lightly; we were honestly trying to determine what our requirements were and what the best course was, ' he said. 他说,我们都没有草率行事;我们真诚地希望确定我们的要求是什么,以及最佳途径是什么。
He said he was lightly wounded in the attack on his compound, adding that seven people had been killed. 他说,他在总统府遇袭时受轻伤,另外有七人遇难。
He was forced to acknowledge to himself that he had confided it rather lightly to that stranger whose face he had not been able to make out. 他心里不得不承认自己把信随便交给一个他连面孔都没有看清的陌生人是轻率的。
If I just keep them lightly polished and conditioned once a year, an hour a year, it's more than enough to bring them back to life. 如果我只是轻轻擦拭,一年一次,一年一小时,他们就会更耐用。
The whole country was armed in a few days. 2, Mr. Billings cannot be deterred from his plan. 3, The decision was not taken lightly. 几天以内全国武装起来了。2,不能阻止比林斯先生实行他的计划。3,决定不是轻易做出的。
Use the back of the rake to tamp down the soil and lightly rake the surface once more. 使用耙子背面压紧土壤,再轻轻地耙一次表面。
The UEF scout is a fast, lightly armored reconnaissance vehicle which sports a machine gun and a state-of-the-art sensor suite. UEF的侦察车是一个快速的,轻装甲的侦察单位。配备有机枪和最新式的侦测套件。
But my mind is troubled, for could this not have been avoided if I had not dismissed my legacy so lightly? 但我依旧十分烦恼,我在想,如果我不是那么轻率地丢掉了我的传承,这一切也许就不会发生?
the last one gram of it should not hand, not to let go lightly. 最后一克不要随便牵手,更不要随便放手。
She remained a strikingly handsome woman with a good figure and a strong face only lightly marked with beginning lines of age. 她仍不失为一名十分俊俏的妇人,身材优美,丰满的脸庞上只有几道淡淡的皱纹。
He lightly struck another match and let his cigarette dangle from the corner of his mouth. 他又轻轻擦亮了一根火柴,然后把烟咬在嘴角。
As she had been taught to do, Kay struck her breast lightly with her clenched hand, the stroke of repentance. 恺按照人家教给她的办法,右手握起拳头轻轻地捶击自己的胸口,这就是忏悔的表示。
A few white seagulls flicker across the surface of the sea, quickly and lightly, wings skimming the waves. 几只白鸥轻轻地掠过海面,翅膀扑着波浪。
She snatched the ball out of the air, and her triumphant laughter echoed through the study as she floated lightly back to his side. 她在空中抓住了小球,胜利的笑声在书房中回荡,然后轻轻落在法师身边。
She did not, however, even look around her until she saw her nephew lightly and actively , following her example, climbed up. 她甚至头也不回直到看见她的侄子学着她的样子,轻巧而灵活地爬了上来。
We held each other's eyes, and I understood, when she leaned in and kissed me lightly, that she'd misread my sullenness. 我们定定地看着对方的眼睛。她凑过来,轻轻吻了我一下。我明白她误解了我的沉默。
Tan Yue claimed that Mr. Hu got off too lightly and said he plans to appeal the ruling to a higher court. 果然,受害者的父亲谭跃称对胡斌的量刑过轻。谭跃表示将就这一判决提起上诉。
Pull on your lower eyelid, and apply the eye ointment directly. Then close your eyes and lightly massage them with your finger. 翻开下眼皮直接挤入眼膏,然后闭上眼睛,用手指轻揉眼皮使眼膏分布均匀。
"Go ahead! " He said lightly, get out of the way up, let her go in front of a cold, arrogant, high above it. “请便!”他淡淡地说,让开身子,让她走在前面,一副冷漠,傲慢,高高在上的样子。
Should be, otherwise man clan in the sky couldn't surely lightly put me to leave cloud state at namely time. 应当不是,否则那时候天雄族定不会轻易放我离开云州。