
美 [lɪm]英 [lɪm]
  • n.肢;腿;翼;主枝
  • v.割断…的四肢;砍树枝
  • 网络大树枝;臂;分支


artificial limb
sever limb



1.肢;臂;腿;翼;翅膀an arm or a leg; a similar part of an animal, such as a wing

2.有…肢(或翼、翅膀)的having the type of limbs mentioned

UNIT 10. Why People Work_旺旺英语教学网 ... unique 独特的 limb ,翼 opposite 对立面,对立物 ...

UNIT 10. Why People Work_旺旺英语教学网 ... unique 独特的 limb 肢, opposite 对立面,对立物 ...


托福词汇表_百度文库 ... joint 关节 limb 四肢 muscle 肌肉 ...


转载 四个字母的英文单词 - 豆丁网 ... like v. 喜欢,希望,想要 limb n. 肢,翼,大树枝 limp a. 柔软的,易曲的 ...

[英语学习]英文的拼写与读音规则 - 豆丁网 ... bomber 轰炸机, limb ; 枝干, (lose 的过去式), ...


人教版_高中英语_选修9单词 - 豆丁网 ... wind,vt. 绕;缠 limb,n. 肢;翼;分支 venom,n. 毒液;恶意;怨恨 ...


英语词汇分类40:宇宙-分类词汇 ... node 交点 limb 边缘 solar system 太阳系 ...

These are the questions that I care about, and I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you do, as well. 这就是我所关心并且要阐明的问题,同时假设您也关心这些问题。
Tip: Be ready with an example of a time when you weren't afraid to go out on a limb and your actions helped bring about real change. 提示:用过去一个你不怕成为孤家寡人并且帮助带来真正改变的时期来准备一个例子。
She was admitted with a palpable non-pulsating mass in her left inguinal region and pain and cyanosis in her left lower limb. 她承认了明显的非脉动群众在她的左腹股沟区疼痛,发绀,并在她的左下肢。
Comeon. Im out on a limb here. How much do you want? 别呀!您总不能让我赔本吧。您想买多少呢?
the two men remained opposite one another , morrell trembling in every limb , the stranger gazing at him with an air of profound pity. 两个人面对面地互相望着,莫雷尔四肢在不停地发抖,那陌生人则带着一种极其怜悯的神色凝视着他。
And what I'd like you to do in this shot, is keep your eye on this, on the surface of the load cell, as the limb comes flying through. 我希望你要做的是,关注于这里。在测压元件表面,这个肢体开始飞出。
Vendor: Come on. I'm out on a limb here. How much do you want? 小贩:别呀!您总不能让我亏本吧。您想买多少呢?
This was discovered when one of the patients was having alcohol dabbed on his chest, and remarked that he could feel it in his missing limb. 当时医生对此毫无察觉,直到一位病人说自己在把酒精涂抹到胸部时,感受到了他的截肢,医生们才明白过来。
The nearer I got to the house the more agitated I grew; and on catching sight of it I trembled in every limb. 我越走近那所房子,我就越激动,等到一看到它,我四肢都发抖了。
I have watched him binding his bandages over the limb of a tree with the same care with which he would tend a child. 我看过他用绷带为一根树枝包扎,就像看护一个小孩一样。
Those picks weren't particularly out on a limb, because Germany ranked ahead of every opponent except Spain in that tournament. 这样的预测并非特别难,因为在2008年的欧洲冠军联赛中,德国排在所有对手之前,只除了西班牙。
At the image top, over Io's limb, a bluish plume rises about 140 kilometers above the surface of a volcanic caldera known as Pillan Patera. 在这张照片的顶部,木卫一的表面上升起了一道大约140千米高的青烟,它从名为PillanPatera的火山口喷发而出。
I'm going to go way out on a limb and say that it is the most diverting paper ever published in The Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine. 恕我直言,我觉得这篇文章是《超声医学杂志》有史以来最受争议的文章。
They have to be willing to go out on a limb to ensure a meeting of the technical and business minds. 他们必须愿意克服困难来确保技术和业务观点的融合。
With her previous prosthetic limb, she could only do one thing at a time - either open her elbow or open her hand. 以前的假手臂只能让她一次干一件事,要么伸开她的肘关节,要么张开她的手。
He looked like a little angel child, but the cold made him very pale, and he was shivering in every limb. 他看起来像一个小天使的孩子,但寒冷使他非常苍白,他是在四肢发抖。
It was one of the first releases from Limb Music Products, which later would become one of Europe's premier power metal specialty labels. 那是一个从肢体音乐产品,第一个版本,后来将成为欧洲首屈一指的专业力量金属标签之一。
got out to that part where the limb of the tree was weaker, "Ha, " says he to us, "now you see me teach the bear dance" . 等到熊爬到树枝比较软和的地方,“哈,”他向我们说,“现在,你看我教给熊跳舞。”
Angela: "You know I'm always here to help you and would go out on a limb if you asked me to. " 安吉拉:“你知道如果你需要我总是能帮你,不惜两肋插刀。”
The company overextended itself and was soon out on a limb. 该公司扩展得太快,很快便陷入困境。
Body on the right to force the main active ankle, pushing the body to throw the direction of lower limb rotation. 身体右侧,以踝关节积极主动用力为主,带动身体下肢向投掷方向转动。
how much worse will it get if you go out on a limb in pursuit of something you believe in? 你的社交生活糟透了,如果你冒险去追求一些自己所信仰的事物,情况还能变得有多糟呢?
The presence of limb-like extensions on the body with furry bristles on them told the scientists that this creature was an annelid. 身体上延伸出那覆有毛发,如同四肢一般的部分告诉了科学家们,该生物是一种环节动物。
the jutting limb of a tree; massive projected buttresses; his protruding ribs; a pile of boards sticking over the end of his truck. 伸出的树枝;结实的突出的扶壁;他的突出的肋骨;一堆木板在他的卡车的尾部伸出。
His limb was out of joint and he could struggle no longer, but he would not let go. 他的大腿窝扭了,不能再摔跤了;但是他缠住对方,不肯放他去。
Even so, we're going to go out on a limb here to say that this shift will go unnoticed by our media brethren. 即便这样,我们也想冒险说一句,肯定要有变化,只是各位媒体同仁注意不到而已。
The butcher stared at her. The wicker lady was short of stature and twisted of limb, her face was dark and rough. 屠夫盯着她,柳条女士的身材矮小,四肢扭曲,她的脸很黑而且粗糙。
As for preferring the Reagan end of the Reagan-Mitterrand spectrum, I guess you did not have to go out so much on a limb there. 至于在里根-密特朗时代中倾向于里根式,我猜你原本没有必要再这些枝节上大做文章。
He flattened himself down on the limb, and through a screen of leaves, saw it was a man. 他赶紧伏身贴到地上,透过树叶的屏帐,他看清来者是个人。
A typical dengue infection confines a patient to bed for more than a week with fever and severe limb pains, but most recover. 一个典型的登革热感染病人卧床一周多并伴随发热和四肢剧痛,但是大部分可以康复。