like that

  • na.那样地
  • 网络像那样;那样的;那么

like thatlike that

like that


英语语音教学:音的同化_恒星英语 ... his pen( 他的笔) like that( 像那样) this year( 今年) ...


这么_百度百科 ... [like that] 那样的 [this way] 这样 ...


方侠彩色英语_新浪博客 ... neither nor 既不...也不... like that 那样地, 类似地 look at v. 看, 考虑, 着眼于 ...


学习中心 ... 年级 N. grade;year 那么 Adv. so;like that 朋友 N. friend;boy friend or girl friend ...


新概念第二册课文学习笔记25 ... know sth. well: 很熟悉 like that: 作状语, 象那样 each other: 互相 ...


人人网_黑眼豆豆合唱团:猴霸群雄 ... 5. My Humps 我的线条 6. Like That 就像那样 7. Dum Diddly 他们这些人 ...


friends01-20译文-xlpang-ChinaUnix博客 ... never: 从未 like that: 像这样 sink: 水槽 ...

Like that of Jesus, Osiris' resurrection served to provide hope to all that they may do likewise and become eternal. 和耶稣一样,奥西里斯的复活向所有人表达了他们也能这样并成为永恒。
Because it's sort of like that tree in the forest falling, and if there's no one there to hear -- does it really make a sound? 因为这就像是森林里有棵树倒下来了,如果没有人在那里聆听,它就根本没有发出声响?
So white were her teeth that many thought that she had pearls in place of teeth. Her voice was clear and like that of a man. 她的牙齿洁白如珍珠满口,嗓音清澈又有男人的般威严。
There is a transformation at work, like that of a butterfly coming out of its cocoon. 一种转变在运转中,正如蝴蝶破茧。
Amra: "It really scares me actually, for all the children it's really scary to see and I think it shouldn't actually be like that. " 她的女儿阿姆拉说:“这件事的确使我害怕。对所有的孩子来说,那确实令人害怕。我觉得事情不该是这样的。”
Everyone would not crasher, red, yellow, white, purple, all sorts of flowers is like that of a large and beautiful flower bed. 大家都不肯相让,红的、黄的、白的、紫的,各种各样的花真像一个美丽的大花坛。
Well, there was a farmhouse just like that out in the country, and in it there lived two people, a farmer and his wife. 在一条乡村小道旁边,就有这样的一座农舍。农舍里住着一对老夫妻,一个农民和他的老伴。
Their situation is in many ways like that of a Western expatriate, but there are glaring differences. 他们的处境在很多方面有点像在中国的外籍人士,但又有明显的差异。
That would be a no. But it's not my fault this time! Don't look at me like that. It's actually not my fault. 恐怕还没,但这次绝对不是我的问题!别那样看我,真不是我的错。
It shone with the glory of God, and its brilliance was like that of a very precious jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal. 城中有上帝的荣耀;城的光辉如同极贵的宝石,好像碧玉,明如水晶。
I slowly climb step by step, and the younger sister was born just like that little lamb, as if about to stand up. 我慢慢地一步一步往上爬,而妹妹犹如那刚出生的小羊羔,马上就要站起来似的。
So far, the experience has been like that of an educational game: finding and helping but also learning the real world side of it all. 到这时,你的体验就像是在玩一个具有教育意义的游戏:寻找需要帮助的人并提供帮助,同时了解有关于此的整个真实世界。
Its health-care sector, like that of the rest of the U. S. , has continued to add jobs. 跟美国其他地区一样,其医疗保健行业也在源源不断地创造新工作机会。
Therest could follow later, and it would be better to arrive like that, it would be a real indication of her helplessness. 其它的东西可以以后再拿上来,这样上去更好一些,这会表明她真的很无助。
It had the potential to be a good sale, the kind that can turn a bad day into a good one --just like that. 这有可能是桩好买卖,能让倒霉的一天变好的那种——大致如此。
Economists have been trying to answer questions like that since the days of Adam Smith. (接1)从亚当斯密开始,经济学家们就在试图回答这样的问题。
There was no one like that at the park the only blond man was a gorgeous guy with hair almost to his shoulders. 可是公园里没有一个这样的人——惟一的白肤男人是个头发长得几乎披肩的帅哥。
He said he didn't like that job anyhow, but that was just sour grapes. 他说他不喜欢那份工作,但这只是他吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸。
If it was a guy it would be more like you want punch on? For girls its not like that, so for girls its like this. 如果这是一个护卫那更像你想要打吗?女孩不喜欢它,所以对女孩像。
You see I never allow myself to behave like that. I keep up a gentlemanly tone with my clients: few words, politeness and severity. 您知道吗,我是从不允许自己这么放肆的,我对待顾客,口气总是客客气气的:既有礼貌,又非常严肃,说话是很少的。
In each case, the architect's approach is like that of a microlender: strategic, modest and mindful of the immeasurable dividends to come. 在每一个案例中,建筑师的做法就像是一个小额贷款者:拥有战略思考的同时谦虚谨慎,时刻想着发一笔大财。
The whole book was like that: Get your enemy drunk, throw dust in his eyes, thump him on the head with a wok, then tiptoe away, forever. 整本书大概讲的是:把你的敌人灌醉、朝他眼睛抛沙子、用铁锅敲他脑袋,然后永远地蹑手蹑脚地走掉。
"I followed the undying one. I lost my way. " The Summoner's voice was soft and dull, like that of a man who speaks in sleep. “我追寻亡灵来到这里,却迷失了方向。”召唤师的声音轻而干涩,仿佛睡梦中的呓语。
lisa: this all sounds kind of like that movie, the beach. kevin: maybe, but this place is for real. go check it out and let me know! 莉莎:这听起来超像《海滩》那部电影。凯文:也许吧,但这个地方是真的。去看看然后告诉我吧!我冲浪的时间到了!
It's remarkable of her to be always working like that. 她总是这样工作,真不错。
It's really cruel of him to treat old people like that. 他这样对待老年人,太残忍了。
Now the Master Snail said, "Did you see that I calmly sat here, sipping tea while you were running here and there like that? " 然后师父说:「你们那样跑来跑去时,有没有看见我平静地坐在这里喝茶?」
"He was cooking for us, " Smith said, "and he's going to have to keep playing like that throughout the rest of this series. " “他给我们制造了很多机会,”史密斯说道,“接下来的比赛他还需要继续保持这样一种出色的状态。”
The price fetched by a single volume in a sale like that is a trifle, and I can't even remember how much I gave for it. 在这样一次拍卖中,区区一小本书的价钱是算不了什么的,这本书花了多少钱我自己也记不起来了。
He is always so eloquent, so expressive, that I even feel like that somehow a lovely bird can fly out of his mouth. 他是那样的能说会道,那样的口若悬河,我真怀疑从他的嘴里能飞出可爱的小鸟来。