
美 [lɑk]英 [lɒk]
  • n.锁;船闸;车锁;头发
  • v.加锁;卡住;(用锁)锁上;被锁住
  • 网络锁定;上锁;锁止

复数:locks 现在分词:locking 过去式:locked

lock door
lock Gate


v. n.

1.[t][i]~ (sth)(用锁)锁上;被锁住to fasten sth with a lock; to be fastened with a lock

2.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.把…锁起来to put sth in a safe place and lock it

3.[i][t]~ (sth) (in/into/around, etc. sth).~ (sth) (together)(使)固定,卡住,塞住to become or make sth become fixed in one position and unable to move

4.[t]陷入,卷入(困境、争论、争执等)to be involved in a difficult situation, an argument, a disagreement, etc.

5.[t]被紧紧抓住(或抱住)to be held very tightly by sb

6.[t]~ sth加锁;锁(定、紧)to prevent computer data from being changed or looked at by sb without permission


lock horns (with sb) (over sth)

涉及(与某人的)争论(或争端、纠纷)to get involved in an argument or a disagreement with sb

人教版小学英语三年级下册单词表 ... right 对的,正确的 lock night 夜晚 ...


锁定分三种,分别是:水平方向锁定(LockX)、垂直方向锁定(LockY)、完全锁定(Lock)。这个比较简单,水平和垂直方向的锁定 …


锁住(Lock)网络不让任何程序通过,只有你核准的软件才可以通行无阻。 你还可利用它来看看你开机后已经使用多少网络资 …


上字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 上算〖 economical;worthwhile;paying〗 上锁lock〗 上台〖 goupontotheplatform;appearonthe…


九年级英语单词表 ... on time 准时 lock 锁上;锁 relative 亲属;亲戚 ...


按下四轮驱动锁止 (Lock) 按钮,进入前后轮平均 (50/50) 驱动力输出。在高速公路的交叉路口或弯道处频繁加速或转弯时,高 …


HTTP深入浅出 http请求 - Chance_yin - 博客园 ... MOVE, 移动 LOCK, 加锁 PROPFIND, 查看属性 ...


船字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 船员〖 mariner〗 船闸lock〗 船长〖 skipper;captain〗 ...

It is worth noting that at this point you could lock the information for the integration script package into the pattern. 值得注意的是,此时您可以将集成脚本包的信息锁定到模式中。
Get yourself a good lock for your laptop for when it's in your dorm room, and choose one that is light so that it's easy to carry with you. 在宿舍里给笔记本配一把好锁,并且选一个是轻的,易于携带。
Oneself knows to put to depend to open of Be just a person, but don't know oneself drive oneself the lock entered an in the mind. 自己知道放靠开的只是一个人,但却不知自己却被自己锁进了心里。
I live in a fine building in which people know and respect one another and there is no need to lock my door. 我住在一幢安全的大楼里,人人互相熟识并互相尊重,没必要锁上大门。
After Mary failed the examination she said she would study hard after that. She wanted to lock the barn door after the horse was stolen. 玛丽考试没及格,她说她一定努力学习,她要亡羊补牢。
Beside the sandwich was a note telling me that she could not be there and that I was to eat the sandwich and then lock her door when I left. 旁边放着一张纸条,告诉我她那天不在家,让我吃了那块三明治,走时关好她家的门。
The notion that she had forgotten to lock the front door obsessed mother all through the movie. 看电影的时候,妈妈一直想着她忘了锁前门这事。
Gold is so valuable that it is often kept under lock and key. 金子那么宝贵,所以常保存在安全的地方。
So, the Chinese lock people up in forced labor camps for protesting water quality and yet they worry about a few goldfish? 因此,中国人将劳动力集中起来管理以保护水质,然而怎么又担心起金鱼了?
Don't get discouraged, it is often the last key that opens the unknown lock. 别气馁,你得到的通常是马上就可以打开未知出路的钥匙。
The first fight is a true show of how much you can entirely lock down a healer as prot spec that you could not do as Arms or Fury. 视屏中的第一场决斗不是真的决斗,只是给大家展示一下作为一个防御战士你能怎样锁定一个治疗职业,而不象武器或者狂暴战士那样对治疗职业毫无办法。
But now that it has happened, it is still a fine excuse to shore up the police state and lock everything down. 但是现在,它已经发生了,它仍是一个很好的借口,托警察国家和锁都记录下来。
Look, if it were up to me, we wouldn't have mandatory biweekly lock checkers. 要是我能做主,两周一次的强制储物柜检查没必要。
He hauled it out of the ditch with trembling hands, placed it on a rock, and broke the lock with the edge of his shovel. 他颤抖着双手把箱子拽了出来放到一块石头上,用铁锨砸开了锁。
The utility model discloses combined shelves with a longitudinal lock structure, used for storing or displaying articles. 纵向锁紧结构的组合式货架,用于存放或展出商品。
It was closed, but having tampered with its lock also, I easily entered, and despite the black darkness soon stood by the side of her bed. 房门关着,但弄了一下锁以后我还是轻而易举地进去了。尽管屋里很黑,我很快站在了她的床边。
Young Griff pushed a lock of blue hair out of his eyes. "They were squires together at King's Landing. " 小格里夫拨开眼前的蓝发。“他们在君临时一起当侍从。”
and seizing, with trembling hands, the hasp of the lock, she resolved at all hazards to satisfy herself at least as to its contents. 她用颤抖的双手抓住锁扣,决心冒着一切风险,至少查清里面装着什么。
Either way, the lock wait was a surprise, and the user did not know how to figure out what was going on. 不管是什么原因,这个锁等待是一个意外,用户不知道如何发现到底发生了什么事情。
The cachet of investing in the best hedge funds meant a few celebrated managers were able to bargain for the longest lock-up periods. 在最好的对冲基金中,投资证明意味着少数投资大亨能够指望得到最长的期权锁定期。
Element can enclose other elements, either to apply configuration settings to a specific resource or to lock the configuration settings. 元素可以放置在其他元素的外侧,以便将配置设置应用于特定资源或者锁定配置设置。
If it were up to Oh Eng Lock, the typical Chinese breakfast would be toast, not congee. 果让OhEngLock来决定的话,中国人的特色早餐就会是烤面包片,而不是粥。
At closing time I'd lock the door, and the children and I would wait in the warm shop until their bus finally arrived. 到关门的时候,我会锁上门,孩子们和我会在温暖的店里等候,直到他们的车最终到来。
The new lock-in offer is part of a series of optional add-ons airlines have been rolling out in an effort to increase revenue. 这个全新的票价锁服务是其中一个航空公司为了增加盈利而推出的一系列附加服务选项。
The next time you see a woman you want to meet, LOCK your eyes on her! 下次看见一个你想见的女人时,用你的目光把她锁定。
Jack manages to avoid the lock down and sneak out of the office to go investigate the address Jamey found on the key card. 杰克设法避开了封锁,溜出了分部,去调查杰米在钥匙卡上找到的那个地址。
I became just a little uncomfortable as he tucked the lock behind my ear. 当他捋平我耳后的一缕头发时,我开始有些不安起来。
The combination lock was a bit more difficult, and the police have yet to release information pertaining to exactly how this was cracked. 密码锁就要困难一些:至于罪犯究竟是如何破解密码的,还有待于警方进一步公布。
Did you know that people used to call Stamford "The Lock City" ? That's because Yale had its factories here. 你不知道人们过去称斯坦福德为“锁城”吗?那是因为耶鲁曾在这里开了锁厂。
In the software community , you " lock up " the programming source code as a means of securing it against hackers and competitors . 在软件社区中,您“锁上”编程源代码作为保护它免受黑客和竞争者侵袭的一种手段。