
美 [ˈlɪŋɡər]英 [ˈlɪŋɡə(r)]
  • v.徘徊;逗留;流连;磨蹭
  • 网络拖延;蝴蝶飞;留恋

第三人称单数:lingers 现在分词:lingering 过去式:lingered




1.[i]继续存留;缓慢消失to continue to exist for longer than expected

2.[i](+ adv./prep.)流连;逗留;徘徊;花很长时间做(某事);磨蹭to stay somewhere for longer because you do not want to leave; to spend a long time doing sth

3.[i]~ (on sb/sth)持续看(或思考)to continue to look at sb/sth or think about sth for longer than usual

4.[i]~ (on)苟延残喘;奄奄一息to stay alive but become weaker


新编大学英语单词表(第二册) - 豆丁网 ... languor n. 无精打彩, 倦怠 linger v. 逗留 misty a. 模糊的 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... linen 亚麻布 linger 徘徊 lining 衬□ ...


以l开头的英语英文单词 ... ling 石南 linger 逗留,徘徊;拖延 lingering 拖延的,依依不舍的 ...


[DVDRip] 《蝴蝶飞》(Linger)(DVDRip) [全版] 中文字幕◎译  名 蝴蝶飞 ◎片  名 Hu die fei ◎年  代 2008 ◎国  家 香港 ◎类  别 剧情/...


雅思词汇词根+联想记忆法 ... liner n. 大客轮;衬里 linger vi. 逗留,徘徊;动作迟缓;苟延残喘 liquor n. 酒,酒类 ...


GRE逆序_馆档网 ... ginger 姜,活力 linger 逗留,留恋 malinger 装病以逃避工作 ...


六级高频词汇 - 豆丁网 ... jeopardize v. 危及,损坏 00-6-65 linger v. 逗留,徘徊,留恋;迟缓,拖延 locate v. 位于 95-1-50 ...


六级阅读理解核心必备词汇归类 - 豆丁网 ... glamour n. 魅力 > linger v. 继续逗留;留恋> magnify v. 放大,扩大> ~ ...

Move in slowly to plant the kiss and let your lips linger on her skin for a second or two. 慢慢地把你的嘴唇移到她的额头,把你的嘴唇放在她的皮肤上留恋一两秒。
But doubts linger over the authoritarian nature of the rule of Paul Kagame, the president. 但是对PaulKagame总统独裁统治的怀疑一直萦绕。
And the danger could linger for a year or more, adds Greg Butcher, director of conservation for the Audubon Society. 而危险可能会持续一整年,或者更久的时间,格雷·格布彻(GregButcher)补充说。他是奥杜邦学会鸟类保护部门的主管。
His mission was to administer the consolations of religion to any of the prostrate figures in whom there might yet linger a spark of life. 他的使命是管理那些这个地区为了安慰生命微弱者而精疲力竭的人们。
The maiden raised her eyes and suffered them to linger upon her companion with a bashful and admiring gaze. 少女抬眼顾盼,羞答答情怯怯,秋波在同伴身上流连忘返。
The article makes clear that tensions from that debate still linger, despite the fact that the general and his staff got their way. 尽管将军与幕僚已得逞了,但是这篇文章白纸黑字写到:那场争论导致的紧张局面仍然阴魂不散。
How much linger am I staying? 我还能呆多久?
We are constantly trying to get humans who linger in their comfortable coastal cities to move inland into rural area and get into gardening. 我们一直在尽力在让那些在舒适的沿海城市里徘徊流连的人类搬迁到内陆地区和农村区域,进行园艺种植。
Feeling threatened , companies responded by writing ever- linger warning labels , trying to anticipate every possible accident . 公司通过写很长的警告标签来传递一种威胁感,尝试着预测所有可能发生的事故。
The love tragic ending brings about his female crown poems. Sincere feelings linger among these poems, with a strong sentimental mood. 这类诗感情真挚缠绵,带有浓郁的感伤情调,还渗透诗人的身世之感。
I always thought we were a special couple, which made me linger in this relationship for over a year. 我总认为我们是很特别的一对,这(种想法)使我维持我们的关系长达一年之久。
Here is the end of suffering for all the world , and everyone who ever came and yet will come to linger for a while. 整个世界的痛苦在此结束,而每个曾来过这世界而且会再来稍事逗留的人,其痛苦亦就此告终。
Some of the biases in the old system linger in the new, and that's another reason the NBS missed such a large volume of services output. 旧体系中的一些偏差在新体系中仍然存在,这也是国家统计局遗漏如此庞大的一部分服务业产值的另一个原因。
But he never did more than linger about the tables and look at the dice as they clattered upon the table, fearful lest he lose if he played. 可他只是在赌桌旁转来转去的,看着色子在赌桌上哗哗地撒着,害怕自己赌输了。
But I can rest only for a moment, for with freedom comes responsibilities, and I dare not linger, for my long walk is not yet ended. 但是我能休息只有一会儿,因为还有更长的路需要走。
Then I must through the barriers of time, draw a male vertical to you came on at a moment, also not the wish to linger. 那我一定穿越时空的阻隔,划条公垂线向你冲来,一刻也不愿逗留。
Her life, her love though young readers will never linger in each of the heart, her life but also reveal mottled life track from her. 她人生虽然短暂,她的爱情却永远萦绕在每位读者的心头,她的人生却也斑驳地彰显出她生命的轨迹。
He presents himself as a courageous man of destiny but questions about his judgment linger. 他展现给世人一个命运强者的形象,但公众对他判断力的质疑却挥之不去。
The taste of blood is clinging in my mouth, and the bow and the arrows of my fathers yet linger in my hand and I cannot go. 我的嘴里还弥漫着血腥,先辈的弓箭还紧握在手里,我无法前行。
Players didn't seem to linger in this age for very long, so you need to keep an eye on your economy in order that you don't get left behind. 玩家似乎不会在这个时代停留很长时间,所以你要随时留心你的经济不要落后。
Three words thoroughly smash him the intend that she demolishes, she unexpectedly is chance the least bit don't also linger to him. 三个字彻底的粉碎他将她毁灭的计划,她竟是半点机会也没留给他。
The question that will linger behind in the capital is how bad the November midterms are likely to be for the party in power. 留给华盛顿的问题是:在11月份的中期选举中,执政的民主党可能会遭遇多大的挫败?
Maybe you do not linger this affection, all right, maybe it is better , I can jump out of this fire pit ASAP. 或者你也不再留恋这段感情了,或者这样也更好吧,我可以快点跳出这个火坑。
You linger to see his back and the back of his neck and shoulder-side. 你留恋地看他的背面,看他的头颈和肩膀的背面。
I suppose it strikes her as unnatural for someone to linger in a place like this and not buy anything. 我想她是觉得有人来到这样的地方却不买东西太不正常了。
In avians, as in humans, the effects of childhood ailments can linger into adult life. And that shows up in their song. 与人类相似,鸟儿幼年时的小病会影响到它的成年生活,而这些情况蕴含在它的歌声中。
Especially if you are interested in history, you'll want to linger a day or two at least here. 尤其是如果你对历史感兴趣,你会对这里恋恋不舍,逗留至少一到两天的。
Sit in a booth at your favorite diner or brunch spot and linger longer than you normally would, chatting over a few extra cups of coffee. 在你们最喜欢的餐馆或早午餐店,比平时呆得久点,聊聊天喝多几杯咖啡。
Rumours of an exit continue to linger, with Inter Milan said to be keen, and Eboue has failed to quell the uncertainty. 现在流言仍在继续,传闻国际米兰十分希望得到他,而埃布埃也没有让这种可能性得到终结。
" And, naively , she showed her four thorns. Then she added: " Don't linger like this. You have decided to go away. 它很天真展现自己身上的四根刺,接着又说:「不要再犹豫不决了,既然决定要走,就趁早离开吧!」