love you

  • 网络爱你;醉后决定爱上你;英

love youlove you

love you


creepin up on you_百度百科 ... Touch you 碰你 Love you 爱你 Be with you 和你在一起 ...


疯日剧: 2013日剧【夜行摩天轮】下载更新07集 ... 拜金女王 Material Queen 醉后决定爱上你 Love You 父与子 Father And Son ...

※ 魔镜歌词网 ... 7.The Science of Crying( 眼泪教我的事) 9.LOVE YOU( ) 5.Your Body( 完美曲线) ...


那英个人资料,那英档案 ... 曲目: opening 爱上你等於爱上寂寞 Love You 身不由己 Involuntarily ...


_日向枣吧... ... I have been in love Pin Leming 我一直在拼了命的爱 Love you 爱着你 Ah love the whole world 恩 全世爱 ...


分别的英文单词。舍不得的英文单词。... ... 舍不得 Loathe to give up 爱你们 Love you 分别 Distinguish ...


... 小羊诗歌-她的新郎( Lamb Music: Her Bridegroom) 小羊诗歌-爱祢( Lamb Music: Love YOU) 骑幻旅程 Fantastic Journey ...


fl4r3m4n On Fire: Aaron Kwok - 郭富城 ... (Narita) 成田空港. (Love You) 只爱你. (As Long As I Love) 只要我的爱. ...

I miss you, for your chi, for you madness, I think you think you think you to think is going to die, I love you. 我想念你,为你痴狂,因为你疯狂,我想你想你想你想得要死了,我爱你。
Did I tell you today how much I love you? 今天我告诉过你我有多爱你吗?
But you do not know how much I love you. 但是你不知道我爱你多少。
China I love you, looks like the child to love his mother. 中国我爱你,就象孩子爱他的母亲。
I cant believe it, you know how much i love you, why u would do this to me? 我简直不敢相信,你知道我有多爱你,为什么你这样对我?
The speech is unable to express that how much I love you. 言语都不能表达我有多爱你。
When they've finished reading, Olivia's mother gives her a kiss and says, "You know, you really wear me out. But I love you anyway. " 当故事都讲完的时候,奥利维亚的妈妈亲了亲她说“你知道吗,你真是让我累晕了,但我还是很爱你。”
Let me tell you: you are my sir, I am your wife, we'll be together, never to be parted again, I love you, I miss you, you know. 让我告诉你:你是我的先生,我是你的太太,我们会在一起,永不分离,我爱你,我想念你,你知道。
You have leave me alone with a smile , before I could write down something about you to describe how much I love you. 还来不及仔仔细细写下你的关于,描述我如何爱你,你却微笑着离我而去。
'I was so moved by who he was to me I had tears in my eyes, and I told him, 'I love you, '' she recalls. 她回忆道,“他为我做的一切让我感动不已,我眼里含着泪水,告诉他,‘我爱你。’”
But Luo Lan feels it a pity at the thought that Wu Tianyu would only be able to gesture to her 'I love you. ' 可罗兰一想吴天宇不是一个健全人,他永远只能用手比划“我爱你”,就不免有些遗憾。
Thank you very much for your treasure, I have been loved formerly. If it's some days, you find that I love you compared with him. 对于你的珍惜我很感激,我一直都很喜欢以前。如果有一天,你发现我喜欢拿你和他比较。
Actually i tried say something to make you stay when i heard you're about to leave. I just want to say it out loud that i love you! 其实我听到你说要走的时候我很想说一些挽留的话的,还想告诉你我爱你!
P. S. The response I would like to hear: "I love you, Bill. I appreciate how much you do for me. Thank you for being my husband. " 我想要听到的回答是:“我爱你,比尔。我感激你为我做的许多事,感谢你是我丈夫。”
People will love you for being an original, not trying to be someone else. 要做你自己,而不是去学做其他人。
Its for your own good, but I just want you to know that I love you through all that. 我希望你们了解,我是透过这些方式来爱你们。
When he moved out of our apartment, he wrote me a note that said, "I'll always love you, but right now I just can't live with you. " 在搬出我们的房子时,他留了个字条给我,“我永远爱你,只是现在我无法与你相处。”
I'd like to say how much I love you, and I hope we never forget. 我多想告诉你我有多爱你,并希望你我永不相忘。
If I can make you happy that I would choose to leave. . . As long as you know I really love you. . . But I in your eyes hell? 如果我的离开能让你幸福那我情愿选择离开……只要你心里明白我是真的爱过你……但我在你眼里到底算什么??
We were walking towards our dad, while getting out of that school bus, and he just said "I love you, " and he reached out to us. 我们走对我们的爸爸,同时,校车,他只是说我爱你,他伸出手给我们。
Do you know how much I love you ? I love you so much beyond loving myself. 你不知道我有多爱你,爱你胜过自己。
Blair: Hey, hey, we're sisters. You're my family, what is you is me. There's nothing you could ever say to let me go. I love you. 喂,我们是好姐妹阿,你是我的家人,你的事情就是我的事情,你说什么都不能把我赶走的。我爱你。
You just don't understand how much I adore you, appreciate you, admire you, trust you, respect you, and over all love you. 你就是不明白我有多疼你,珍惜你,欣赏你,信任你,尊重你,和爱你的全部。
You don't know how much I love you, how much I adore you, and how much I need you. 你不知道我有多么爱你,多么恋你,多么需要你。
You know that I love you boy. Hot like Mexico, rejoice. At this point I gotta choose, nothing to loose. 男孩我知道我爱你你像墨西哥城一样性感尽情欢乐吧到这里我必须做出选择不惜一切代价。
We've finally put our letters together, and we've come to say how much we love you, Mum. 妈妈,我们最后把我们的信合在一块儿了,我们回家是为了对您说我们是多么的爱你。
You wanna know how much i love you ? 你想知道我是多么地爱你吗?
Snow, and my wife I will accompany you to see a lifetime of snow, I love you, we did not break up the dictionary, I will love you forever. 下雪了,老婆我会陪你看一辈子雪,我爱你,我们字典里没有分手,我会爱你一辈子。
When you see my little funding to make money too tired so thin, how much I love you! 当看到你为了让我少资助点钱累得那么瘦时,我多么心疼啊!
Love is not about how much you say "I love you" , but how much you can prove that it's true. 爱情不在于说多少次“我爱你”,而在于怎么样去证明你说的是真的