
美 [lɜrn]英 [lɜː(r)n]
  • v.学习;学会;得知;获悉
  • 网络知道;了解;记住

过去式:learned 过去分词:learnt 第三人称单数:learns 现在分词:learning

learn language,learn skill,learn news,learn lot,learn art
learn fast,gradually learn,naturally learn



1.[t][i]学;学习;学到;学会to gain knowledge or skill by studying, from experience, from being taught, etc.

2.[i][t]听到;得知;获悉to become aware of sth by hearing about it from sb else

3.[t]~ sth记住;背熟;熟记to study and repeat sth in order to be able to remember it

4.[i][t]认识到;意识到;(从…)吸取教训to gradually change your attitudes about sth so that you behave in a different way


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... think v. 认为;想;思考 learn v. 学习;学会 about prep. 关于;涉及;在……方面 ...


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... think v. 认为;想;思考 learn v. 学习;学会 about prep. 关于;涉及;在……方面 ...


英语学习基本词汇 - 豆丁网 ... lead 领导、 导致 learn 学习、 得知 leave 离开 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... suited adj. 适合的, 匹配的 learn vi. 学习, 听到, 获悉 intelligence n. 智力, 聪明, 智能 ...


china-translation.com tu dien anh-hoa ... leaky grid detector 栅漏检波器 learn 学习,知道,获悉 leash 皮条,皮带 ...


“了解”用英语怎么说 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... 为……而感谢 thanks for..... 了解: learn 为。。。而感谢: thanks for sth ...


仁爱英语下册单词表_百度知道 ... lesson 课 learn 学习,获悉,记住; easy a. 容易的,安逸的,不费力的 ...

And you can learn too from last years problem sets and quizzes if used as a check or corrective when you seem to have hit a dead end. 当你似乎走到一条死胡同的时候,可以用过去几年的习题或考古题做为检核或改正的参考。
I knows that I cannot make troubles with you, so learn to be independent, learn to look after myself. 女儿深知不能再跟你们添麻烦,所以学着独立,学着自己照顾自己了。
If you just read a little here and memorize a few words there, it's like the blind feeling an elephant, you'll never learn English well. 像你这样东读一点,西背一点地记单词,就像盲人摸象,是学不好英语的。
The desire to learn more about him came to me suddenly one day while I was out with my unit on maneuvers and training. 一天,我跟部队外出演习训练,突然有一种渴望,想进一步了解他。
From her posts we learn quite a few things of relevance about Malawians' dietary needs. 从她的文章,我们了解马拉维当地人的饮食营养问题。
If you type in the right way, you will learn to type well. there can be no doubt of that. 若果你的打字方法正确,那么你一定能越大越精。这是毫无疑问的事情。
Given the age and interest of learners, game strategy strives to let the primary students play, learn and grow up in the games. 游戏对策结合了学习者的年龄特点和兴趣需求,力求让学生在游戏中玩、在游戏中学、在游戏中成长。
It also urged that teachers be individually assessed according to how much their pupils learn. 它还同时倡议应该根据学生们掌握知识的多少来对教师进行个别评估。
Some of these, like the Rule of Three, take only a minute to learn and can be used again and again. 其中一些技巧,比如三的原则,只需一分钟便能学会,但却可以不断的反复使用。
You also ought to ask for her help in the kitchen so you can learn how to cook what she enjoys. 你应该让她在厨房里帮你的忙,这样你就可以知道她喜欢吃什么了。
Just as you can only learn if you can trust someone by trusting them, you will only learn to be brave by being brave. 就像你只有先信任他人你才知道什么叫信任,你只有先表现得勇敢才知道如何勇敢一样。
Pick up a deck of trivia cards or go online and learn interesting facts that you can bring up in conversation. 搜集一些百科知识卡片,或者上网了解一些有趣的事实,这样可以为你在谈话中找到谈资。
It would be a speech in which he would ask both sides, he said, the US and the Muslims to listen to each other and to learn. 他透露,在演讲中他将号召美国和穆斯林国家听取对方意见并互相借鉴。
Everything is so difficult. Since I have never been formally trained in dancing or singing, its as though I have to re-learn everything. 因为之前自己从没有练过跳舞和唱歌,所以现在好像就得从新学所有的东西。
And each time I realise how much I still have to learn and discover about this wonderful country, its history, its culture and its people. 每一次我都深深意识到,对这样一个神奇的国度,对她的历史、文化和人民,我还有很多东西需要了解。
You will learn to judge a good distance based on how much leverage you feel in your legs. 你要学习根据你感觉两脚之间多少的杠杆作用来判断一个好的距离。
G. M. was one hundred seventy-two billion dollars in debt. Now creditors will learn who gets repaid and how much. M拥有债务一千七百二十亿美元,如今,债权人将学习那些人会得到赔偿以及赔偿多少。
After a year, the sister went with her husband to her local meditation center, the home of a psychologist, to learn the Convenient Method. 一年之后的某一天,她与她的丈夫一起到当地的共修中心学习方便法,那是一位心理学家同修的房子。
Trying to learn the word "love" was an experience that she remembered well. 试图学会“爱”这个词是她一个记忆很清楚的经历。
You learn to feel the cosmic nature of your being, while remaining grounded and of this beautiful planet. 你学会去感受这你存在之中的宇宙本质,同时根植在这个美丽的星球中。
It was quite shocking. Every October someone speculates about this and you learn not to pay attention. 我很吃惊,每到十月就会有人对这个奖项作出推测,而我也不会特意去关注。
But although I found it easy to learn this subject, I did not feel that I wished to devote my whole life to it. 虽然于我而言学起数学来十分简单,但是我仍然不认为我应该在之后的人生之中献身于此。
To learn how much 12 pounds of clothing is (or whatever your washer can handle), stand on a scale empty handed and weigh yourself. 要知道12磅的衣服有多重(或不管你洗衣机可以洗什么),空手站在一个秤上,称下你自己。
It never hurts to learn and people who look down on you for asking for help should not be significant to you and your life anyways. 学习总是无害的,那些因你开口求助而瞧不起你的人对你和你的生活不会起重要作用。
He said the speed with which Chinese Railways implemented their project is amazing and Indian Railway can learn a lot from them. 他说,中国铁路项目实施速度之快令人惊叹,印度铁路可以向中国学习很多东西。
I will learn more than I can do to pursue a bright future. Life is only once for everyone. Don't loss it in wasting your life. 我要更多的学习,追赶更美好的明天。因为,生命对每个人都只有一次。不要浪费生命。
" Catelyn looked to her husband. " Now we truly have no choice. You must be Robert's Hand. You must go south with him and learn the truth. 凯特琳注视着她的丈夫,“这下我们真的别无选择,你非当劳勃的首相不可,你得亲自南下去查个水落石出。”
So there is no time left for her to learn Mathematical Olympiad any more. 因此,就没有时间再学习奥数了。
While I personally learn just as well from hearing or reading as I do from doing, most people do not. 就我个人而言,我从倾听和阅读中学习,我也从动手中学习,大多数人不这样做。
We learn that this champion unfortunately encountered a "Great Magnetic Field, " turning him into steel and rendering him immobile. 我们知道了这个英雄不幸遭遇了一个“巨大的磁力场”,并且把他变成了铁疙瘩让他一动也动不了。