
美 [leɪ]英 [leɪ]
  • adj.外行的;非专业的;缺少专门知识的;平信徒的
  • v.(尤指轻轻地或小心地)放置;铺设(尤指在地板上);涂;用一层…覆盖
  • n.性伙伴;(尤指)性交的女人;(供吟唱的)叙事诗
  • 网络张艺兴;下蛋;产卵

第三人称单数:lays 现在分词:laying 过去式:laid

lay foundation,lay stress,lay claim,lay egg,lay track
carefully lay


放下;展开put down/spread

1.[t](尤指轻轻地或小心地)放置,安放,搁to put sb/sth in a particular position, especially when it is done gently or carefully

2.[t]~ sth (down)铺,铺放,铺设(尤指在地板上)to put sth down, especially on the floor, ready to be used

3.[t](在某物上)摊开,涂,敷;用一层…覆盖to spread sth on sth; to cover sth with a layer of sth


4.[t][i]~ (sth)(鸟、昆虫、鱼等)下(蛋),产(卵)if a bird, an insect, a fish, etc.lays eggs, it produces them from its body


5.[t]~ sth摆放餐具于(准备就餐)to arrange knives, forks, plates, etc. on a table ready for a meal

提出建议present proposal

6.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.提出,提交(建议、信息等)to present a proposal, some information, etc. to sb for them to think about and decide on

困境difficult situation

7.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.使处于特定状态(尤指困境)to put sb/sth in a particular position or state, especially a difficult or unpleasant one

与名词连用with nouns

8.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.(与名词连用构成短语,其含义与该名词的相关动词相同)used with a noun to form a phrase that has the same meaning as the verb related to the noun


9.[t]~ sth周密准备;筹划;设置to prepare sth in detail

性交have sex

10.[t][oftpass]~ sb与(某人)性交to have sex with sb


12.[t]对…下赌金;下赌注to bet money on sth; to place a bet



英语动词大全_百度知道 ... 73. laugh 笑;大笑;嘲笑 74. lay ;搁;生(蛋) 75. learn 学习;学会 ...


不规则动词_百度百科 ... pay 付钱 lay 下蛋 say 说 ...


新目标八年级上英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... hen n. 母鸡 534 lay v. 放置,铺设,产卵; vbl. 横躺,摆放,说谎 ...


新目标八年级上英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... hen n. 母鸡 534 lay v. 放置,铺设,产卵; vbl. 横躺,摆放,说谎 ...


新目标八年级上英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... hen n. 母鸡 534 lay v. 放置,铺设,产卵; vbl. 横躺,摆放,说谎 ...

lay和lie的区别?_百度知道 ... lie 的过去式有两个: lay lie 说谎 ...

The child lay panting on her pillows, as one exhausted, -- the large clear eyes rolled up and fixed. 小姑娘躺在枕头上喘着气,好像一个精疲力竭的人,清澈透明的大眼睛向上翻着,一动不动。
It was autumn, and the wind was sad; and the golden elm leaves lay scattered about among the grass, and on the gravel path. 入秋了,风凄冷地吹着,金黄色的榆叶飘零而落,散落在草地间,洒落在砾石小径上。
and a little long hollow place I cut in the in-side of the boat, where I could lay gun, making a flap to hang down over it to keep it dry. 另外,我又在船舷内挖了一条长长的槽,用来放枪,还做了块垂板可盖住长槽,以防枪支受潮。
She was helping Professor Dai lay the table, and, when she looked over, the older woman paired the chopsticks without meeting her eyes. 思玉帮母亲摆放碗筷,她抬起头来的时候,老太太正在给筷子配对,避开了她的眼睛。
Let me lay things out for you ; our price was higher than our competitor's , so we lost the business . 让我把话跟你说清楚,我们的价钱比竞争者高,所以才失去那笔生意。
Among them lay collar and tie, as if they had just been removed, which, lifted, left upon the surface a pale crescent in the dust. 杂物中有一条硬领和领带,仿佛刚从身上取下来似的,把它们拿起来时,在台面上堆积的尘埃中留下淡淡的月牙痕。
He lay on his back, his hands behind his head. 他仰卧着,双手扣着后脑勺。
It took me an hour to place my whole head within the opening so far that I could see him as he lay upon his bed. 我花了一个小时,地点在我的整个头部,开远,我能看见他,因为他在他的床上躺下。
Then the container is ready to lay eggs, which are often used in shallow dish filled with water. 然后准备好产卵容器,常选用浅盘子里面盛满水。
But lay there; don't throw an arm or leg over the top of him. 但你只是躺在那里;不要把胳膊和或脚丫伸到他身上。
and he took of the stones of that place, and put them for his pillows, and lay down in that place to sleep. 到了一个地方,因为太阳落了,就在那里住宿,便拾起那地方的一块石头枕在头下,在那里躺卧睡了。
One duy, as he lay thinking, he saw a spider over his head, making ready to weave her web . 一天,正当他躺着思索的时候,看见一只蜘蛛在他头上,准备织网。
Romance lay not in the original cultural of Tibet but rather in the heroic nature of the missionary struggle in an exotic environment. 传教士的浪漫传奇并不在于藏文化本身,而在传教士们在一个陌生环境下艰苦卓绝的英勇斗争。
After passing through numerous, Alice suddenly wake up, realize that they lay on the grass asleep, all adventures are nothing but a dream. 历尽艰险之后,爱丽丝猛然苏醒,原来自己躺在草地上睡着了,一切奇遇都不过是梦幻而已。
As if they had no policy at all in human resources, only lay-off talks rolling on all the time. 好像他们在人力资源方面没有任何政策,只会一直开裁员动员会。
I wanna stand with you on a mountain. I wanna bathe with you in the sea. I wanna lay like this forever. Until the sky falls down on me. 我要与你相拥在山的巅峰我要和你徜徉在海的怀抱我要你就这样永远依偎在我的身旁直到海枯石烂直到地老天荒。
The next morning he lay upon his bed and watched the woman who was now wholly his own. 第二天早晨,他躺在床上,看着现在已经完全属于自己的这个女人。
He lay still for a long time. Later, he felt a little better and got up. He made afire. 他静卧了很长时间,等到感觉稍微好一点儿才站起来,生起一堆火。
Lay down on your tummy, rest your forehead on folded arms, close your eyes and follow your breath. 向下趴着,前额放在交叉的胳膊上,闭上眼并且放慢呼吸。
techniques you can use the moment you read about them. I lay it all out for you in a step-by-step. 而且当你读到的时候,这些技术你就可以使用它们了。我把他们一步一步的展示出来。
It did not perceive that it also lay in that hand which had removed Napoleon. 它没有看出它是被捏在搬走拿破仑的那同一只手里。
Indeed, the bottom of the thing lay at my heart, and that made all his endeavours fruitless. 真的,根本的原因是在我心里,他的一切努力全然无效。
with which I would light the flame of life in the dead thing that lay at my feet. 并利用这些工具把生命的火花注入躺在我的脚边的这个死的东西里。
He carefully counted the coins that lay on the bed. $24. 52 was all that he had. The bicycle he wanted was at least $90! 他仔细的数着散落的床上的硬币,他一共有24.52美元,这是他的全部财产。
I expect, however, that fully grown females that are well fed might be able to lay up to 20 eggs. 我期望,但认为完全成熟的女性,都是衣食足可奠定多达20个卵。
I reconciled myself to not knowing the truth, and I thought that was the end of the story until my mother lay on her deathbed. 我宁愿自己不知道这个真相,我本想这件事应该就此结束了,直到我母亲躺在病榻上奄奄一息。
Bedell lay down in an old box filled with hay, his rifle and crutches beside him. 比德尔躺在一个装满干草的旧木箱内,将他的步枪和拐杖放在身边。
Japan, the great exporter, protected its domestic industries. At the heart of the country's economic problems lay a contradiction. 最大的出口国——日本——对国内工业实施保护政策。在此国家的经济问题的中心存在着一个矛盾。
They lay on their faces as if paralyzed, exactly as I had lain a few minutes before now. 他们面伏于地,彷佛瘫痪一般,完全和我数分钟前的姿势一样。
Sleep deprivation gave a little bit of money, but that wasn't why she lay there awake at night. 不睡觉也可以得到一点钱,但是这并不是她晚上躺在那不睡觉的原因。