
美 [ˈleɪdi]英 ['leɪdi]
  • n.女士;夫人;小姐;淑女
  • 网络蕾蒂;女人;女性


young lady,little lady,fat lady,elderly lady,nice lady
marry lady



1.[c]女士,女子(指成年女子,有些人尤其是长者认为这样说比较礼貌)a word used to mean ‘woman’ that some people, especially older people, consider is more polite

2.[c]举止文雅且有教养的女子;淑女a woman who is polite and well educated, has excellent manners and always behaves well

3.[c][usupl](尤用于称呼或谈及不认识的女子)女士,小姐used when speaking to or about a girl or woman, especially sb you do not know

4.[sing](不尊重的非正式称呼)女人,女士an informal way to talk to a woman, showing a lack of respect

5.[c](英国)贵妇人,夫人,小姐(in Britain) a woman belonging to a high social class

6.[c](在英国对女贵族、女爵士、贵族成员的妻女或爵士妻子的称呼)夫人,女士,小姐(in Britain) a title used by a woman who is a member of the nobility , or by sb who has been given the titlelady as an honour. The wives and daughters of some members of the nobility and the wives of knights are also calledLady .

7.[u]女厕所;女卫生间;女洗手间;女盥洗室a toilet/bathroom for women in a public building or place

8.(天主教常用)圣母a title used to refer to Mary, the mother of Christ, especially in the Roman Catholic Church


日常生活英语单词_百度文库 ... Miss 小姐 lady 女士; 小姐 mom 妈妈 ...


音乐剧_互动百科 ... 《噢,凯》( Oh,Kay) 《噢,夫人》( Oh,Lady) 《在水边》( On the Waterfront) ...


日常生活英语单词_百度文库 ... Miss 小姐 lady 女士; 小姐 mom 妈妈 ...


鬼泣四中的蕾蒂Lady)首次出场是在鬼泣3,崔茜(Trish)首次出场是在鬼泣1。按默认排序|按时间排序 其他4条回答 其他类 …


艾米奇 - 源于法兰西的时尚女鞋 ... 设计 design 女人 lady 系列 series ...


好看123网址导航 ... 生活/ shenghuopinpai/index.htm 女性/ lady/index.htm 社区/ blog/index.htm ...


2011年中考新词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... L lab = laboratory n. 实验室 lady n. 女士,贵妇人,淑女 lake n. 湖,湖泊 ...

He said she was a lady with a clear mind. 他说她是一位思想敏锐的女士。
I inquired of him if he had seen our young lady. 我问他瞧见我们小姐没有?
When this young lady took a rest, the artist started binding her leg. At this point, I still did not understand what the art meant. 乘这这位小姐小息的档儿。艺术家有开始绑起了她的脚。到现在我也没弄懂他的行为究竟为了什么?
The Portrait of a Lady, as one of his well-known works, is interpreted as an initiation story. 《贵妇画像》是詹姆斯一部著名作品,并且被作为一部成长小说解读。
"Please calm the old lady down, " he said to me in a conciliatory tone. "I'll take this lamp and this bowl and leave. " “请让老妇人冷静下来,”他以一种安抚的语调对我说。“我拿了这个台灯和这个碗,就走。”
The lady took him by the hand and went into the store, and asked the clerk to get a half dozen pairs of socks for the boy. 女士牵着他的手走进了商店,让店员去取半打棉袜。
Photo: A historic portrait of Pocahontas in London, age 21, dressed as the Christian lady she had become. 图为波卡洪塔斯21岁时在伦敦服装成基督教女士的画像。
'No doubt he'll marry her and she'll be a fine lady. ' 毫无疑问,他会跟她结婚的,她就快是一个贵妇人啦。
One lady whom I recently met in Vienna (of all places) told me that she drove bad feelings out of her dreams. 我在维也纳(每个地方)认识一位女士,她告诉我她在梦里赶走了许多不良情绪。
The first lady said her mother pushes her to be the best woman, mother and professional she can be, and has always been there for her. 米歇尔称,母亲努力将她培养成为最棒的女性、最好的母亲和职业女性,并一直在一旁默默地支持她。
Eiffel Tower is one of the symbols of Paris, the French love to be known as the "Iron Lady. " 埃菲尔铁塔是巴黎的标志之一,被法国人爱称为“铁娘子”。
I rented to a retired nurse whose previous landlord followed her to my place. He told me the old lady was a convicted forger and con artist. 我还曾把房子租给一名退休护士。她的前房东一路跟着她来到我这儿,他告诉我这个老太太是犯有伪造罪的行骗老手。
The show takes off with a bed, a mirror, a chair and one lingerie-clad beauty and before you know it, one sexy lady becomes three. 表演开始时,舞台上会有一张床,一面镜子,一张椅子以及一位穿着内衣的美女。在你觉察到前,一位性感的女孩会突然变成三位。
The next morning, at precisely 10 am, the little old lady appeared with her lawyer at the president's office. 第二天早上,10正,干瘪瘦小的老太太出现在总裁的办公室。
He would get terrible letters from the public objecting to the First Lady cashing in on her position in the White House to make money. 他常常收到公众写来的一些措词激烈的信件,这些来信反对第一夫人利用她在白宫的地位赚钱。
Luke's fears were heightened when he realized that Lumiya, the Dark Lady of the Sith, was the Sith Master corrupting Jacen. 卢克发现西斯黑暗女主卢米娅就是暗中腐化杰森的西斯大师,这更加深了他的担心。
However, she did not realize that the old lady had never even heard about the family connection. 然而她并不了解,这个老妇人根本就没听人说起过她们的亲戚关系。
A lady lost her handbag in the bustle of Christmas shopping. It was found by an honest boy and returned to her. 一位女士圣诞节购物时丢了钱包。一个老实的小男孩捡到了钱包,还给了她。
A woman, who looked rather more like a lady's companion than a maid, opened the door to us. 一个女人出来开门,这个女人看上去与其说像一个女佣人,倒不好说更像一个雇来的女伴。
The secret tapes will show that the former first lady felt that her husband's successor was at the heart of the plot to murder him. 秘密录音带将揭示,这位前第一夫人感觉亡夫的继任者才是这起刺杀事件的主谋。
Puss, he was glad to notice, appeared to be thinking of other matters as a lady should. 至于思嘉,他高兴地看到,她似乎在想旁的事情,像个大家闺秀的样子。
Your composition is good except for a few spelling mistakes. ? Except for an old lady, the bus was empty. 除了有一个老太太以外,这辆公共汽车是空的。
The remaining 350 pages focus on Hillary's experience as First Lady, with just a few devoted to her time as a senator. 后三百五十页详细介绍了希拉里时任第一夫人,当选参议员时一些重要经历。
Then the field was narrowed down, and I was one of about 10 invited to actually cook for the first lady, a luncheon audition. 后来竞争圈子逐步缩小,大约有十人左右收到邀请,为第一夫人试做一顿午餐,我是其中之一。
Roger and I turn around and are shocked to see the witch lady peeking her head over the schoolyard's fence. 罗杰和我回过头去,看到那个巫婆伸着头往篱笆里面时我们都愣住了。
One old lady after the black hundred meters after the game, with tears in her eyes and said: scary! 后一个老夫人的黑百米的比赛后,含着眼泪和说:可怕!
I had been out to lunch during one of life's revisions and missed the announcement that it was swinish to treat a woman like a lady. 我出去吃午饭的时候,又碰上这世道发生变化,没有听到待女人如贵妇识可耻的行为的这一宣告。
China's new First Lady, Peng Liyuan, has become something of a global style icon on her first official state visit. 首次出访的中国新任第一夫人彭丽媛,俨然已经成为全球时尚偶像。
He got to his feet and tried to say something to comfort the lady before leaving. 他站起来想在走之前说点什么来安慰这位太太。
At this point, the immortals-step forward, gently with the Palm of the hand in her back-beats, only heard the old lady a choke. 这时,吕洞宾上前-步,轻轻地用手掌在她背上-拍,只听见老婆婆打了个噎。