
美 [ˈneɪkəd]英 [ˈneɪkɪd]
  • adj.裸体的;裸露的;不穿衣服的;无遮盖的
  • 网络赤裸裸;赤裸的

naked truth,naked woman,naked aggression


1.裸体的;裸露的;不穿衣服的not wearing any clothes

2.[ubn]无遮盖的;裸露的without the usual covering

3.[obn]直白的;露骨的;毫不掩饰的expressed strongly and not hidden

4.[nubn]缺乏保护;无力自卫unable to protect yourself from being harmed, criticized, etc.


爱在此,乐在此,恨在此 - 博客大巴 ... 13. Twirly 转动的 14.naked 裸体的 15.thighmaster 美腿器 ...


690个英语四级高频词汇 ... mutual a. 相互的 581. naked a. 裸露的 582. negative a. 否定的,消极的 583. ...


外国电影【2178】(不含中国电影) ... (待制作)(无) 甜蜜生活 Life Is Sweet (待制作) 赤裸裸 Naked 秘密与谎言 Secrets a…


Blah Blah Blah | 爱酷英语|iCoolEN ... middle name: 中间名,名和姓中间的名字 naked: 赤裸的 delay: 耽搁,延期 ...

Donkey: [seeing Shrek naked in the bed] Aahh! You know, you really need to get yourself a pair of jammies! 驴子(看到史莱克一丝不挂地躺在床上):啊,你知道吗?你真的需要给自己穿上一条宽大的睡裤!
His mother did not blame him, the contrary, let him know this truth: "A woman's purse is more than her naked body in private-oriented. " 他的妈妈没有责备他,相反,让他知道了壹个道理:“壹个女人的钱包,是比她赤裸的身体更加私人化的。”
If so, then the naked singularity might be an artifact of the approximations used in the calculations and would not truly arise in nature. 裸奇点会不会是因为我们在计算时采用了一些近似方法,才产生出来的,而并非真正存在大自然中?
For that reason Naked Objects is often seen as too radical (or opinionated) for mainstream development. 因此,NakedObjects相比主流开发而言,常被视为太激进(或者叫做固执)。
We grow out of having short bandy legs and no teeth. We would also grow out of having a naked skin if it proved to be a disadvantage. 我们出生时都是四肢短小、没有牙齿,如果没有毛发是个缺点的话,那么我们出生时也会如此。
Iwas extremely tense by this point. I felt naked and exposed. Whatinsanity had convinced me that coming out here was a good idea? 这时我极度的紧张,我感到我完全赤身罗体,毫无防备。当初是不是我精神错乱了?我竟然会觉得来这里是一个好主意。
Today, I got a random text from a woman containing many naked pictures of her. 今天我收到一个女人发来的莫名其妙的短信,里面有好多她的裸照。
The naked branches of the trees seemed to be lifting themselves upward toward the pale sun, impatient to put forth leaf and flower. 一根根光秃秃的树枝似乎在迎着那淡淡的太阳向上伸展,急不可待地要吐出绿叶和花瓣儿。
There, just opposite him, he saw a young woman lying on her side on a couch. She, too, was half-naked: she wore nothing but panties. 他看见一位年轻女朗,正面对着他侧卧在一张沙发上,也是半裸着身子,除了短裤什么也没穿。
As he's flying around the stratosphere letting off steam, he spots Wonder Woman lying on her back stark naked sunbathing on the beach. 当他在高空飞行发泄精力的时候,看见神奇女郎正在海滩上一丝不挂做日光浴。
In London CBD which is under police control, a woman is ordered to strip herself naked before being allowed to enter the area. 在伦敦的市中心的警察管制地区,这名妇女被警察要求脱光全身的衣服才被允许进入。
When the deed was done she was as naked and vulnerable as a woman could be. Not even a hair to hide behind. 完事之后,她就像女人原本应该的那样赤裸和脆弱,连一点可以遮挡的毛发都没了。
There was an awkward moment in Times Square when he saw the Naked Cowboy and said, 'Please tell me you're not a Democratic Congressman. 当他看到时代广场的赤裸牛仔时说:不要告诉我你是个民主党的议员。
It was so red and yet so tender that we could gaze at it with naked eyes. and a slight applause from us. 它是那样红,然而又那么娇嫩以致我们可以用肉眼来观察它。
God drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden with body half naked and hair dishevelled and they began to multiply descendants. 亚当和夏娃半裸着身子,披头散发地被上帝赶出了伊甸园、开始繁衍后代。
No naked flame or other heated sources likely to ignite flammable vapour should be allowed to be present in the domestic unit. 在单位内,不得存有可能促使易燃气雾燃著的任何无遮盖灯火或其他加热源头。
He replied, 'I heard the sound as you were walking in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked, and I hid myself. 那男人回答:“我听见你在园中行走的声音,我怕自己赤身露体,就躲起来了。”
Could this be the beginning of a wedding-photo trend in China just as naked wedding pictures were all the rage a while back? 这会像前不久风靡一时的裸婚婚纱照一样,引领中国婚纱照拍摄的潮流么?
If Rihanna is going to pose naked, she's not going to do it for the money, and it won't be for Playboy . . . at least anytime soon. 如果Rihanna要拍裸照的话,她不会因为金钱去拍,更不会为花花公子杂志拍,至少在短期内不会。
"What? What? " Her mother came rushing into her room. Staring at her naked daughter she saw the lump of her breast. "Does it hurt? " 她母亲冲进房间问道:“怎么了?怎么了?”看到女儿裸着身子,她注意到了她胸部的肿块。“疼吗?”
My camera and camcorder were unable to pick up the detail of the lights in the sky near as well as the naked eye could. 我的相机和摄像机不能捕捉到在天空中很近肉眼也能看得很清楚光源的细节。
Nyotaimori, the Japanese practice of eating food off a woman's naked body, has arrived in London. 女体盛!这是一种在裸体女人身上用餐的日式服务,现在已经登陆伦敦。
It is as if, suddenly, the Internet were awash with pictures of the C. I. A. director, Leon E. Panetta, cavorting half-naked on vacation. 这就好像突然间,互联网上充斥着中央情报局(C.I.A)局长昂·帕内塔(LeonE.Panetta)在旅游景点半裸着蹦跳的照片。
I could not bear the heat of the sun so well when quite naked, as with some clothes on; the very heat frequently blistered my skin. 当我完全裸体时,我不能象有衣服时那样能够忍受太阳的热;它的热有时简直把我的皮肤晒得起泡。
objects cast shadows as if the light were emitted from a single geometric point like a naked light bulb. 物体投射阴影似乎光从几何学的点发出像无遮罩的灯泡。
It's like the way you came into my life. I feel as if I am not naked anymore. . . . . . 你是这样进入我的生活的。我感觉仿佛我不再赤裸……
But to the naked eye, Firefox looks just as smooth when zooming in and out of Google Maps or opening e-mails in Gmail. 然而据肉眼观察,当在谷歌地图中放大和缩小页面,或者在Gmail中打开电子邮件时,火狐表现得与Chrome一样平滑。
I kept glancing down at my left arm and was surprised to see a naked wrist. 我时不时地低头瞄下左臂,看到裸露的手腕时不免有些惊讶。
In a few minutes he's dancing with a naked wench, a huge blonde with creases in her jowls . 没过几分钟他就在同一个光屁股姑娘跳舞了,这是一个大块头金发女郎,肥得下巴上尽是皱榴。
To see the surface of Mars, you need an astronomical telescope. It appears as a bright orange-red spot when seen with naked eye. 要欣赏火星的表面,需要天文望远镜的帮助,以肉眼观看,火星将会是一明亮的橙红色光点。