never give up

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never give upnever give up

never give up


数码宝贝剧场版 - 搜搜百科 ... IKUO 角色歌: Never Give Up 永不放弃 New World 新世界 ...


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英语_斜阳草堂_新浪博客 ... Write Your Own Life 谱写生命的乐… never give up 决不放弃 The Gettysburg Address 葛底斯堡演…


西雅图英语_学习园地 ... 29.别认输. Don't give up. 30.绝对不能放弃. Never give up. 2. 我会挺你的. I'll back you up. ...


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An ideal will never give up a dogged pursuer. So long as you do not stop pursuing, you will bathe in the glow of your idea. 理想不会抛弃坚持不懈的追求者。只要不停止追求,你就会沐浴在理想的光辉中。
You've got to believe in yourself and never give up. If you want to live, you cannot accept that life is over for you. 你必须相信你自己,永不放弃,如果你要活下去,你就不能逆来顺受。
Since the province is only required by sub-culture is too high, and therefore missed me, but I never give up my love of writing. 只不过因为省内要求的文化课分太高,因此与我失之交臂了,但是我却从没有放弃我对写作的热爱。
If I turn to my favorite one does not blink to see Shibian I finally agreed to continue to look down or above, otherwise, never give up. 如果我翻到我喜欢的一页会不眨眼地看到十遍以上我才肯继续往下看,否则决不罢休。
For example, lotus, life is very short, in her bloom at the moment, the beauty of life began to fade, but she never give up a bright. 比如荷花,生命是极其短暂的,在她盛开的那个瞬间,生命的美丽便开始走向凋零,但她一刻也没有放弃绽放的光亮。
And the rich world, troubled as it is, must never give up in its effort to help the poor one to stand on its own feet. 虽然富裕国家现在身处困境之中,但是它们绝不应该放弃帮助贫困国家自力更生的努力。
never give up no matter how much difficulty you will meet. 不论你遇到多少困难,都不要放弃。
Never give up the right to dream. The belief and passion that dream has brought to us illustrates a thing with the name of life. 永远不要放弃做梦的权利,它所带给我们的信仰和激情诠释了一种叫做人生的东西。
Fortunately, his mother was very patient and she never give up helping him with all her efforts. 幸运地是,他的妈妈非常有耐心从来没有放弃尽力帮助他。
"For me, one of the best things about this Chelsea team is that we never give up, " he said. “对于我来说,对于这支切尔西队来说其中最好的一面是我们永不放弃,”埃辛说。
You must be strong now. You must never give up. And when you are afraid of the dark, don't forget the light is always there. 你要坚强,决不能放弃。当你担忧生活黑暗无边之时,请记得希望总会在某处闪光。
I said I could never give up my car, but I barely drive now and am going car-free next month. 我说过我不能放弃汽车,但现在我很少开汽车了,下个月起就不会开车了
Never give up : Desperate acts can be lethal to you and others with you. Without the will to live, you won't. 永不放弃:绝望的行为对于你和你的同伴来说是致命的。如果没有活下来的信念,你就不可能活下来。
No matter how much wind and rain, go far, we have been accompanied by quest, never give up! 无论风雨多大、路途多远,我们一直相伴相随,永不放弃!
But I will never give up. One, to see your beautiful smile again. One, to beg the blessings of the Gods. I wait for that days. 但我永远不会放弃。为了再一次看到你美丽的微笑。为了祈求神灵的保佑。我会等待这一天。
"When you fight against teams who fight not to go down - like we did at Birmingham - they never give up, " he said. 当你面对像伯明翰这种不能再输的球队的时候,他们绝对不会放弃,所以比赛会很艰难。
Always remember quotes about being yourself is all about being strong and being confident in whatever you do and never give up. 永远记住,有关实现自我的名言就是关于,无论你做什么都要保持坚强和自信,从不放弃。
simic spoke about two of his rossoneri mentors , maldini and costacurta , who have taught him to never give up and fight until the end. 西米奇谈到了两个米兰的精神领袖,马尔蒂尼和科斯塔库塔,这俩人告诉西米奇永远不要放弃,要斗争到最后一刻。
There he never give up, tenacious life, this is not ordinary people can do, to go through the number of failures. 还有他的永不言败,顽强生活,这点不是一般人能做到的,要经历多少的失败。
Surely there is a long way to take to be an expert but it is just like the northern star guiding me to make progress and never give up. 或许离完美的专业培训还有一定的距离,但是它就如远方星斗,指引我前行,从不放弃。
"Escape" will never end, humanity's courage and will never give up the dream of faith and hope of "escape" turns into a carnival. “逃离”永远不会终结,人类的勇气和永不放弃梦想与希望的信念将“逃离”变成一场狂欢。
Paul urges Timothy to never, never, never give up in the battle for the truth. 保罗力劝提摩太,永远永远不要放弃为真理而战。
If I were a boy again, I would practice perseverance more often, and never give up a thing because it was difficult or inconvenient. 假如我又回到童年,我做事情要更有毅力,不会因为事情难做或麻烦而放弃它。
Sir, it is not an over-statement to have said the "Nigerian youths have this never give up atittude" . 先生,我说“尼日利亚的青年从未放弃努力”并非是过度形容。
I said I could never give up my cigarettes, but I've been tobacco-free for nearly 5 years. 我曾说我离不开烟,但现在我已经不抽烟快5年了。
hard to be a nice mother, she never give up to give me unconditional love. everyday , every month, every year, we get so many. 一个很出色的妈妈,她从不放弃对我无私的爱,无条件的爱,一天天,一月月,一年年,我们共同拥有了许多有。
I said I could never give up my coffee, but I recently have. 我曾说我不可能离开咖啡,但我最近已经不喝了。
What I had given up was so much, but today that I standing here mean I never give up at this event although one year have passed. 曾经我放弃过很多,但今天我站在这里意味着在这一点上我没有放弃。
Never Give Up "If I could reach higher, just for one moment to touch the sky. . . " ---this is from my favorite song Reach. 永不放弃“如果我能到达更高的地方,哪怕只有碰触天空的一刹那…”---选自我所喜爱的歌曲《到达》。
And I guess a kind of lesson from my life so far is to never give up on your friends. 我想,至此我从生活中获得了教益,即永远不要放弃自己的朋友。