running away

  • na.逃;私奔;(事情)进行不顺利
  • 网络逃跑;离家出走;逃避

第三人称单数:runs away 现在分词:running away 过去式:ran away

running awayrunning away

running away


格雷森·蔡斯-中文百科在线 ... 11.Slipping Away( 渐行渐远) 12.Running Away逃跑) 1.Waiting Outside The Line( 线外 …


疯狂英语 2007年64期-音乐-亚马逊中国... ... Wisdom Life 智慧人生 Running Away 离家出走 The Exodus Decoded “出埃及记” …


Delta黛儿塔两张专辑全... ... 10.THIS IN NOT ME 这不是我 4:29 11.RUNNING AWAY 逃避 3:21 12.A YEAR AGO TODAY …


黛儿塔/纯真眼眸 ... 10. 这不是我 This Is Not Me 11. 逃离 Running Away 12. 去年今天 A Year Ago Today ...


English to traditional Chinese... ... running across 无意间遇到、发现 running away 逃走,跑开 running away from 逃脱,逃离 ...


爱你一万年专辑,爱你一万年歌曲 ... Bus Driver Blues 蓝调巴士 Running Away 爱情逃生 Daughter's Fighting 父亲的决心 ...


下列词组,帮忙翻译成中文_百度知道 ... out of sight 看不见,视野之外 running away 跑开 There be no need 没有必要 ...

I'm running away from an old woman, an old man, a little boy, a bear, a pig and a wolf, and I can run away from yon, too. 我在逃离一个老奶奶、一个老爷爷、一个小男孩、一只熊、一头猪和一只狼的追赶,我也能逃离你的追赶。
On such encouragement to ask, Elizabeth was forced to put it out of her power, by running away. 她这话明明是怂恿伊丽莎白问下去,伊丽莎白便只得跑开,让自己要问也无从问起。
After all, Mary's running away had been genuine enough; though it had the results that any calculating woman could have foreseen. 归根结底说来,玛丽是存心出走的,虽然这事情的后果任何一个有心机的女人都能够预料得到的。
She was running away from her life in London, taking the two children and their nurse with her. 她带着两个孩子和一个保姆出走,告别了她在伦敦的生涯。
There may be more fans who dislike Kobe Bryant, and for that matter, LeBron James might be running away with the category. 可能不喜欢科比的球迷更多一些,而就这一方面,詹姆斯可能不属于这一类。
She was an extraordinarily beautiful girl, Margaret Devereux, and made all the men frantic by running away with a penniless young fellow. 她是个极美的姑娘,玛格丽特·德弗日,当时曾使舆论哗然,因为她跟一个不名一文的年轻人私奔了。
The ass was very happy to see the animals running away from him, just as if he were king Lion himself. 驴子很高兴动物们的反应就像它自己就是狮王一样。
And that she was thinking about running away with him. 还说她想跟他私奔
He was afraid someone might come out of the house and see him, because he knew that if he was seen, he might find himself running away. 他深怕有人会从屋子里走出来瞧见他,心里明白,要是被人瞧见,他可能会拔腿就跑的。
but , his long - cherished desire to know more about these matters , not only stopped him in his running away , but lured him back again. 但是他那为时已久的探索这秘密的欲望不但让他停住了脚步,而且引诱他又跑了回去。
He sums it up in his British travelogues, The Kingdom By the Sea, as the liberating fantasy of running away from home. 他在自己的英国游记《濒海的王国》中,将他的这种逃避概括为“使人解脱的离家出走奇想。”
and he was loud in mock-reproaches for the dance she had led him in running away just as he had found it. 他还为舞会的事大声地假装责备她:他刚找到地方她就把他带走了。
and he laughed as he took her hand, and answered: "I came to see what you were running away from. " 他笑着抓起她的手,回答说:“我来是要看一看你在逃避什么。”
Once there was a little bunny who wanted to run away. so he said to his mother, 'I am running away. 从前有一只小兔子,他很想要离家出走。有一天,他对妈妈说“我要逃走了”
Ten minutes running away from the sea is all you need to save yourself from danger. 花十分钟跑离大海,你就能安全了。
I'm running away from an old woman, an old man and a little boy, and I can run away from you, too. 我在逃离一个老奶奶、一个老爷爷和一个小男孩的追赶,我也能逃离你的追赶。
At first, the children were wary of me, staring blankly from doorways, sometimes running away. 刚开始,村里的孩子们对我十分警惕。他们在门口目不转睛地盯着我,有时看到我就跑开。
So he said to his mother, "I am running away. " 有一天,他对妈妈说:「我要跑走啦!」
If I'd kept running away from that discomfort, as I'd done in the past, I probably wouldn't have become able to stomach a transition. 如果我还象过去那样,一味的逃避这种不适,我可能就无法消化这个转变了。
There is no doubt that running away on a fresh blue morning can be exhilarating! 毫无疑问,在清新蓝色的早晨逃离是最刺激的事情了。
The cost of running away for an intimate wedding and honeymoon typically costs tens of thousands dollars less than a traditional wedding. 逃跑举行私人婚礼、度蜜月的开销一般是几万美金,这比一场传统婚礼花得要少。
but when the hunter does come with his dogs I shall be too busy running away to have time for this. 但当猎人和他的狗来到的时候,我就会忙着逃命没时间磨牙了。
Brennan refuses Booth's advice to stay down and back, and the suspect jumps through a window, injuring himself while running away. Brennan拒绝Booth待在原地的建议,而犯罪嫌疑人在跳窗逃跑的过程中受伤。
Kong Qiu found out that Pixiu had fled into the mountains, and wanted to tell it to go home, but Pixiu just kept running away with fear. 孔丘发现了逃到山里的皮休,欲劝其回家,但惊恐不知所措的皮休还是逃走了。
You know, when things go wrong, running away is not the answer. Okay? You have to find within yourself a way to handle it. 要知道,事情进展不顺利时,逃避并不能解决问题。知道吗?你得自己找到处理方法。
The Scudetto looks to be heading for the city anyway, as Inter are running away at the top of the Serie A table. 无论如何,意甲冠军正向这个城市走来,因为国米正在意甲积分榜上遥遥领先。
And just look at what good did all that running away do to you: it made you lost your chance to be happy with the one you care about. 来看看你一直逃避对你做成的好事:它令你失去和你喜欢的人一起欢乐的机会。
Some of the personal writings that survive show that they were also running away from family lives that were really unsatisfying. 现存的一些私人资料表明,也有因为家庭生活令人不满,所以她们离家出走了。
Since Tom could not dissuade Huck from running away from home, he decided to run away with his friend. 由于汤姆不能劝阻哈克离家出走,他决定与朋友同去
Their first album went platinum thanks to the hit singles Crawling in the Dark and Running Away. 他们的第一张专辑凭借走红单曲《在黑暗中爬行》和《逃跑》而获得白金销量。