red wine

  • n.红葡萄酒;一杯红葡萄酒
  • 网络红酒;干红葡萄酒;酒红色

red winered wine

red wine



红酒RED Wine)是葡萄酒的通称,并不一定特指红葡萄酒。红酒有许多分类方式。


美国加州葡萄酒|世界名酒推广网 ... 加州湾/ california bay 红葡萄酒/ RED WINE 威士忌/ Whisky ...


《中文菜单英文译法》 ... 锈钉 Rusty Nail 2442. 干红葡萄酒 Red Wine 法国 France Bordeaux ...


首页-朱先生婚纱礼服定制-淘宝网 ... 香槟色: Champagne 酒红色: Red wine 象牙白: Ivory ...


首页-三元玻璃|全场水晶杯|假一罚十-淘宝网 ... 醒酒器 Decanters 红酒杯 red wine 香槟杯 champagne ...

Before going to bed drink a cup of red wine, blood circulation, skin absorption of moisturizing products increased significantly. 睡前喝一小杯红酒,血液循环加快,皮肤对保湿品的吸收力明显增加。
Red wine appears to protect the heart and prolong life. Now a new study suggests it may also be a weapon against obesity . 红酒似乎可以保护心脏并延年益寿。现在一项新的研究表明,红酒还可能是对付肥胖的武器。
Red papaya soup useful to you, how much? There are many ways breast, why is that red wine is the best breast soup papaya products? 红酒木瓜靓汤有用吗,多少钱?丰胸方法有很多种,为什么说红酒木瓜靓汤是最好的丰胸产品呢?
walk or run at least once a week keep your cholesterol down and drink an occasional glass of red wine. 不要吸烟,每周至少散步或跑步一次,控制你的胆固醇含量,偶尔喝杯红葡萄酒。
One of my favorite desserts is a piece of dark organic chocolate, along with a glass of a fine red wine. 我最爱的饭后甜点之一是一块有机黑巧克力加一杯上等红酒。
He suggested the best approach was to let the patient drink as much red wine or purple grape juice as he or she wanted. 他认为,最好的办法是,患者想喝多少红酒或紫葡萄汁,就让他们喝多少。
Say, 'I dropped red wine, and I tried to get it out with xyz, ' or 'I tried to get it out with water. ' 你要说,‘我打翻了红酒,然后企图用啥啥啥把它洗掉’,或者‘我试着用清水洗来着’。
Yes, drinking red wine may significantly decrease the risk of heart disease, but white wine may be just as protective, at least in rats. 是的,喝红葡萄酒可以大大降低心脏病发作的危险,,但是白葡萄酒也许正像是保护体,至少在老鼠中是这样。
So if it's been a few days since you hit the gym, there may be a way to help slow down the damage from not exercising: some red wine. 所以,如果你上次去健身已经是很久以前的事了,那么要缓解不运动带来的伤害,这里有一个办法:喝一点红酒。
The dark beer is rich in antioxidant flavonoids similar to those in red wine, so as to exert a protective effect on the heart. 黑啤酒当中含有丰富的类似于红酒的抗氧化剂类黄酮,这对保护心脏有好处。
What could be better than a piece of roast beef with spices, baked potatoes with rosemary and a glass of red wine? 什么能比得上一份辣味烤牛肉、迷迭香烤土豆加一杯红酒?
A glass of red wine a day could keep tumors at bay, according to a study of men with lung cancer. 一项对男子肺癌研究的报告表明:每天红酒一杯可以防癌。
You add a little bit of red wine to the juice that's left from the roasting tray. Then add chicken stock or veal stock to the pan. 把烤肉盆里多余的油都到掉后,再加点红酒泡一泡。然后加入鸡汤料或者是牛肉汤料,stock就是原汤料。
Any kind of alcoholic beverage seems to provide such benefits, but red wine has been the focus of much of the research. 任何一种酒精饮料,似乎均可提供这种好处,但红葡萄酒一直是该研究的焦点。
A bellboy who took me to my room to rest for a few minutes gave me a purple flower and offered me a glass of red wine. 行李员还带我去房间稍事休息,并给了我紫色的花,还倒了杯红酒给我。
Red wine in moderation has been shown to be beneficial for the heart, but in this case the relationship was stronger for white wine. 有资料表明,适度饮用红葡萄酒对心脏有好处,但是在这方面白葡萄酒的作用更大。
The new research also showed that: Regular consumption of red wine, has no small significance to the human body. 而最新医学研究结果也表明:经常饮用红葡萄酒,对人体有着非同小可的意义。
I gave up the haze of red wine soaked evenings and instead wrote the first draft of a novel I'd been talking about for a decade. 我放弃晚上浸泡在让人迷糊的红酒里,取而代之开始了写出我多年来一直谈论的小说的一稿。
Each guest will be get a glass of great wall red wine, of course, soft drink is up to you. 每位光临“情人节”的客人将免费获赠红葡萄酒一杯,软饮更是任您畅饮。
He bustles me to a cushion on the floor and hands me a glass of Chinese red wine. 他慌慌张张地带着我走到地上的一个坐垫边,然后递给我一杯中国产红酒。
Red wine was running down the bald man's head, his wife was wearing white, and the kids started to scream. 酒从秃头男人头上流下来,从穿白衣服的太太身上流下来,从尖叫的孩子们身上流下来。
Hidden breast soup is just the wind, which red wine selection papaya soup, reason as follows: how breast, red papaya soup useful? 喝汤丰胸隐正风止,这就选红酒木瓜靓汤,来由如下:怎样丰胸,红酒木瓜靓汤有用吗?
Claims that red wine can be good for the heart have been overstated. 红酒对心脏有好处的说法被夸大。
He took out a lot of wine, a red wine, there is white wine, there is beer. 他拿出了好多酒,有红酒,有白酒,有洋酒,有啤酒。本来,我当时也是极力不喝。
The inside of the limo is stocked like a minbar, with bottles of red wine, flower bouquets, and a fruit platter. 房车内部弄的像个迷你酒吧,有许多瓶红酒,花束和水果拼盘。
The recommended daily consumption of alcohol is less than one glass of red wine or two glasses of beer. 再者,酒精的热量仅次于脂肪,建议每天喝酒量不应超过一杯红酒或两杯啤酒,避免「啤酒肚」原形毕露!
To don't understand of red wine, only know this drink up good, sweet and a little bit like a drink. 对于不懂红酒的人,只知道这个喝起来不错,甜甜的,有点像饮料。
Today receives you to leave my red wine and the red pocket I am extremely happy I thank extremely! 今天收到你留给我的红葡萄酒和红包包。我非常高兴。我非常感谢!
Put the herbs and garlic salt into a bowl. Season with extra virgin olive oil Italian red wine vinegar and black pepper. 在碗中倒入香料末和蒜盐,加初榨橄榄油,意大利红酒醋和黑胡椒,拌匀。
Red wine tends to have a higher iron content, hence the admonition against mixing it with seafood. 红酒往往铁含量较高,因此警告大家吃海味时不要喝红酒。