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长岛大学(Long Island University)

...acy and Health Sciences, Long Island University (LIU) in Brooklyn, New York.

'I tried to discourage her from wanting to be an artist, but she has made up her mind, ' says Mr. Liu, who worries about her choice. 对女儿的这个选择刘小东很是担心,他说,我劝她不要从事艺术行业,但她已经下定决心了。
Today, saw Liu Dehua to protect her to make an appearance, this was the inevitable result. 今天,看见刘德华护着她露面了,这就是必然的结果。
Liu Yang accustoms himself to filling up a whole piece of Xuan paper, making it indomitable to enhance visual effect of his works. 刘阳习惯于把一张宣纸写得满满,顶大立地,增强其视觉效果。
Liu said the pain was "unbearable" and that he risked further injury to his Achilles tendon if he tried to finish Monday's race. 刘翔说,他的疼痛“难以忍受”,如果他试图完成星期一的比赛,他面临跟腱拉伤加剧的风险。
How much I did not perseverance, ah, this matter has not done too much between us apart, I would like to study and Liu Xiang. 我是多么没有毅力啊,竟然这点事都不能做到,我们之间相距太大了,我要向刘翔学习。
A few days before the session began, the railways minister, Liu Zhijun, had been dismissed in connection with a huge bribe-taking scandal. 腐败是“最大的危险”,人大会议开始不久前,铁道部部长刘志军因卷入巨额受贿丑闻而被免职。
"Students freaked out on day one, " said freshman Liu Chang, 18. "We were so scared that we would be the next one [to die]. " “月初时,同学们都被吓坏了。”18岁的新生刘畅说。“我们很害怕,担心自己会不会是下一位面临死亡威胁的感染者。”
Liu said the trend highlights the changes in how China and its citizens are reaching out to the rest of the world. 刘表示这一趋势展现了中国正在如何变化,而其公民们正在接触世界其他地区。
Liu was extremely happy to have been admitted to Oxford, but soon he found he was out of his depth in his major. 刘很高兴被牛津大学录取,但很快发现自己的专业实力差的很远。
I got to know entrepreneur Liu Zhicheng accidentally. However, his passion and infatuation for photography made us very close at once. 一个偶然的机会,认识了企业家刘志成先生,他对摄影的痴迷拉近了我们的距离。
But last week, Liu said that it's all still up in the air and depends on his recovery, according to media reports in Chinese. 但据中国媒体报道,刘翔上周称一切都还悬而未决,取决于他的恢复情况。
As soon as Liu Xiang showed up in my world, i found his sunshine smile was more precious for me. 当刘翔出现在我的世界里,我才明白原来阳光般的笑容对我来说更珍贵。
'Danny, after he heard it, he said he found the ATM card on the floor, ' Mr. Liu says, adding that Mr. Pang returned the cash. JeffreyLiu说,彭日成听到过后说,他在地上捡到了这张卡,并归还了现金。
Mr Liu denied that the company was in a hurry to list. "We have enough cash until 2015, " he said. 刘强东否认京东正急于上市。他说:“我们的现金足够用到2015年。”
"busy, Mrs. Liu stood up, wiping his hands on the body energetically's: " impermissible, impermissible. 刘妈妈忙站起身,手在身上使劲的擦着:“使不得、使不得。”
"The murderer killed himself afterward, " Liu told The Associated Press. He said he did not have any other information. “袭击者随后自杀了,”刘小明告诉美联社。他说没有其他更多的消息。
Below is a brief Q&A with Liu, followed by an excerpt from his new book. You can buy the book on Amazon and iTunes. 下面是对刘京的简短访谈。文后是从他的这本新书里摘录的一部分。你可以在亚马逊和iTunes上购买本书。
After deciding that this job would not clash with her studies and upon considering the high salary, Liu applied. 在考虑这份工作与她的学业不会产生冲突,并且薪水还比较高,她就申请了。
Liu help thank are kang kang to help, is between the socks off the rivalry between the two, two men more slowly become close, later removed. 刘帮感谢正康帮助,对正康刮目相看,两男之间的芥蒂慢慢消弭,后来更成为好友。
With tears in her eyes, Liu leapt from the stage and into the arms of her pleased, yet stoical, coach Ma Wenhui. 她噙着泪水,从台上跃下,扑进了她高兴而又坚忍的教练马文辉的怀里。
Dr. Qiao: What's the matter with you, Mrs. Liu? 乔大夫:你怎么啦,刘太太?
Afterwards, Mr. Liu reproved his wife for provoking all his sister's pent-up resentment by bringing up the Kunming matchmaking affair. 事后,刘先生怪太太不该提起昆明做媒的事,触动她一肚子的怨气。
This voice transfer to my ear, I heard the open as if singing in the sole Liu . . . this song might be happy, may be sad. 这声音由远而近传递到我的耳畔,我仿佛听到空旷中独柳的歌声…这歌声也许是欢快的、也许是忧伤的。
How much melancholy Temple Liu, spring air fighting thrush long. 惆怅庙前多少柳,春来空斗画眉长。
"It would probably just give you some sort of a network error, " Liu said. “你可能会得到某种网络错误的提示”,Liu说。
It is known to us all that Liu Xiang is a man of iron. 众所周知,刘翔是个意志坚强的人。
The Liu Mou that installs an embryo in the home feels he is fumed dizziness, disgustingly , but she did not care about this matter too much. 在家安胎的刘某感到自己被熏得头晕、恶心,可她并没过多在意此事。
Liu: Yes, I've discussed it with him, and he agrees that I would do better with a company where the work is on a higher creative level. 刘:是的,我已经和他商量过,他也认为如果我能到一个能发挥更高创造性的公司工作,我会做得更好。
Liu Lanzhi lingered for a while under a tree to tree and hanged himself in the southeast. 刘兰芝在树下徘徊了一阵,就在东南树上吊死了。
When asked about the message on Sina Weibo, he said he doesn't know Mr. Liu, as "there are more than a thousand employees at China Mobile. " 当被问及新浪微博上的这一消息的时候,他表示他不认识刘先生,因为“中国移动的员工太多了”。