living room

  • n.客厅;起居室
  • 网络客厅系列;起居定;小客厅

复数:living rooms

living roomliving room

living room



仁爱英语七年级下册单词_百度文库 ... dining room 餐厅 living room 客厅,起居室 garden 花园,果园,菜园 ...


建筑学常见英语词汇 ... 换班室 shift room 起居室 living room 浴室 bathroom ...


首页-1820home法国仿古家具 整体家居-- 淘宝网 ... Home Office 书房系列 Living Room 客厅系列 Dining Room 餐厅系列 ...


小学六年级毕业英语复习资料 ... bathroom 卫生间 living room 起居定 kitchen 厨房 ...


...缅北市民生东路5段92号1楼 02-2766-1777 高凌风 瓠仔贵烧烤 店北市基隆路2段117号 02-2739-1590 高培华 小客厅(living roo


比如“2LDK”,“L”表示起居间Living Room)、“D”表示饭厅(Dining Room)、“K”表示厨房(Kitchen),而“2”则表示除LDK …


首页-欧蒂隆整体家具-淘宝网 ... 其他( Other) 客厅家具 Living room 餐厅家具 Dining room ...

After taking her to her own bed, he brought her a bottle, grabbed a blanket and went to sleep on the living room couch. 麦克唐纳把她抱回她自己的床上,找了个毛毯到起居室的长沙发上睡了。
She gabbled about having purchased something, then made him close his eyes and walk into the living room. 她急促地说买了一样东西,然后,让他闭上眼睛走到客厅。
I got out of bed and went into the living room of our suite to work on some hard-hitting additions to my basic speech. 我起床走进起居室去,在我的主调演说稿上添加一些狠狠反击的段落。
About 40 of these a week for two years are all that separate you from that guy who had to be airlifted out of his living room. 每周吃40个这样的东西,吃上两年才能让你不再是那个不得不要靠吊车才能从起居室里挪出来的家伙。
There was a trampling of boots and another blast on the comb as the children charged into the living-room. 靴子咚咚响,梳子又噗噗一声,孩子们冲进客厅。
I got a bit heavier and started to enjoy life a lot more from the front row of my living room with my good friend. . . BEER. 我胖了很多,开始享受和好朋友——啤酒在卧室前排的美好时光。
So I had to wake up, go to the living room, switch on the lights and sit quietly with my daughter, waiting for her to calm down. 我只好起床到客厅把灯又开了,坐在那静静的陪着女儿,等她消气。
We've also been able to rethink the layout, and necessity, of other living room furniture (I'll write more about this in a future post). 同样我们也已经能够反复考虑其他客厅家具的布局和需要(在以后的文章中我会对此有更多描述)。
At first, I read in the living room, do not know Fall in love with my orchids, nodding his head in a pot peck. 起先,我在客厅看书,不知道他恋上了我的兰花,在花盆里点头啄食。
His living room is like an exhibition hall of carved roots and the balcony serves as his workroom; even his footstools are made of roots. 史天柱家的客厅像是一个根艺的陈列馆,阳台是他的操作间,连坐的小凳子都是用树根做成的。
He gathered my mother and me in the living room and opened the case as if it were a treasure chest. "Here it is, " he said. 他把妈妈和我叫进厅里,打开了那只盒子,好象那是一个百宝箱似的。
The house seemed to be full of men he didn't know, until he went into the living room. 房子里挤满了他不认识的人。他走进起居室才见到一个熟人。
If Thanksgiving preparations have our kitchen floor looking like this, at least this isn't your living room. 如果准备感恩节大餐让你家厨房乱成这样,那至少乱的不是你家客厅。
'I see there's been a visitor, 'said her mother, coming into the living room later. 'Your husband, was it? ' “我看有人来拜访过了,”她母亲随后来到了起居室,说道,“是你的丈夫,对吗?”
Make up your own words to your favorite tunes; dance around the living room with your children; and use music to motivate room cleaning. 用你们自己的歌词和着你们最爱的曲调;和你的孩子们一起在客厅里一圈圈地跳舞;而后用音乐让做家务不那么无聊。
They were in a small, bright vestibule which opened onto a kitchen on one side and what appeared to be a living room on the other. 他们在一间明亮的小前厅里,一边通向厨房,另一边似乎是间起居室。
I may now see movies a bit later than other people, but I'll be more relaxed watching box office hits in the comfort of my own living room. 我现在可以比其他人晚一点看电影了,但我在自己的起居室看电影会比在盒子办公室里更放松。
My wife found a pair of my shoes and threw them to me across the former living room. 我的妻子发现了一双我的鞋,然后通过那曾经的客厅扔给我。
He went into the bathroom and cried. After a few minutes, he dried his eyes and walked back into the living room. 他躲进了浴室,偷偷哭了几分钟,擦干了眼泪,才敢走回客厅。
When Susan came back into the living room, there was a strange mist in her eyes. 奇怪的是,当苏珊回到起居室时,她的眼睛湿润了。
In fact, the square was an integral part of the city, known as a "city living room, " said. 其实,广场本来就是城市的有机组成部分,素有“城市客厅”之称。
She's mature for her age and our computer is in the living room and I could require her to be 'friends' with me. 我女儿在他们这个年纪是比较成熟的,而且电脑就在起居室,另外我可以要求她加我为好友。
It is now standard practice for mother to keep the children quiet by putting them in the living-room and turning on the set. 妈妈们把孩子放到客厅中,打开电视,让孩子保持安静,这成了一种标准的做法。
There was no space in the living room, but we could put a piano against the wall in the dining room. 客厅没有任何空间了,但我们能把钢琴顶放在餐厅的墙边。
All this time the boy's father watched from his living room window as the drama unfolded. 小男孩的父亲一直在客厅的窗户旁注视着这一幕。
I screamed, and Patch paused and looked back at me, then carried on dragging the pigeon towards the living room. 咪咪看了我一眼,然后又开始把鸽子往客厅拉。
Mr White did not say anything, but walked out of the living-room and went to his study. 怀特先生一声不吭,走出起居室到书房去了。
An early version is now making the rounds of trade shows, and later, more-accurate versions will eventually show up in your living room. 早期版本已经开始了商业巡回演出,稍后,更为精确的版本将现身你的起居室。
Games took place in different places, from the intimacy of the place of the living room, noisy environment and vegetable market. 游戏发生在不同的地方,从亲昵的地点到起居的房间、嘈杂的环境和蔬菜市场。
After erasing her parents' memories of her, she walks out of a cozy living room and onto a coldly lit street. 在删除父母对她的记忆后,她走出温馨的卧室,来到冷飕飕、亮着路灯的大街上。