little girl

  • 网络小女孩;小美眉;小姑娘

little girllittle girl

little girl


小女孩_百度百科 ... 10.若无其事( AS IF NOTHING HAPPENED) 01.小女孩LITTLE GIRL) 02.喘息( TO TAKE A BREA…


2007年07月新增专辑 ※ 魔镜歌词网 ... 8.Wish I Was Your Lover( 专属情人) 9.Little Girl( 小美眉) 1.glitter 闪耀 ...


CD南美旅游音乐(2碟装)-博库网 ... 6.Playing on the beach 海边玩耍 7.Little girl 小姑娘 8.A person's happiness 一个人的 …


狼人杀规则 ... 1张女巫( Witch) 1张小女孩( Little Girl) 1张警长标志牌( Sheriff) ...


《每晚读1篇美丽英文... ... 76 Time Together 在一起的时光 77 I Love You, Little Girl 我爱你,小丫头 78 Dad’s Gift 爸爸的礼 …


小,小字的解释,查字典 ... 小农[ small farmer] 小女子[ little girl] 小派别[ splinter] ...


春的手抄报! - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... Full of joy. 无比欢快。 Little Girl 小小的女孩 Sweet and small. 玲珑可爱。 ...


阿浪 - 乱七八糟 - 音魁网 ... la bomba 大爆炸女声版 Little Girl 少女 babyface 娃娃 ...

Just so happens the next day I decided to go back to the park, curious if the little girl would still be there. 不知怎的,我决定第二天再去一次那个公园,想看看那个女孩还在不在那里。
However, in General's eye, she was nothing more than a little girl something wrong with her eyes. 然而,将军眼中她就是一个患有眼疾的小女孩儿罢了。
He fell on his knees and put his arms around his precious little girl. He begged her to forgive him for his unnecessary anger. 他跪下双膝,双手环抱着自己珍爱的小女孩,祈求她的原谅。
There was a little girl twirling around on a bar, one knee wrapped tightly around the bar and fashioned behind her knee. 有个小女孩正在一个杠上快速地转动,一条腿紧紧地勾在杠上。
No little girl wants to hear about the Wilder men her mother took to her bed, using them till they were spent, then killing them. 没有一个小女孩会希望听到她的妈妈如何带一位又一位的陌生男人回家,他们上床,吸乾他们的精华,然后杀了他们。
And our little girl who's taught me so much more than I'll ever be able to teach her. 感谢我的女儿教会了我很多,连我都无法教给她的人生道理。
The little girl will never forget the day when she was sold and taken away from her mother. 那个小女孩永远不会忘记她被卖掉离开母亲的那一天。
I stood and stared at the blazing hut, trying not to think of the smoldering body of the little girl inside it. 我站在这里,凝视着燃烧中的屋子,尽力不让自己去想,那在屋中闷烧着的小女孩。
'You were the half savior of my life. You forget saving a little girl when you were a boy. It was me. ' ‘你还是我的半个救命恩人哪,你忘了小时候曾经救过一个小女孩儿,那就是我呀。’
Ever since I was a little girl, I have done some shopping with my mum, helping her to carry the heavy bags readily. 当我还是个小丫头的时候,就经常陪着妈妈逛商店,开心地帮她拎包儿。
The little girl opened her big eyes, just to take a look at her mother, and closed them with a sweet smile. 小女孩睁开大眼,看了看她的妈妈,然后又闭上了眼睛,脸上带着一丝甜蜜的微笑。
However, in the next morning, the little girl filled with excitement brought the gift box to her father and said: "This is for you, daddy! " 然而,圣诞日的早上,小女孩满是兴奋得把这个圣诞礼盒呈到了父亲面前,说到:“爸爸,这个送给你!”
Diana, in a big dress, was like a little girl. At the moment, nobody said it was dated. 戴安娜当时穿着一条大裙子,就像个小女孩。
The little girl was snapped frolicking in the sea at Miami Beach with her mum fully-clothed in a multi-coloured dress. 这次,记者抓拍到了小女王一身彩色长裙,和妈妈在迈阿密的海滩上度假。
The voices of a tender ears, we saw a little girl ran straight into her mother's coat inside whispered. 一个稚嫩的声音传到耳边,只见一个小女孩一头栽进妈妈的大衣里轻声说。
One sparkle from a little girl's gaze contains the same knowledge that Nature implants at the heart of every life-form. 小女孩目光中的一闪,包含了造物主在每个生命形式中同样栽培了的知识;
So she took all the love she had for her beautiful little girl and put them into this dress, that her child now so proudly wore. 所以她将所有对她美丽女儿的爱倾注在这件连衣裙上。现在,女儿如此骄傲地穿在身上。
Mrs. Norris was sorry to say, that the little girl's staying with them, at least as things then was, was quite out of the question . 诺利斯太太抱歉地说,这小女孩绝对不能住到她家,至少就眼前的情况来看,绝对不行。
What shocked us is the fact that this little girl never thought to ask grown-ups for help when she was in trouble. 使我们吃惊的是,在这个小女孩遇到麻烦时,她从未想过向大人求助。
The little girl's experience with the kidnapper tied her in knots and it was hard for her to sleep well for a long time. 这个小女孩遭绑架的经历使她十分紧张,很长时间睡不好觉。
Later, unable to cope with the trauma, the little girl hung herself at a mental asylum she was put in following the incident. 后来,无法应付创伤,小女孩住进了一个精神病院,她在事件发生后提出自杀。
With tears in his little girl was preparing to Who knows I do not know where came from a dog, a girl grabbed the hands of the run. 小姑娘含着泪水正准备盛饭,谁知不知从哪里跑来一条狗,一口夺过姑娘手里的饭勺就跑。
The little girl was expected to be dead , but she was rescued by someone actually. 人们原以为那个小女孩已经死了,但是实际上她获救拉。
From the corner of the kitchen, a little girl covered in juice looked up at her father and said, "We're like clowns! " 厨房的那个角落里,一个满脸果汁的小女孩抬起头看着她的父亲说,“我们真像小丑啊!”
When he raised his head, could not help but laugh, the little girl is none other than It is his own baby daughter. 时,他抬头,不由得笑了,小姑娘不是别人,正是他自己宝贝女儿。
It seemed to the little girl that she was sitting by a large iron stove, with polished brass feet and a brass ornament. 小姑娘觉得自己现在坐在一个大的铁制火炉旁边,火炉有擦得锃亮的黄铜脚架和黄铜装饰物。
A little girl is crying near the film door. A boy comes on and take her to police substation. 一个小女孩在电影院门口哭,一个男孩子走了过来,带她去了派出所。
And sent my granddaughter a hair clamp, I saw she sold a old book for one dollar, to a little girl, as she wanted, the mother bought it. 她们还送了我外孙女一个发卡,那天我看到她们卖出去了一本旧书,卖了一美元,是一个小女孩儿要买,她妈妈就给买了。
Alongside him, the sight of a little girl arranging cards with spiky Tibetan script hints that this school is anything but typical. 在他身旁,看见一个小女孩在用长而尖的藏文手迹整理卡片,暗示了这所学校的典型性。
The little girl ran a temperature and had to be up to bed. 那个小女孩发烧了,得让她上床躺着。