in your eyes

  • 网络在你眼中;在你的眼中;在你眼里

in your eyesin your eyes

in your eyes


雅尼_互动百科 ... 18 咏叹调( Aria) 19 在你眼中( In Your Eyes) 11(十一月的天空) November Sky ...


布鲁诺·佩尔蒂埃_百度百科 ... 10. Diego《 迭戈》 14. In your eyes在你的眼中》 15. Brother to brother《 龙兄鼠弟》 ...


汽车音乐(MP3)-游戏/娱乐-亚马逊 ... 79 In To Music 进入音乐 80 In Your Eyes 在你眼里 82 Infinite 无限 ...


另外专辑还会收录与萧亚轩(WOW)、杨丞琳(IN YOUR EYES)的合唱个人作品 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━…


白雪战士_百度百科 ... 21.THE GREAT JOURNEY( 伟大征程) 09. In Your Eyes( 在你的眼里) 23.Looking through you( 你 …


风靡全球的超级巨星《凯莉25周年排行影音精选》... ... 4. Love At First Sight 一见钟情 5. In Your Eyes 眉目传情 6. Kids 小孩 ...


sacred_百度百科 ... You will be sacred 你将是我的神明 In your eyes 在你的眼睛 I see the hope 我看见希望 ...


杨丞琳(雨爱)(青春斗)杨丞琳 罗志祥In Your Eyes)《泡沫之夏》何润东(我记得我爱过)大S(钻石)(泡沫美人鱼)…

She said, "May your servant find favor in your eyes. " Then she went her way and ate something, and her face was no longer downcast. “愿婢女在你眼前蒙恩。”于是妇人走去吃饭,面上再不带愁容了。
Love is, when he is in your sight only him in your eyes, When he is not in your sight everything with his shadow. 爱,是他在的时候,眼睛里只有他一个人;他不在的时候,一切都带有他的影子。
And she said, "Let your servant find favor in your eyes. " Then the woman went her way and ate, and her face was no longer sad. 哈拿说:「愿婢女在你眼前蒙恩。」于是妇人走去吃饭,面上再不带愁容了。
There's no welcome look in your eyes when I reach out for you. Girl, you're starting to criticize every little bitty thing that I try to do. 当我靠近你时你不再有欣然接受的眼神。情人,你开始批评我所做的毫不起眼的小事。
right now-if I have found favor in your eyes-and do not let me face my own ruin. 你这样待我,我若在你眼前蒙恩,求。
Where you love another person so selflessly you see nothing but him in your eyes, in your world. . . 当你如此忘我地爱上另一个人时,在你眼中看到的只是他…
You could have done it . Look at you, right now---cheeks scarlet, fire flaring in your eyes---looking as if you'd like to smash my teeth in! 你可以那么做的,看看你,就是现在——脸颊红润,眼里闪着火光——看起来就好像你要敲掉我的牙齿!
There's a river in your eyes and I'm swept away Breaking inside out, promising to stay Together again, a lifetime stranded apart Save me! 有一条河流,在你眼里,我卷走打破内而外,答应留下来再次相聚,一生滞留除了救我!
If I can make you happy that I would choose to leave. . . As long as you know I really love you. . . But I in your eyes hell? 如果我的离开能让你幸福那我情愿选择离开……只要你心里明白我是真的爱过你……但我在你眼里到底算什么??
In order for a woman to feel sexy, she needs to feel beautiful (at least in your eyes). 正所谓,女为悦己者容。女性要觉得自己性感撩人,就须觉得自己相貌可人(至少在情人眼里需要如此)。
I could be any part of you, I'd be your tears. To be conceived in your heart, born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips. 倘若能成为你生命的一部分,我愿化作你的眼泪,在你的内心孕育,从你的眼眸沁出,在你的脸颊流淌,自你的唇间消失。
If it were not the renovation and replacement of life after life, everything in your eyes is nothing but boundless desert. 如若不是生命不息的更新与交替,你眼中的一切只会是茫茫戈壁。
If I say I love you , could you be too happy to say a word but only to gaze at me with happy tears in your eyes ? 如果我说我爱你,你可不可能太过开心,以致于无法说出只言片语,只是用含着幸福的泪的双眼幸福地看着我?
I knew you loved me, of course. It was written in your eyes when you looked at me, a physics problem with no clear answer. 当然我知道你爱我,从你的眼神里我看得出来,这是无法用物理解释的。
no one is perfect in this world, i have low-class thought in your eyes, but some of you could also be very weak with your minds! 在这个世界上,人无完人,在你的眼里,我的思想有些低级,但在我看来,你们中的一些人也许弱智!
Pay one's respects to gently say to my heart like a blessing into the warmth of the sun, the eternal places to stay in your eyes, mind you. 轻轻一声问安,将我心中的祝福化作阳光般的温暖,永恒地留在您眼中、您心中。
if i were a tear in your eyes , i would fall down on your lips, . . . 挺有诗意的如果我是你眼中的一滴眼泪,我要落在你的唇上,亲吻你!但如果…
If I were a tear in your eyes, I would fall down in your l. . . 假如自己是你眼中地一滴泪,自己会落到你地唇上亲吻你!…
if i were a tear in your eyes, i would fall down on your . . . 如果我是你眼中的一滴泪,我会落到你的唇上亲吻你!…
You can bear plenty; you're no weakling: you shall have a daily taste, if I catch such a devil of a temper in your eyes again! ' 你能受得住,你不是个草包,如果我再在你眼睛里瞅见这样一种鬼神气,你就要每天尝一次!
You dare to always hug her kiss her and she felt she was always lovely in your eyes and feel you have been like she needs her? 你敢不敢经常抱抱她亲亲她,让她觉得她在你眼里总是可爱,觉得你一直喜欢她需要她?
If I were a tear in your eyes , I would down on your lips . 如果我是你眼中的一滴泪珠,我会沿你脸颊滚落,亲吻你的唇;
The rainbow appeared in the sky, you silly to look a rainbow in the sky, I look in your eyes to see the rainbow in the eyes. 天空出现条条彩虹,你傻傻的看着天空的彩虹,我傻傻的看着你看彩虹的那双眼睛。
'You've got this pristine sparkle in your eyes, and I'm just so drawn to you. ' 你的眼神里有种清澈的质朴,让我不由自主地被你吸引住了。
If I have found favor in your eyes, let me get away to see my brothers. 如今我若在你眼前蒙恩,求你容我去见我的弟兄。
I cannot cry, Because you know thats weakness in your eyes. 我不敢哭,由于在你眼里那昰我旳弱点。
And Shechem said unto her father and unto her brethren, Let me find grace in your eyes, and what ye shall say unto me I will give. 示剑对女儿的父亲和弟兄们说、但愿我在你们眼前蒙恩.你们向我要甚麽我必给你们。
You know when love's shining in your eyes It may be the stars Fallen from above. 你知道当爱在你的双眼闪着光芒,它也许是颗颗恒星自天而降。
got lost in your eyes and never really had a chance. ? ? 沉迷在你温柔的眼神中根本没有机会??。
Let the students find confidence in your eyes and let children feel the warmth of your smile. 让学生从你的目光中找到自信,让孩子从你的微笑中体会温馨。