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I'm going to give you a brief history, and tell you about the magnificent future of every child's favorite plaything. 关于风筝,我会给你们一个简要的历史,以及告诉你们神奇的未来这都是小孩最喜欢的风筝的事情。
Ok. We should be able to give you a briefing on what ideas we have come up with in a few days. 好的.过几天我们会给你一份我们想出的点子的汇报。
we are prepared to straighten out the matter in an amicable way by paying you a rebate of 5% so as to start with a clean slate. 我们愿意以友好的方式解决此事,给你方百分之五的回扣,以了结旧事重新开始业务。
Let me tell you a story that happened around me. After hearing this, I'm sure you will decide to turn over a new page in your life. 让俺给你讲个身边的故事,你听了一定会洗心革面、重新做人的。
Fortunately for you, a couple of guides were coming down the glacier and saw you were in trouble. What were you doing? 您很幸运,几个导游从冰川上下来,正巧发现您遇到了麻烦。您在那儿干什么?
And I can't -- it's a very elaborate and beautiful dance but I'm just going to give you a close-up on one piece of it. 我不能--这真的是很精密的和美妙的聚会不过我这是就其中的一点为大家仔细描述。
OK, great. What I'm going to try and do then -- I notice that took some of you a little bit of time to get your answer. 好的,很好接下来我要做的--我想你们中有人会花点时间才能得到答案。
The amount of Mandarin Chinese you hear while walking the docks gives you a pretty good clue to what's driving the boat industry in Asia. 走在甲板上满耳听到的普通话清楚地显示出推动亚洲游艇业发展的动力何在。
'He wants you to leave. He'll take you safely out of the country and give you a hundred thousand pounds. ' 他要你离开。他会帮你安全地离开这个国家。而且会给你10万英镑。
At that time, how much I would like to give you a hand-picked , but I did not do so. 当时我多么想亲手摘一朵送给你,但我没那么做。
Let's say that I gave you a sphere of radius a centered at the origin, or maybe just half of that sphere or some portion of it. 已知以原点为心,以a为半径的球面,也可以说是半球面或是球面的一部分。
Let us both forget: you, a name which must mean very little to you, and I, happiness which has become impossible for me to bear. 所以让我们忘记彼此:对于你,那必须是微不足道的;对于我,那也是一份无福消受的幸福。
You can say any foolish thing to a dog, and the dog will give you a look that says, Wow, you're right! I never would've thought of that! ' 你可以对着一只狗说任何荒诞愚蠢的事,狗会看着你,仿佛在说,哇嗷,你是对的!
An election is not a radio station, and India is not the US, so this is an area where a little extra research may tell you a great deal. 选举和电台不一样,印度也有别于美国,所以,对于这个问题,一些额外的调查研究可能会给你很大启发。
If someone you do not know offers you a free lunch or other gift, watch out. The gift may be a method of getting something from you. 如果陌生人提供你免费的午餐或别的礼物,当心。这也许正是人家要从你这儿得到某种好处的手段。
If the sales person says, "Wait a second. Let me ask you a few questions to see if this is a good choice. " 如果这个推销员说,“请等一下,让我问您一些问题,看看这是不是个好的选择。”
It's a good idea to enjoy the company of a view people who interest you. It will give you a better sense of what you want in a partnership. 参加你感兴趣的集体是个不错的选择,这能让你更加清楚你到底喜欢什么样的人。
Let me give you a bit of advice if you don't mind. 你要是不介意的话,我来告诉你怎么办。
Take into the boat with you a male and a female of every kind of animal and of every kind of bird, in order to keep them alive. 你还要带上各种动物和飞鸟,每种都雌雄一对,和你一道登舟,使它们能生存下来。
If you can order a bit more, we might be able to give you a % discount. 如果你能再多订一些,我们可以给你%的折扣。
And if I say that I do not know Him, I will be like you, a liar; but I do know Him and I keep His word. 我若说不认识他,我就是说谎的,像你们一样,但我认识他,也遵守他的话。
The quantity you ordered much smaller than those of others. If you can manageboost it a bit, we'll consider giving you a better discount. 你们订的数量比其他客户少很多。如果你们能试着增加一点数量,我们会考虑给予适当折扣。
With you a very happy day, the surface we are and the past, not even quarreled with him. 有啦你一个十分幸福地一天,外表自己们如今和曩昔,以至没与他打骂。
Looking at him with a strange smile, she replied, "I'll give you a penny, for I can see that your pillow is hard compared to these stones. " 带着奇异的笑容看他,女孩回答:“我会给你一分钱,因为我看你的枕头还比不上这些石头。”
Yeah. . . . Oh, you think I'm trying to sell you a flood-damaged car? 是啊。……噢,你以为我想卖给你一辆被洪水泡过的车吗?
If it had not been for our good relationship , we could not made you a firm offer at this price . 要不是为了我们的友好关系,我们是不能以这个价格报实盘的。
If it had not been for our good relationship, we couldn't make you a firm offer at this price. 要不是为了我们的友好关系,我们是不可能以此价格报实盘的。
Well, that's rather difficult at the moment. But if you're prepared to wait, we'll give you a reduction in price. 现在看来有点难。但你若打算等,我们会给你降点价……
I might even open up my heart to you and tell you a secret. I would speak with all my heart or with great feeling. 我甚至可能对你敞开心扉告诉你一个秘密。我将会用我所有的感情或者情绪高昂的谈论它。
It seems to be very happy. It obviously likes you a whole lot. 它好像很幸福的样子,非常和你亲密哦。