young men

  • na.青年;男朋友[情人]
  • 网络年轻人;青年人;年轻男人

复数:young men

young menyoung men

young men


几首英文小诗_努力奋斗_新浪博客 ... goals 目标 Young men 年轻人 advice 建议 ...


白领英语晨读经典美文365上册(MP3+文) ... Globalization 全球化 Young Men 青年人 Friendship 友谊 ...


无线电技术(Wireless Technology)年轻男人(Young Men)室内(interior)笑(smiling)建筑英语词汇28 ...vertical seawall 直立式海堤v…


布兰诗歌_让我来看看你的灵魂_百度空间 ... Seht mich an,Look at me, 看着我, jungen man! young men! 小伙子! ...


郡法庭驳回了委员会的重新解释动议,法官发现「年轻男性young men)」事实上指的就是年轻男性;那时,已经有超过140 …


这个阶段很重要,当我们明白自己的罪已被赦免,我们都会说“阿们”;接着他又说:“少年人哪”(young men),这是指那些得 …


少男(young men)指的是神的子民.新酒(New wine) 讲的就是新契约, Young Women指的是神的聚会所, 神的殿,新的耶路撒冷. 萨 …

Some of the young men was barefooted , and some of the children didn't have on any clothes but just a towlinen shirt. 有些青年男子光着脚丫子,有些小孩除了一件粗帆布衬衣之外,几乎什么都没有穿。
More useful would be to use the next seven years to coax the violent young men of the favelas to take up sport, or to get construction jobs. 更好的作法将是利用今后七年劝导贫民窟的暴力年轻人从事运动,或者找到建设工作。
Only a few young men were able to crawl out of the back of the burning bus and escape, one survivor told a local TV station. 只有少数几名年轻人能爬出燃烧的公共汽车后部逃脱,一名幸存者告诉一家当地的电视台。
Then let me tell you that he is the most temperate of the young men of today, and for his age inferior to none in any quality. 那么让我告诉你,他是当今时代最有节制的青年,他年纪虽轻,但他的品质绝不亚于任何人。
if they wouldn't, you know, be worrying about their wives and kids and stuff. So he made marriage for young men illegal. 如果他们不,你知道,担心自己的妻儿等等。所以他宣布年轻男性结婚非法。
It was a time when young men and women began to change some of the traditions of their parents and grandparents. 在这个时期,年轻男女们逐步改变了他们的父辈和祖父辈的一些传统。
Most Chinese young men are just as untamed as Twitterers and Facebookers seem to be in Britain. 大多数中国年轻人看上去就和英国Twitter和Facebook用户一样冲动。
Although Babylon was no doubt a beautiful city, still the four young men must've felt the strangeness of the very different life there. 虽然巴比伦是一个很美丽的城市,这四个年轻人一定觉得这里就是不同。
Just like the young men can stop working to enjoy the leisure time, senior should also be allowed to go on working. 就象年轻人可以停下工作享受休闲时光,老年人也应该被允许继续工作
I had slept all this time, but some young men who had a wish to see me, came up, and one of them ran a pike up my nose! 我一直都在睡觉,但是,一些年轻人想看我,便聚了个来,其中一人用一根长矛网我的鼻孔里面捅!
Tamiflu, the drug used to treat influenza, did not help any of the previously healthy young men and women get better any quicker. 治疗流感使用的药物达菲(Tamiflu),并未帮助患病前体格健康的年轻人更迅速地痊愈。
And Ruth the Moabitess said, He said unto me also, Thou shalt keep fast by my young men, until they have ended all my harvest. 摩押女子路得说,他对我说,你要紧随我的仆人拾取麦穗,直等他们收完了我的庄稼。
He was easy to get along with, so he made many friends among the other young men working there. 他为人随和,结交了许多与他一起工作的年轻朋友。
Abner said to him, "Turn aside to your right hand or to your left, and seize one of the young men and take his spoil. " 押尼珥对他说:「你或转向左转向右,拿住一个少年人,剥去他的战衣。」
carrying it for her is also appreciated, so it is not uncommon to see burly young men gallantly toting pink or diamante-studded bags. 为她拿包也同样能博她一笑,于是看见有壮汉殷勤地提着一个镶钻的的粉红色包包并不鲜见。
But I hope you will get over it, and live to see many young men of four thousand a year come into the neighbourhood. 但我是希望你能挺过去的,活着看到更多一年拿四千镑的年轻人搬来附近住。
And she said unto her young men, Go on before me; behold, I come after you. But she told not her husband Nabal. 对仆人说:「你们前头走,我随著你们去。」这事他却没有告诉丈夫拿八。
She was right: Dr Barry, who had been a lady killer in his time, did resent the continuance of young men. 她说得一点不错。当年巴里大夫曾经是个使女人倾心的男人,年轻人后浪推前浪地拥上来,他感到不满。
Then compare our appearance with that of the young men who eat the royal food, and treat your servants in accordance with what you see. 然后看看我们的面貌和用王膳那少年人的面貌,就照你所看的待仆人吧!
" Give me your hand . . . " A hand suddenly into my face, heart good young men with outstretched hands and looked at me and said. “把手给我…”一只手突然伸到我面前,心好点的年轻男子伸着手看着我说道。
The door opened and a line of young men and women came out of the building, some on them on their own two feet, some carried on stretchers. 这时门开了,一列队伍从大楼里走出来,有男有女,都是年轻人,有的还能自己走,有的只能躺在担架上。
And he sent young men of the children of Israel, which offered burnt offerings, and sacrificed peace offerings of oxen unto the LORD. 又打发以色列人中的少年人去献燔祭,又向耶和华献牛为平安祭。
A group of young men and girls were gathered about her, and there was much hand-clasping, laughing and pleasantry on which Mrs. 一群男青年和姑娘聚在她的周围,不少人与她握手,笑着与她寒暄。
In the early fifties, only eight or nine out of a hundred young men changed their jobs within the first three years with a company. 在五十年代初期,有百分之八九的年轻人在一家公司工作三年后往往会跳槽。
Many young men feel that until they've been tested on the battlefield they aren't really men, I suppose, and I was one of those. 很多年轻人认为没有经受过战场上的考验,就算不上真正的男人。我想,我也是其中一个。
Bertha was a very pretty girl. Quite a lot of young men wanted to marry her, but she was not satisfied with any of them. 伯莎是个非常漂亮的姑娘。许多年轻男子都想要娶她,但她对他们却都不满意。
Cops might target populations of young men and work with the community to find them mentors and jobs, or to keep them out of gangs. 警察可以以年轻男性人群为目标,与社区合作为他们提供指导及工作,或者将其远离黑社会组织。
Witnesses said the participants, mostly young men, approached in a "very orderly fashion" . 目击者表示,参与者多数是年轻男子,他们“非常有秩序”地走近使馆。
The governor was written as a kind of guide book on what sort of education young men required if they were to succeed in the upper class. 《统治者之书》是一本类似于指导手册的书,它告诉年轻人,如果希望在上流阶层有所作为,他们需要接受怎样的教育。
Teachers sometimes despair of young men, whose educational performance has lagged behind that of young women almost across the board. 教师有时对青年男生有些失望。几乎在所有的学科上,这些学生的学习成绩都比不上女生。