you are my

  • 网络你是我;你就是我的;我是你的

you are myyou are my

you are my


Life is tough but... ... 新手专区 » Beginners area 你是我 » You are my 使别人听见他的话 » The other people heard him say ...


My written verses ... 当我发现了奇迹( As I experienced the miracles) 你就是我的( You are my) 我的( My) ...


从0至9的数字... ... 54033 ——我是你先生 I am your husband 5406 ——我是你的 you are my 54064—— 我是你老师 I am your …

I truly love all of you. I am recording tonight, for all of you, you are my true inspiration forever. I am living for you, and the children. 我真心的爱着你们每一个人,今晚我正在为你们而录制这首歌,你们永远是我心灵深处真正的源泉,我为你们及所有的孩子们而生。
I would know . If I look very closely---like this ---into your eyes, I can tell you are my son. 我会知道的,我像这样子近距离的凝视你的眼睛深处,就能分辨你是我的儿子。
But since you are my son, I am going to talk to the president of that company and ask him to give you another chance. 我刚好和那公司的总裁关系很好,既然你是我的儿子,我就去和他谈一谈,再给你一个机会。
Even if you do not love me, you are my baby! ! As long as you know I love you, I wait for you love me! 就算你再也不爱我,你也是我的宝贝!!只要你知道我还爱你,我等你回来爱我!
Your words are so gentle, Do not you know, you are my sun, with you, I will be cold? 你的话是如此温柔,难道你不知道,你是我的太阳,与你,我会冷吗?
You know you are my everything and I cannot live without you. 你知道你是我的全部,我不能没有你。
At the beginning of his wife, Debbie said, "You are my, destiny. " 回想当初他对妻子黛比说的“你是我的,命中注定的。”
You are my doomed. I would love to follow you, with you to my wonderful reaction after collision. 你是我命中注定。注定我的爱好会跟随你,注定我与你相撞后的奇妙反应。
If you think you are my boyfriend, then the definition should be ; "Unconditional love, understand each other and tolerate imperfection. '" 如果你认为你是我的男朋友,那麽定义就是需要彼此付出理解,迁就和容忍。
Tree wants have rest calmly but the wind not, my heart moves because of you, and my love either. You are my lover anf my life! 树欲静而风不息,我的心因你而动,我的爱因你而生,你的所有就是我的全部!
Regardless of whether or not keep relationship with you, I would want to let you know. You are my only obsession. 不管是否与你在一起,只想让你知道,你是我唯一的执著。
Here you are, my man, ' said the captain, raising his head. 'You had better sit down. ' “你来了,老兄,”船长说,抬起了他的头。“你最好坐下来。”
Dear teacher, busy a year, the student wants to say to you: Ignore when and where, you are my teacher forever! 亲爱的老师,忙碌了一年,学生想对您说:不管何时何地,您永远是我的老师!
Let me tell you: you are my sir, I am your wife, we'll be together, never to be parted again, I love you, I miss you, you know. 让我告诉你:你是我的先生,我是你的太太,我们会在一起,永不分离,我爱你,我想念你,你知道。
"You are my good daughters! " she said with a smile on her face. 她笑容满面地称赞道:“你们是我的好女儿!”
Mr. Dream maker, you are my idol and sample, you were a real workaholic, so how can I be fair gloomy for such a long time? 亲爱的造梦者,一直都是我努力的想成为的对象,你是个十足的工作狂,所以我怎么能在这个时候沮丧呢?
With the heart of confession I face to them you are part of my life. You are my precious part. I can live up to day because of you. 带着忏悔的心,向她们说:你们是我生命中的一部分,非常宝贵,有了你们我才活到今天啊。
Be my rock of refuge, to which I can always go; give the command to save me, for you are my rock and my fortress. 求你作我常住的磐石。你已经命定要救我。因为你是我的岩石,我的山寨。
You are my girl, I spoiled it should be, and I should be very clear that you are only in it for me like a baby. 你是我的女孩,对我撒娇是应该的,而我应该很清晰的发现你仅仅是在对我撒娇而已。
person . I was the only eligible to occupy you . You know what ? You are my everything . You said don't. 我曾唯一有资格占有你。你了解么?你是我的所有。你说。
You know in your mind and your heart that you are my only good friends. I do not spend time, energy or concern on others. 你心中明白,你是我唯一的好朋友。我对其他人没有花费这么多时间、精力和关心。
You are my good friend, i never change my attitude and will keep a good relationship with you by email all the times. 你是我的好朋友,我永远不会改变我的态度,并会保持良好的关系;通过电子邮件向您所有的时代。
Each of my day, not a minute lax; You are my lover, but you let me caper? ? ? ? 每一天,一分钟也没有松懈,你是我的爱人,但是你却戏弄了我???
We have lived our past, you are my present and I pray to be blessed with you in my future. 我们过去一起走过,我的现在就是你,而我的未来,我祈祷那是我们共同的未来。
You are my first thought of each new day, and the last image I glimpse, as my eyes are closed upon a feathered pillow. 你是我每一天第一个想到的,也是我最后瞥见的,当我的双眼上羽毛枕上闭上的时。
You are my friend, my lover, my hope and my happiness. You never gave up on me when others might have. We were meant to be together forever. 你是我的朋友,我的爱人,我的希望和我的幸福,。你从未对我绝望过,换了别人也许就做不到了,我们注定要永远在一起。
This was a scenario that, quite honestly, we did not foresee. It required us to perform some new tests. And you are my test subject. 坦白说,我们当初并没有预料到会发生这样的情形,这让我们必须再进行一些新的试验,而你就是我的测试物。
Therefore, I can only say : dear to her heart * you are my forever forever. The same promises, you will always be a princess in my heart! 所以,我只有在心里对她说:亲爱的*,你是我的,永远永远。不变诺言,你永远是我心里的公主!
Falls in love with you are my mistake, is doomed to want me to be sad. 爱上你是我的错,注定要我一个人难过。
Michael: Fredo, you are my older brother. . . and I love you. . . but do not ever take sides, with anyone, against the family again. Ever. 麦可:弗雷多,你是我哥哥…而且我爱你…但绝对不要站在外人那边来反抗家族,绝对不要!