
美 [skɪp]英 [skɪp]
  • v.略过;打水漂;漏过;蹦蹦跳跳地走
  • n.蹦跳;废料桶(装工地废料、垃圾等,由卡车拖走)
  • 网络跳绳;跳读;跳针

过去式:skipped 现在分词:skipping 第三人称单数:skips

skip rope,skip class,skip breakfast,skip meal,skip dinner


v. n.

蹦蹦跳跳地走move with jumps

1.[i](+ adv./prep.)蹦蹦跳跳地走to move forwards lightly and quickly making a little jump with each step

跳绳jump over rope

2.[i][t]跳绳to jump over a rope which is held at both ends by yourself or by two other people and is passed again and again over your head and under your feet

不做某事not do sth

3.[t]~ sth不做(应做的事等);不参加to not do sth that you usually do or should do

4.[t][i]跳过(正常的步骤等);略过;漏过to leave out sth that would normally be the next thing that you would do, read, etc.

快速转换change quickly

5.[i]+ adv./prep.快速转移;骤然转换(话题)to move from one place to another or from one subject to another very quickly

秘密离去leave secretly

6.[t]~ sth悄悄溜走;突然离开to leave a place secretly or suddenly


7.[t]~ sth (across, over, etc. sth)打水漂to make a flat stone jump across the surface of water


skip it

(粗暴地表示不想谈论或重复说)别提这事儿,不说这个了used to tell sb rudely that you do not want to talk about sth or repeat what you have said


小学英语单词表_百度文库 ... swimming 游泳 skipping 跳绳 have lunch 吃午饭 ...


2、跳读Skipping) 即快速查找某一相关信息,读时要一目十行,对不相关的内容一带而过。 3、猜测生词(Guessing the new …


服装英语词汇-服装品质控制(QC)_服装百事通 ... 双轨接线 stitch seam is uneven 跳针 skipping 尺码不符 off size ...


石油英语词汇(S4)--石油百科 ... skipper 船长 skipping 跳过 skirt piles 边桩 ...


一般安臵上全部的三个终止密 码防止核糖体跳跃skipping)。 5. 翻译增强子(Translation enhancer) 能够显著增强外源基 …


希高翻译-心理学词汇中英对照十 ... point average 计点平均成绩 skipping 跳级 gradient 递变度 ...


直角三角形_馆档网 ... "跳越熔接"," skip welding" "自动跳路"," skipping" "裙部,侧缘"," skirt" ...

At this point it might be worth considering the relative merits of skipping the pill and simply quaffing one's own urine. 在这点上它值得考虑相对省略药丸优点和简单饮用自己的尿。
But my mother, in the midst of her own grief, would not hear of my skipping any of those things. 但妈妈忍住了悲伤,她决不让我错过这些事情。
The very first chance that I got evaded his grasp and ran on ahead into the dark, skipping with feigned boyish exuberance. 这是我第一次不让他领着走。我假装出一幅孩子气的活泼来,蹦蹦跳跳地朝前跑去,跑进了漆黑的夜色当中。
But my mother would not hear of me skipping any of those things. 但是我的母亲将不听说我跳过任何那些事情的。
At this point, the break statement causes program execution to break out of the while loop, skipping the else clause. 此时,break语句导致程序执行中断while循环,跳转到else子句。
A small study suggests that skipping that morning meal may be a bad move for the heart, and possibly the waistline. 一项小型研究显示,不吃早餐对心脏不好,还可能影响你的腰围。
The go-getter worked all day, skipping his lunch break, expecting that his superior effort would be rewarded. 积极能干的人整天运作了,跳越他的午餐休息,期待他的上好努力会被奖赏。
He would write down the beginning of key sentences, to takehim from one point to another and to protect him from skipping . 他将把所有关键句子的开头写下来,使他能从一点讲到另一点,而不会有所遗漏。
Rope skipping is a very popular sport. With only one rope and in a little patch of ground, matches could be held among a few friends. 跳绳是一项非常流行的运动,一根绳子,一小块空地,三五个朋友就可以比个高低。
Junebug skipping like a stone, with the headlights pointed at the dawn. We were sure we'd never see an end to it all. 六月的跳蚤像石头一样跳跃,合着指向黎明的头灯。我们相信,我们从未看到任何结果。
Some schools, where charting family history has traditionally been a classroom project, are now skipping the exercise altogether. 一些学校在传统上绘制家庭历史图谱是一个课堂项目,现在会结合实例做练习。
From here on out, until the cache expires, you will be able to fetch the result array directly out of cache, skipping over the SQL query. 从这里开始,直到缓存到期,您就能够直接从缓存中获取结果数组,跳过SQL查询。
Another, 2002 study of 499 adults found a four-fold increased risk of obesity for those who reported skipping breakfast 25% of the time. 另外2002年一项对499名成人的研究发现,那些自称四分之一时间不吃早饭的人,患肥胖症的危险增加四倍。
If this were easy, everyone would be skipping around with a flower in their hand and a smile on their face. 如果这很容易实现,每个人可能都能战胜自己,手捧鲜花面带微笑的生活。
The other's face relaxed. He beamed, took the doctor's arm, crossed to the house with him at a skipping run. 这位先生的神情缓和下来,面露喜色,拉起医生的胳膊蹦蹦跳跳的向屋子跑去。
Skipping dessert and having an after-dinner coffee instead could also be good for your brain, as well as your waistline. 放弃餐后甜点,来一杯餐后咖啡,有益于你的脑子,也有助于控制你的腰围。
Many children and adults find themselves skipping breakfast to get going early or to get that extra ten minutes in bed. 许多成人和青少年常常不吃早餐,只为了能早一点上班或上学,甚至是为了能在订上多躺十分钟。
The prisoner trails behind, his head bowed, bootlaces skipping along the ground. 囚犯紧随其后,头低垂,松散的鞋带一路蹦跶着。
Now that I've passed all the checkpoints, suddenly I find youth is like a bus skipping my stop, and me on the sidewalk in a dream-state. 现在我一切关卡都通过了,突然发现青春像工交车过站不停,而我站在人行道上竟完全没有注意。
Such leapfrogging involves adopting a new technology directly, and skipping over the earlier, inferior versions of it that came before. 所谓“跳跃式”的进步就是跨越早期略显陈旧的技术而直接采用新技术。
Skipping meals can lead to fatigue, making it harder for you to think and perform at your very best. 不进餐会导致疲劳,这样你就更难充分去思考和表现。
Just start your 30-day challenge over again, and try to identify the obstacle that led to your skipping a day and prepare for it this time. 你要做的只是重新开始一个30天计划,明确自己的目标和障碍,然后加油!
Under the condition of high construction rigidity, its first high order type of vibration was of skipping type which had rel. . . 在高的结构刚度值条件下,其第一高阶振型为跳跃式,有较大的固有频率值,振幅比也大。
I also like the movement, when rest, I can play the badminton with the friends, jog together, the rope skipping to exercise the body. 我也喜欢运动,在休息时,我会和朋友们一起打羽毛球、跑步、跳绳来锻炼身体。
And disengaging from any one thing by skipping along the surface of everything is another version of not trying. 跃过每一件事情的表面,不去专注任何事情是不去努力的另一个版本。
We shall see that there are forceful arguments against generation-skipping transfers, but that those arguments reflect a different aim. 我们将看到针对隔代财产转移的很有说服力的论点,但是这些论点反映了一个不同的目标。
'How lovely! ' said Marguerite, skipping like a child, 'we are going to have supper. How boring that idiotic Count is! ' “好啦,”玛格丽特像个孩子似的跳着说,“我们要吃夜宵啦。那个笨蛋伯爵真讨厌!”
This seldom occurs due in part to the fact that the Spirit Guilds repress this type of activity. It is considered skipping out of school. 由于“灵魂协会”对这种活动有所抑制,因而这种事情很少发生------否则会被看作是“逃学”。
When you get stuck, try skipping over the trouble spot to get what you can out of the readings . 当你卡住的时候,试着跳过那个问题点去获得你能从那些文章中获得的。
For more information about this parameter, see Skipping Errors in Transactional Replication. 有关此参数的详细信息,请参阅跳过事务复制中的错误。