
美 [tɪn]英 [tɪn]
  • n.锡;罐头;罐头盒;白铁桶
  • v.镀锡;〈美〉做成罐头食品
  • adj.锡制的;马口铁制的;蹩脚的;假冒的
  • 网络氮化钛(TITANIUM NITRIDE);不规则三角网(Triangulated Irregular Network);听

复数:tins 过去式:tinned

tin roof,tin box,tin shack,biscuit tin



1.[u]锡a chemical element. Tin is a soft silver-white metal that is often mixed with other metals or used to cover them to prevent them from rusting .

2.[c]~ (of sth)罐;罐头盒;罐头a metal container in which food and drink is sold; the contents of one of these containers

3.[c]~ (of sth)(盛涂料、胶水等的)马口铁罐,白铁桶;罐装物a metal container with a lid, in the shape of a cylinder , in which paint, glue, etc. is sold and stored; the contents of one of these containers

4.[c]金属食品盒a metal container with a lid used for keeping food in

5.[c]烘焙用的金属器皿;烤盘;烤模a metal container used for cooking food in

托福词汇_百度文库 ... aluminum 铝 tin lead 铅 ...


氮化钛(TIN)覆层,因氮化钛与黄金具有相似的光谱反射度,且对于不锈钢具有良好的黏覆性,较易褪色镀金表壳的后盖大多用 …


新概念英语第一册单词表_百度文库 ... bottle( 瓶子) 16、 tin( 罐头) 17、 knife( 刀子) 18、 ...

不规则三角网(Triangulated Irregular Network)


外贸包装英语 - 豆丁网 ... substance container 贮料瓶 tin 罐, wide neck container 大口瓶,广口瓶,大口瓶 ...


妙句速记3000英语单词 - 豆丁网 ... wig 假发。 tin {化} 锡,马口铁,罐; din 喧嚣; ...

If I were you, I'd get a tin of salmon or some eggs and bacon, suggested Frankie as he skipped along holding his father's hand. 要是我,我就买一听鲑鱼或者买些鸡蛋和咸肉,小弗兰克拉着他父亲的手蹦蹦跳跳地说。
From her bedroom in her friends' lacy tin-roofed row house at the end of a shady street in Balmain, Danielle could see the water. 在朋友家位于Balmain街上那栋装点着锡制屋顶的连排宅子里,丹尼尔可以从她的卧室看到海。
The tin-free steel has been used for the manufacture of beverage cans. 无锡钢一直用来制造饮料罐。
Canned food: nutrients severely damaged, and packaging in contact with aluminum tin easy to pollution, susceptible to Alzheimers disease. 罐头食品:营养物质严重破坏,并与铝锡容易污染,易受阿尔茨海默氏症接触包装。
Betty fumbled again in her purse, this time pulling out a handful of old wrinkled pictures along with a tin of chocolate chip cookies. 贝蒂又在背包里摸索了一阵子。这次拿的是一叠起皱的旧照片和一盒巧克力小点心。
Copper mining was never tried locally during this period, and Scandinavia has no tin deposits, so all metal had to be imported. 铜矿开采是从未尝试过在当地,在此期间,和斯堪的纳维亚没有锡矿床,因此,所有的金属都必须进口。
When it has cooled enough to firm up, remove from the tin and peel off the parchment paper. Leave on a wire cooling rack to cool completely. 当冷却到足够硬了,就可以从烤盘中取出、剥掉烤盘纸,放在一个架子上直到完全冷却。
It is claimed that this tin-opener is a very good invention, but in practice it's not easy to use. 这罐头起子号称是一项非常好的发明,但实际上它很不好用。
It was windy. Suddenly a strong wind blew the small tin soldier onto the window sill. The wind blew stronger and he fell out of the window. 那时风很大,突然一阵强风把小锡士兵吹到窗台上。风刮得更大了,他就从窗户掉了下去。
Among all the possessions my mother brought home after my grandmother died was a pile of love letters which had been kept in a biscuit tin. 外婆去逝后,母亲带回了一些遗物。其中,有堆情书,这些情书一直保存在饼干盒里。
Somehow half of the tin and a third of the rubber that the democracies used came out of this mess. 不管怎么样,民主国家用的半数的锡和三分之一的橡胶都来自这一片混乱的土地。
The next example is the Tin Man. I visited the company that Frank Baum ran when he was a young man, and the company's still in business. 再有一个例子就是锡人了。我访问了弗兰克鲍姆年轻时开的公司,现在这个公司仍在经营。
and I hung around the nigger cabins and laid for a chance, and stole three tin plates. 我呢,在黑奴小屋四周转,等待机会,偷了三只洋铁盘子。
Max and maggie they knocked the killer and card tin, but found the ship the bomb exploded with a minute to go. 马克斯与玛吉两人击昏了杀手和卡锡,却发现船上的定时炸弹只剩一分钟就要爆炸了。
The tin soldier was surprised. He stopped looking at the dancer and lay very straight in the box. He did not speak anymore. 锡士兵吃了一惊。他不再看着舞蹈家,挺直地躺在盒子里,不发一语。
He gives it a tin hat. The snowman has two stones for eyes and a carrot for a nose. 他给雪人戴上了一顶铁罐帽子,并用两块石头当眼睛,一根胡萝卜当鼻子。
Since then, a man in the shop all day, and help make arrangements with a woman, and not to dice gambling copper-tin chai. 从此男人整日在店里,帮女人一起张罗,不再去掷骰子赌铜钿哉。
She went to the shelf, picked up a tea tin, sat down next to me, and took a folded sheet of paper from her suit packet. 她走到书架,拾起茶筒,坐在我身边,从她上衣兜里掏出一张折叠的纸。
Wang Chen-Ho also mentioned in the modern times have been used to do this type of Tin, should be regarded as the world's first metal type. 王祯还提到,近世有人用锡做活字,这应当算是世界上最早的金属活字。
What's the matter with her? She's like a cat on a hot tin roof this morning. 她今天怎么了?一早上都坐立不安的。
The boat went up and down, and the small tin soldier wondered if the boat would overturn. 船忽上忽下,小锡士兵心想这艘船不知道会不会翻覆。
One day he took a very big tin spoon and began to make soldiers out of it. 有一天他拿了一支非常大的锡汤匙,开始用它来制造玩具士兵。
And he put the tin lantern carefully in the front corner of the wagon-box, where the sack of corn held it still. 然后他把小心的把锡灯挂在马车车厢前面的角落上,那里有一袋玉米可以让灯持续亮着。
The last tin soldier stood on his one leg and was just as brave and straight as his brothers. 最后一名锡士兵用一条腿站立着,跟他的弟兄们一样勇敢和挺直。
At school they say my name funny as if the syllables were made out of tin and hurt the roof of your mouth. 在学校里,他们说我的名字很滑稽,音节好像是铁皮做的,会碰痛嘴巴里的上颚。
She opened the tin, emptied it, closed it again, and held it in her hand, her eyes riveted on it. 她打开茶筒,倒出里面的东西,又盖上,手里拿着茶筒,她的眼睛盯着看着。
It is unlike a property rivers mountain to surround and have no tin is all many-storied building everywhere. 它不像资溪群山环绕,无锡到处都是高楼大厦。
We imitated the way you had to lift her head a little so she could drink water, she sucked it up slow out of a green tin cup. 她从一个绿色的锡杯里把水慢慢地吮出来喝掉。
George took a tin of pineapple from the bottom of the basket and rolled it into the middle of the boat. 乔治从篮底拿起一罐菠萝罐头然后把它滚进了船中央。
"What shall we do now? " asked the Tin Woodman, as the Lion lay down on the grass to let the sun dry him. 正当狮子躺在草地上,让太阳晒干时,铁皮人问:“现在我们要做些什么?”