the voice

  • 网络美国之声;好声音;美声天籁

the voicethe voice

the voice


美国之声(The VOICE)首播NBC 12,285,000 7.5 5 美国足球之夜(FOOTBALL NT AMERICA PT 3) NBC 11,740,000 7.4 6 美国 …


好声音the voice)’这个节目源于荷兰 2010由Van Velzen en De Mol创造的。叫the voice of Holland.后来越经营越大 现实在 …


美声天籁(the Voice)4.希望你能听到 2008-03 43 王瑞霞 山盟海誓什路用 10.有爱有希望 2008-03 44 合辑(2008年发行) 台湾真 …


Adam于2011年4月加入了NBC的新选秀《美国好声音》(The Voice)的评委阵容,并帮助自己的队员Javier Colon拿到冠军。 …


库洛牌 小樱牌 - saladangel的日志 - 网易博客 ... 「拔」牌「 THE THROUGH」 「声」牌THE VOICE」 「锭」牌「 THE LO…


十四章里所记录的是一个声音(单数),这声音(THE VOICE)“像众水的声音,和大雷的声音”,又“好像弹琴的所弹的声音”(2节)。 …

And they that were with me saw indeed the light, and were afraid; but they heard not the voice of him that spake to me. 与我同行的人,看见了那光,却没有听明那位对我说话的声音。
It was an angelic soprano singing the lullaby, which mom sang to the new-born baby. I got up, unaware of where the voice came. 是女高音,听着就像天使的声音似的。它唱的是摇篮曲,是那种妈妈唱给新生婴儿的摇篮曲。我从床上坐起来,不确定声音是从哪传来的。
She hears the voice of her mother, high and strained and tight with fear, and turns away. 小女孩听到了妈妈的尖叫,紧张的叫声中充满了恐惧。
The voice of the cry of the daughter of my people comes from a far land: Is the Lord not in Zion? is not her King in her? 听阿,是我百姓的哀声从极远之地而来,说,耶和华不在锡安吗?锡安的王不在其中吗?
Part4: The crowd gasped as the partition was taken away and they realized that the voice was that of a parrot. 分隔物被拿掉的时候人们倒抽了一口冷气,他们发现声音是一只鹦鹉发出来的。
Nature's voice is the voice of God, as long as an artist in his creative use of a little bit of echo. will be a high reward for his efforts. 大自然的声音是上帝的声音,一位艺术家只要在他的创作中运用一点点的回声,也会因他的努力得到很高的奖赏。
'To end our special news' bulletin, ' said the voice of the television announcer, ' we are taking you to the macaroni fields of Calabria'. 电视播音员说:“在结束我们的专题新闻报道时,我们现在把各位带到卡拉布里亚的通心粉小麦田里。”
He said those who called for the voice of religion to be silenced failed to understand the legitimate role of religion in public life. 他说,那些要求平息宗教的声音的人未能理解宗教在公共生活中的合法作用。
Today is a rainy day, in the morning, I was the voice of the early train woke up, because, my home is near the train station. 今天是下雨的天,早上,我早早的被火车的声音吵醒了,因为,我家在火车站附近。
As far as I can tell, the young white woman had been raped and she was certain, if mistaken, about the face and the voice of her assailant. 据我了解,那个年轻的白种女人已经被强奸了,那是否,她可能搞错了那个攻击者的脸和声音。
Occasionally came the voice of sweet woman, quiet, calm and soothing. . . . . . his eyes must be very blur. 偶尔传来女子宁静甜美的声音,平和而抚慰人心……他的眼神一定很迷离。
The audience seems to hear the voice of the sea. 使观众似乎听到了大海的涛声。
The app would be very simple, it would have controls allowing the user to select the voice and speed, pitch, and variance of that voice. 这个应用程序将非常简单,它会控制,允许用户选择的声音和速度,音高,那声音和方差。
"Once we figured out medically that there is nothing wrong with her, it's OK with me, " he said. "I don't mind the voice at all. " 他说:“我们知道了从医学上来说她的身体没什么病,那就行了,我完全不介意她的口音。”
Then one day I answered the phone, and the voice on the other end asked me to speak at the company's upcoming annual conference. 突然有一天,我接到一个电话,对方邀请我在即将举行的公司年会上演讲。
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? ' And I said, 'Here am I. Send me! ' 我又听见主的声音,说,我可以差遣谁呢?谁肯为我们去呢?我说,我在这里,请差遣我。
In all that you experience is the voice of your most authentic self, carrying an important, appropriate and timely message. 你发自肺腑的声音都在你体验的所有活动之中,这些声音带着重要的、恰当的和实施的信息。
But it is are easy to find that the voice of these systems sounds in using so bad and the level of interaction is so low. 但是在使用中不难发现,现有系统声音呆板、僵硬,交互水平低,严重影响了使用者的情绪和交互效率。
you were not there. The 'voice' seems to be talking to someone else or another 'voice', and. 你不在。“声音”似乎是在说别人或另一个“声音”,与。
"Has God told you that you can eat the fruit from all the trees? " the voice asked softly. Eve turned around to see a snake talking to her. “有没有上帝告诉你,你可以吃所有的树果?”的声音轻声问。除夕转身看到蛇和她说话。
"I had very little in common with and knew even less about a generation that I was supposed to be the voice of, " he said. “我对推选我成为精神领袖的那一代人并不熟悉,我和他们也没有什么共同点。”迪伦说。
His mother Mae Soong worked for the Voice of America there, and his father Stephen Soong was a writer, translator and movie producer. 他的母亲宋美在那里为美国之音工作,父亲宋淇是一个作家、翻译家、电影制片人。
I think it was the voice of my 18-year-old self: there was an arrogance and sureness of tone the present me can only envy. 我认为那是我十八岁的声音:一种现在的我可能真的嫉妒的傲慢而真实的语调。
My mission is to talk to you, not just sing to you that god bless me with the voice. 我的职责是用语言告诉你,而不总是用这上帝赐予的嗓子唱给你听。
"Tell him to quell the storm, " said the voice of the doctor in my ear. “叫他平息暴风,”医生的声音在我耳边响起。
It was the voice of Scrooge's nephew. The young man had come into the office so quickly that Scrooge had not known he was there. 这个声音是从史高基的侄子那儿发出的。这个年轻人走进办公室的速度太快了以至于史高基不知道他在那儿。
The gnats of the summer flies the voice to be like thunder, I compare them to do cranes secretly to dance in the wind in the sky. 夏天的蚊群飞鸣声像雷一样,我私下里把它们比做鹤群在空中飞舞。
Don't let the noise scare to you , its just wind. Don't let the voice to frighten you, and it is the wind. 别让那声音把你吓着了,那不过是风声。别让那声音把你吓着了,那不过是风声。
When you want to continue to go on, and the other party issued a "let the voice" of the signal, you can ignore the views of his eloquence. 当你想继续讲下去,而对方发出了“让出发言权”的信号时,你也可以无视他的意见口才。
"You good . . . . . . long Qing? " His the voice spread to come over again, intonation with ahead seem to be a bit different. “你好……长卿?”他的声音又传过来,语气和之前似乎有些不一样。